Loves his juicy stink trail scent
The other info that came out is this:It was inappropriate enough for Twitch to get rid of their biggest star, and for his current studio he cofounded to cut ties with him.
If it was innocuous, you can be sure he’d have posted it instead of that wishy washy statement.
Worth noting that the two ex employees that came out with the info both claimed that the Doc was already discussing about a meetup.
He did this in 2017. Twitch found out and acted on it in 2020. If he wanted that meet up, or groom this person, etc he had 3 years to do so and didn’t do anything.
Twitch was stated in other things we’ve seen that they had it out for him and wanted to find a reason to ban him. This was all they had, and some apparently didn’t think it was enough.
The reason it seems these people cut ties with him is because of his own statement in that tweet. I doubt they know the full context unless he flat out told them. Tim and nick are reacting to his tweet. Which in its current state is inappropriate messages with a minor individual.
When your careers depend on appealing to the masses and avoiding conflict , you can’t wait for more details. You have to jump off ship and cast ties with him. That’s current society. Action before knowledge.
That’s how I’m seeing it. I don’t fault Tim or nick for example— they didn’t need more context and have a brand to protect. His gaming studio sat down and discussed it with him and they all decided to do this together thinking it the best course, himself included.