I've gotta say, the really blatant invisible walls that make it more difficult to right yourself after a spinout in this Gamersyde Twitch stream look like they're be frustrating in a race.
Sales do equal the opinions of the average gamer though, which is what you were trying to pass aggregate reviews off as. 60 reviewers who played for free versus 5 million customers who plopped down a minimum of $60 to play a game, what is the more valid sample size?1. Sales != quality. People can still buy a 7.5 game and enjoy it. That doesn't mean it is not a 7.5 (average) game.
They do no such thing. The vast majority of the lower reviews for Driveclub spend almost no time talking about if Driveclub itself is fun and instead focus entirely on how it isn't some magic reaffirmation of "NEXT GEN" in driving game form. It's a contemporary racer. It wasn't going to do anything new. It is targeted at one specific audience, racing game fans. Most games can't live off a single target audience. GT and Forza have proven that racing games (much like sports games) can.2. That is because most websites put the reviews into context that will make sense for most people reading them. In this case the people reading them will be deciding whether or not it is worth $60 or adds some incentive to finally buy a new gaming system.
So the fact that Forza 5 was basically a direct assault on consumers wallets can go unmentioned, but the fact that Driveclub borrows features from a beloved but now dead franchise made by some of the same staff who worked on Driveclub is a reason to knock it?3. Again, context. Reviews for exclusives that release relatively close to the launch of new systems are meant to be most useful to the average gamer (a person that doesn't buy all next gen systems on day 1)
So then why hasn't that scenario been flipped for the Xbox One then? I mean, everyone is buying the PS4 now instead. Nothing MS has release is a legitimate reason to buy the system. So where is the constant hand wringing and concern trolling over "when will X1 get it's reason to exist?"4. Around that time last generation, many people that are reading these reviews were going with the 360 as their main gaming machine due to a greater number of games coming out before 2009 when that changed. It makes sense for review sites to put it into that context, so people actually get good use out of their review.
Completely, inherently, morally, and factually wrong. This is false equivalency bullshit spouted by people unable to form legitimate and objective evaluations. Reviews do have a single way they have to be. They have to be about the game in question, factual, observant of the details the average person might miss from not knowing the history of the genre, the studio that developed the game, or the franchise. They should be the equivalent of a peer review response to an article published in any credible scientific journal. But then the people who are good at doing exactly that tend to land jobs far better than video game reviewer.There's no single way a review has to be. Every website weighs things differently when they decide on a score.
This image really does make a perfect example for this other thread that was created today. In the time Sony has released a single racing game, Microsoft has somehow managed to release two that both reviewed better than Driveclub.
I went down to GS this morning and cancelled my preorder for this after reading these reviews.
The image is stupid and I can't believe you're falling for it.
I mean if we're really gonna crank up the dumb, might as well add Gran Turismo 6 to that chart as it was announced May 2013 and released in December 2013. So that's two "Sony racers" whatever the hell that means.
2 months ago on GAF:
That hype spike!
The image is stupid and I can't believe you're falling for it.
I mean if we're really gonna crank up the dumb, might as well add Gran Turismo 6 to that chart as it was announced May 2013 and released in December 2013. So that's two "Sony racers" whatever the hell that means.
Yeah, they're a bit of a pain. Also, when that happens you've pretty much lost the race, so unless I'm trying to learn the course, I just restart instead Trials-style.
Dont be. The game is a blast. The only people who you should feel bad for is people who can't make their own decisions about something and rely on some shmuck to validate any pre conceived notions they have about a game.yikes. i feel bad for those who foolishly preordered over waiting to try the plus version.
o well the good news is it'll be a full free ps+ by next year.
Ryse didn't have a ps+/free version but I don't know what that has to do with anything.Did you also do the same for Ryse after seeing the reviews?
I do think this game would have reviewed better if weather and photo mode was in for launch. Weather in particular I think would add a lot to the game, especially a proper snow system, which we've not seen implemented in racing games particularly well yet.
The image is stupid and I can't believe you're falling for it.
I mean if we're really gonna crank up the dumb, might as well add Gran Turismo 6 to that chart as it was announced May 2013 and released in December 2013. So that's two "Sony racers" whatever the hell that means.
