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Pure sex just live Driveclub. Thanks for posting.
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Driveclub's beauty is in that it's not an open world racer with tuning etc. Everyone drives on the same circuits work the same specced cars, so you can always compete knowing it's an even playing field. It's pure skill based driving, not relying on shortcuts or running/car mods.
If it was anything else, it would just be another racer. But it's not, it's DRIVECLUB.
Driveclub's beauty is in that it's not an open world racer with tuning etc. Everyone drives on the same circuits work the same specced cars, so you can always compete knowing it's an even playing field. It's pure skill based driving, not relying on shortcuts or running/car mods.
If it was anything else, it would just be another racer. But it's not, it's DRIVECLUB.
Still don't understand why Sony was so stupid to close this studio. This game has/had so much potential. Still not sure I will buy the VR version.
It was my N°1 car game, so many great things ...
Maybe controversial to say, but this is also one of the reasons I bought an Xbox One S last week, hunger for more car content that GT Sport and now DriveClub won't deliver. (at least not in 2016)
This is great and all and I should be excited for this but I'm just not. I've tweeted almost all Sony execs about patching Driveclub for Ps4 Pro and not even one of them responded or said they can't do it. I'm done tweeting at them.New tracks next week, hurrah!
New tracks next week, hurrah!
Still don't understand why Sony was so stupid to close this studio. This game has/had so much potential. Still not sure I will buy the VR version.
It was my N°1 car game, so many great things ...
Maybe controversial to say, but this is also one of the reasons I bought an Xbox One S last week, hunger for more car content that GT Sport and now DriveClub won't deliver. (at least not in 2016)
For the original game? Source?
P.S.: Can anyone tell me how to post tweets on GAF without having to screenshot them?
tbf, we don't actually know when they're coming to OG, but I'd like to think they'll show up the same day as DCVR.
Driveclub VR |OT| Here's Your 60FPS
Doesn't look like anyone has claimed the Driveclub VR OT yet - anyone fancy the job? Or do we just carry on in here? I think a combined OT would probably work pretty well with the similarities / shared assets.
I wonder if they'll cut out crashes in VR in favor of a fade to white, like in DC Bikes.
I can stitch one together from this thread? How long do I have?
... ]
Dark, the digital foundry guy said he crashed the car a few times in the demo he played to see what happened and there wasn't any fade to white or anything - said it gave you a bit of a lurch too which was actually quite cool (but could cause some peeps to upchuck I guess).
I'm pretty sure i would be one of them, i'm prone to motion sickness in games. I'm not getting a PS VR for the time being, but i'm still looking forward to impressions from you guys. Hopefully there will be some demo stations near me, i'd still like to try the thing.
You'll be fine.I've been looking forward to this thing so long I really hope it doesn't get me like that. I'm not prone to motion sickness but knowing my bloody luck vr won't agree with me at all!
You'll be fine.
Just don't go drifting like a mad man in chase cam mode, and following the car with your head like this...
...that started to make me feel a little queasy.
For the original game? Source?
Yeah yeah, us farming folk are used to gently chugging along on our tractors. Can't stomach all the fancy toys you city slickers enjoy. Hell I can't even fit the PSVR unit over my straw hat.
Not ever. Seriously.Never stop
Then we look out across the track - yes, the fidelity of the PSVR headset is certainly a step down from the Rift or Vive, but it quickly shoots to the back of your mind once you hit the accelerator. The weight of the car and the way this is communicated within the game gives it a feeling that genuinely took me by surprise. It feels supremely natural and really gives the impression that you're sitting in a car. I've spent a lot of time with some of the best PC VR racers and the virtual cockpit always felt 'off', a driving 'uncanny valley' of sorts, in a way that DriveClub does not.
I just stumbled across this early DriveClub VR Demo Footage on Youtube.