Yeah the main IP is "owned" by this Amazon server, not the URL. The wording is a bit shitty.
Why are people trying to flee fro twitch?
well, you do know the main reason
But you choose to ignore that.
cause the masses don't give a shit.
The masses? general public? They don't give a shit about streaming full stop so there's no need to consider someone that has no idea you even exist and if they did are not going to watch people play games.
I'm fairly confident and someone who knows more about the streaming audience is welcome to correct me that the actual audience for gaming streamers is rather narrow. That's not to say the numbers are low but the demographic isn't going to include older people and non gamers.
So you've got a medium for people that want to watch other people play games, then have it taken over by SJW pandering and boobie streamers who can flaunt the rules as much as their wardrobe malfunctions. How about a platform that is back to basics servinge the core audience of dudes playing games with bants?
Fuck off SJW's and Boobie streamers, you stay on Twitch. We're going to bulid our own streaming service with Blackjack and Hookers.