Instead of getting some kind of meta-commentary on the state of next gen game development and the lack of major innovations we should be reading real critiques about the game's AI (something Evolution has struggled with in the past), how well it handles sense of speed, if it's visuals live up to the hype, how well the social features work, and if there is enough content to keep people happy until the free DLC starts showing up. Far too few of the reviews linked in this thread really focused their attention on those elements.
Everyone's said the load time for restarts is snappy, so that's actually a nice trade-off in that regard. I'm glad the filesize stayed lean and the loading fast. That's something the racing genre could stand to stay in line with.
lol.. same old shit for sony from reviewers. Passes given to the mundane 10'10's everywhere for games that haven't evolved since last gen.. but now its time to reconsider the gaming genre as a whole when theres a sony exclusive on the table. We have to all pretend we are some film critic in a deep dark fireplaced den, with a warm glass of port. Rolling it over our tongues as we dissect games in ways other titles aren't.
Can't wait to see the standard open world featureset coming from Forza & Gran turismo.
Ryse didn't have a ps+/free version but I don't know what that has to do with anything.
Well, GT6 being released on PS3 after the PS4 launch is a whole other discussion we won't bother with here. Of course there are lots of ways people spin this stuff. It could be said that one company was "supporting the older console", and it could also be said the other guys are "supporting the new console I just paid for. You know, the one I'm excited about".
troll harder broyikes. i feel bad for those who foolishly preordered over waiting to try the plus version.
o well the good news is it'll be a full free ps+ by next year.
There is one. Its set to 0% volume by default in the settings.The lack of a soundtrack while racing is bothering me too for a game that feels as arcadey as this.
Go into options and turn the music on. There is a soundtrack. Its off by default.I've played a couple hours of it so far and the blandness is starting to bother me. Maybe I just need to get engaged with the social features once they're up, but I don't know.
The lack of a soundtrack while racing is bothering me too for a game that feels as arcadey as this.
Well, GT6 being released on PS3 after the PS4 launch is a whole other discussion we won't bother with here. Of course there are lots of ways people spin this stuff. It could be said that one company was "supporting the older console", and it could also be said the other guys are "supporting the new console I just paid for. You know, the one I'm excited about".
Next time I'll contact you before I cancel a preorder.It has to do with the fact that cancelling a pre-order after "bad" reviews is stupid as fuck.
Driveclub isn't even reviewing horribly.
But do your thing...
I love Horizon, but Horizon 2's off-road focus introduces more chaos and aggro to the events, which is great when you just want silly fun, and less so when you want something focused. .
Not sure about everyone else, but for a game that apparently shouldn't exist I think 74 is pretty good.![]()
yikes. i feel bad for those who foolishly preordered over waiting to try the plus version.
o well the good news is it'll be a full free ps+ by next year.
Announced time=development time apparently. The more you know sponsored by Bruiserbear.
Having is parroted by particular GAF users is almost as embarrassing.Saying a game shouldn't exist is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in a review.
BruiserBears been going off the deep end lately.
As expected. Not sure why everyone is complaining about, drive club has been getting more positive reviews than negative.
Majority of the reviews have been 8 out of 10. For a racing game thats still in development thats is pretty good.
Well, GT6 being released on PS3 after the PS4 launch is a whole other discussion we won't bother with here.
But a lot of people seem to focus on the really harsh scores whilst simultaneously ignoring the high ones. A few people were pigeonholing the game before release and are just choosing the low scores to suit their narrative.As expected. Not sure why everyone is complaining about, drive club has been getting more positive reviews than negative.
Majority of the reviews have been 8 out of 10. For a racing game thats still in development thats is pretty good.
Uhhh no theres no spin going on here. You said that MS released 2 racers that reviewed better in the time Sony made made 1 which simply isn't true. You're the one spinning.
But we aren't talking about platform. The image is saying that Sony has released one racing game from time of announcement in the span that MS has released two from times of announcement. That's not true.
I don't mean to suggest Horizon 2 is all chaos - but its a lot more chaos than the first Horizon, and more than what I've played of DriveClub. Its enough of a difference to actually let me down a bit as I've noticed the AI cheating, or driving perfectly smooth while a random bump sends me careening, but I guess I'm just learning that I personally prefer more precision in my racing, and that's drawing me to what DC is offering here. Never expected that really as I always figured myself an open world racer through and through.Horizon 2 doesn't have an "off road focus". There are many more on-road events, both point to point and circuit than the cross-country events.
