But you know what? You are right. It's my fault for clicking on this thread. I will rectify this situation by removing myself. Genuinely thanks for reminding me!
But you know what? You are right. It's my fault for clicking on this thread. I will rectify this situation by removing myself. Genuinely thanks for reminding me!
I don't know what exactly is going on, but often, emotions trump facts, leading to assumptions. The classic tendency is that if you're someone who don't like him, you kinda want him to be guilty. And if you do like him, you kinda want him to be innocent.80 pages about this topic. Wow.
I have never watched any of this person's content. He's just another person on social media to me. Judging from all I've seen, I think some people are too invested in this latest scandal because they have nothing else better to do with their time. And you have all these YouTubers making content based off this scandal to increase their views. This is similar to how the news looks for the most shocking content to report in order to maintain their viewership.
Here's what I don't understand about all this. You're telling me that Twitch, an organization that allows members as young as 13 years old, allowed an adult to engage with a minor in a sexual way in private conversation and kept quiet about it for 7 years? It's not like Twitch themselves suddenly opened up and commented on the matter, but a former employee brought it to light, and Dr Disrespect confirmed it. Was Twitch trying to keep this under wraps? Are there or have there been similar situations that we don't know about? Why are there no calls to boycott Twitch? I've seen people wanting to boycott other social media sites for much less.
Also, if the minor was 13 years old in 2017, they would be 19 or 20 by now. If they were 17 at the time which the whispers took place, they'd be 23 or 24 by now. In other words: an adult. Perhaps this individual wants to move on from this incident. Or if they want to come out and speak about it, they will. Everything else is just rumors.
Perhaps his career is over, however the man is a multimillionaire. What exactly is everyone hoping to see happen here? The only people who have the power to press charges against him would be the State of California or the above mentioned individual in question.
He's one of the biggest streamers on the planet who got banned in 2020 under very mysterious circumstances."active and developing situation"? One retard behaving like a retard on the internet? So do we make a thread for every person on Twitter, then?
What body part am I looking at here?
By specifying the exact people you're talking about, and specifying the exact number of people you talk about, so there's no doubt it's about these specific people, AND NOBODY ELSE.Did I just personally insult two people, at the same time?
An unhealthy arm. Attached to the body of an unhealthy mind.What body part am I looking at here?
Do people just become p*dos when they get money?
wtf is goin on
There are places in the world that seem to allow child marriages.The DSM5 has long stopped listing homosexuality as psychopathology, so you're wrong. This is the standard in psychology today. And no, a psychopathology like pedophilia is, by definition, not an "orientation". It's a mental health issue. There's tons of empirical evidence speaking to this, so don't pretend you know anything about this and call it "subjective".
To the contrary in some countrip cp was legal till just a few years ago in Japan.Are there actually countries where simply being a pedo is illegal? Like, you don't even have to act on it in order to be arrested?
By specifying the exact people you're talking about
cockWhat body part am I looking at here?
So Nickmercs who was defending Doc a few days ago and went from friend to hardly knowing the guy...
Banned for derogatory language:
Banned for derogatory language:
I think that confirms any friendship they had is over.
That's Docs mistress he's sluring there.
Mental Health Disorder will go down well.
It’s clear Twitch has a massive pedophile problem on the website.
According to him who has said a lot of crazy shit on and off streams on these subjects but they just now axe him?
To me, my personal opinion, feels like some house cleaning
The whole streaming platform needs some sort of nuke
Hey, I'll respect your take on it. But for me, I'm not tiptoeing any further into that minefield.Body dysphoria is quite literally a textbook definition of a mental health disorder. Look it up, people actually qualified have papers readily available on this topic.
His life is basically over at this point.
It’s a good thing it’s treatable then isn’t it?Body dysphoria is quite literally a textbook definition of a mental health disorder. Look it up, people actually qualified have papers readily available on this topic.
Fuck twitch.Here’s the biggest overall issue : Twitch gets away Scott free and is allowed to keep letting this happen.
It’s clear Twitch has a massive pedophile problem on the website. The conversation needs to turn towards everyone involved there on this instance, since then, and the future.
There’s no way any minors are safe on their website. Learn inappropriate language, exposed to pornography early, gambling, etc. The website needs to be 18+ with photo ID. Otherwise shut it down.
They clearly do not care.
Banned for derogatory language:
Really dude? You’re gate keeping people from agreeing with you?I’m glad all those people that needed the 20th final nail in Doc’s coffin eventually got it. Now they can pretend to be on the right side.
Really dude? You’re gate keeping people from agreeing with you?
Get a therapist.
By specifying the exact people you're talking about, and specifying the exact number of people you talk about, so there's no doubt it's about these specific people, AND NOBODY ELSE.
I bolded the crucial part for you.
Surely against all odds, and despite your mouth breathing, you'll be able to correlate this with dictionary definitions above, and realize you're on an ultra-combo of shitting the bed.
Now to tuck you in.
This is the part I did not understand lol. Plural or not, "you" anything includes the person you're directly speaking to...When you reply to some directly and say "You lot" then that includes the person you are replying to my man. Obviously I'm going to point out that I'm not in that "lot".
Think it's time to let this go.
To personally address something means you are the one addressing it.![]()
Imagine being this arrogant about your own stupidity.
I've been 40 since the mid 90s before I was even 18 thanks to the magic of choosing your dob when going onto a website. It's not like there's any super easy way to do age verification on any of this shit without massive amounts of onerous privacy invasion. At some point parents need to parent and actually pay attention to what their kids are doing.Extremely cancerous place. I agree it should be +18 to even sign up.
Banned for derogatory language:
This is the part I did not understand lol. Plural or not, "you" anything includes the person you're directly speaking to...
But the meme game has been tip top so whateva!
He can say it all he wants and not get arrested, that’s what free speech is.So NickMercs got banned on Twitch cause he said the word "Tranny", sry my american broskies, but your country is COOKED. I thought it had free speech, apparently not. To be fair, there are other upcoming dystopias such as Canada or UK that are maybe even more egregious.
Holy shit that looks so legit. This and the clip
They had free speech only against the goverment, private companies can set their own rulesSo NickMercs got banned on Twitch cause he said the word "Tranny", sry my american broskies, but your country is COOKED. I thought it had free speech, apparently not. To be fair, there are other upcoming dystopias such as Canada or UK that are maybe even more egregious.