I swear, I might not share your enjoyment or optimistic vision when it comes to Dreams, but I just love your accent man. Damn you!
DidGribbleGrunger give up on this game? He used to post 10x a day.
VR update is not too far behind!
Yeah I'm still holding out for the VR update before I fully jump into the game. I feel like VR-specific levels may even be able to overcome the massive animation challenge. It seems like it's extremely difficult to animate character models well, so if your "character" is just your hands on the screen, maybe it'll be easier to create some very convincing interactions with less time investment.IMO this has the chance of being the big VR killer app. But man, I'd really still rather see online MP implemented first. Both in play & create.
I can't wait for the VR update!!!
This is my first try at the audio stuff check it out.