Canada new tracks has some flags reversed, is fucking my driving lol, hope they fix it, If not Ill have to disable them.
Haven't noticed that, where are they?
Didnt play much and maybe is my mind playing tricks but first thing I noticed was the aliasing on cables & road structures, dont remember this being that bad on the old tracks, otherwise Port of Vancouver 03 at night + raining looks so good...
It's the same as always imo, urban tracks with their overabundance of straight lines are just better at exposing the imperfect antialiasing than the more organic natural landscapes. But if you looked closely, you could always notice it on fences and the like. It was also quite noticeable on Old Town. It really is a crime that standard DC likely won't get a PS4 Pro graphical update. An improved AA solution and bumped up AF would make it perfect.
With that said, i love the new tracks, especially Ashii, Bryggen, and Gujo. Even Port of Vancouver, which i thought looked a bit boring after having seen the VR footage, looks pretty interesting with the added track detail in standard DC, and the lit up Vancouver skyline provides a beautiful backdrop at night.
This looks to be the last update ever - from the update notes "Thanks for your support . Thanks for your commitment. Farewell and enjoy the game"
It's a shame how the game got cut down in its prime, but i've already made my peace with it when they shuttered Evo, and despite the belated parting gift in the form of these tracks, that hasn't really changed, so i can't say that i'm terribly surprised. If they decide to release the VR Tour for standard DC, i'll gladly buy it, but otherwise i'm not getting my hopes up for any continued support.
Just so i don't end my post on such a gloomy note, for those of you who want to get into a festive mood, try Norway's Bryggen 02 with a hot hatch at night, with light precipitation (or heavy precipitation, if you don't care to see where you are going).