Is "mob justice " just a bunch of people deciding someone's actions aren't great and not wanting to associate themselves with that? If so, that was going to happen regardless and the doc knew that. Now that we've seen the ambiguity at least reduced down to the point where we ain't gonna find out much else unless someone is sitting on a nuke, this is jsut the way things go. People are gonna have opinions on your actions and behaviors, and those are not always going to be completely rational informed or balanced but the bulk of the responsibility lies on doc, not the people for reacting.
Wanting more information isnt a problem, but some people don't NEED more information to conclude that they can't condone what he took part in.
Mob justice is easy to understand, a mob of people deciding justice instead of that done through a legal justice system. Thinking that if the allegations are true then they are bad, is not mob justice.
But thinking that we should find out if they are as bad as the image we all imagine in our heads first shouldn't be seen as "condoning it". To be clear we have people, even in this thread, labelling the man as a paedophile meanwhile we have 0 evidence of that being the case, even after an arbitration of sorts that found him innocent of such things. You don't think that is mob justice?
if this was people going, "shit if it's really bad then that's fucked up" then I agree that isn't mob justice. But that isn't what is happening. We need more context of the situation to know truly how bad things are, a grown man shouldn't be creeping on a younger girl we can all agree to that. but is that the case here?
do we know he was creeping on her? All we know is that he labels it himself as inappropriate but Twitch investigation says it wasn't anything physical or explicit, or was he just an idiot and couldn't figure out that communicating with this person isn't the smartest thing to be doing? you get genuinely stupid and oblivious people in this world, I had a photo journ student that I knew back at uni who took pictures of a family and their kids at the beach to practice, then when he approached the parents he got in huge stupid shit because that's a dumb fuck thing to do, but in his head it was practise and the parents would love seeing a "professional photo". Context is always important.
Also, you didn't answer how it would be any different with any other streamer, what did that mean and why would it be different?