Cross country got a lot of press pre-release because it was new to the series. But the game is still largely based on racing on tarmac and gravel roads. Just like the first one was.
And while the handling model is easier than the one in Forza Motorsport 5 it is still a very nuanced and detailed one. Played with higher level drivatars the game is far from chaos.
Sorry. I made the mistake of focusing on the platforms this entire industry is currently focused on, the new ones.
Slight tangent here, but I am one of the crowd who thinks making GT6 PS3 only was a huge mistake. I would have bought it on PS4 but I skipped it on PS3.Sorry. I made the mistake of focusing on the platforms this entire industry is currently focused on, the new ones.
Lol. Keep spinning and moving goal posts dude.
Which doesn't seem to me any way inferior or less pure than Driveclub's super-grippy approach. I'm certainly itching to try Driveclub on Friday when I can try it for myself, But watching video reviews and Twitch makes me think Driveclub's handling model doesn't offer much depth at all. I will be happy to return and eat humble pie after playing the game if I'm wrong about this though.
The conspiracy card, really? ]
Sorry. I made the mistake of focusing on the platforms this entire industry is currently focused on, the new ones.
This image really does make a perfect example for this other thread that was created today. In the time Sony has released a single racing game, Microsoft has somehow managed to release two that both reviewed better than Driveclub.
Last time I checked I think there is also "gameplay" in DriveClub... and better driving model too.
If by gameplay you're implying open-world layout, then there's no comparison here, if that's your preference you shouldn't even be considering DriveClub.
It really doesn't. You've forgotten what constitutes a racing game if you're declaring DC a shell for the reasons listed below.
Having more to do doesn't objectively make a racing game better. You're just entertaining the idea of sandbox game design more than strictly racing, and marking down a racer for sticking to its purpose is dismissing the foundations of the entire genre.
When it comes to driving fast cars skillfully in beautifully rendered locales, around challenging track designs, with your friends' skills literally painted onto the pavement for you to compete with, for all the bells and whistles you can put on Forza, it just doesn't hold a candle to Driveclub.
It is, in the purest sense, driving at its finest.
To call this game a shell, and soul less and bland, is insultingly ignorant.
The thing is everyone is assuming Forza Horizon 2 is more of a racer, and a better racer than Driveclub for being a sandbox racer.
That's ridiculous, and I don't need to show you the Reviewe Constitution (nice one) to prove that. It's just logic.
The gaming community (not the racing community) has grown a boner for sandbox games, and that's a damn shame, because we're dismissing quality games that do everything right, but didn't do it right the way we've grown accustomed to.
I dont think that has much to do with being smart-asses though. Its basically like pre-ordering a game without trying a demo (i know that the PS+ version of DriveClub is much bigger than the standard demo, but i mean the principle). Personally, i'm going to buy the full game without trying the PS+ version first. The reason for this is because i want the full experience at once. If i dont like the game, its a game for my collection.I don't feel bad for them, it's their own fault. People where doing it without waiting for reviews, let alone the PSN+ version. Even if reviews are not your thing they where acting like smart-asses 2, 3, 4 etc days out from release posting pictures of their pre-order receipts without waiting for the PSN+ version to try for themselves.
As if some of you couldn't wait acouple days.
Uhhh no theres no spin going on here. You said that MS released 2 racers that reviewed better in the time Sony made made 1 which simply isn't true. You're the one spinning.
I don't really think there has been a solid correlation between hype level and game quality in a long time... Best Buy will give you $40 for Destiny if you trade it in though. I just traded in BF4 for $25 and I'm considering putting that towards DCBased on all the hype leading up to this game on GAF, I really did expect it to destroy Forza Horizon 2 in the review scores.
I'm happy I waited till after they were both out before making a decision on which racing game to buy this year.
Unlike Destiny... Which I bought and am still suffering through nightly... Lessons learned. Wait for the reviews.
Sorry. I made the mistake of focusing on the platforms this entire industry is currently focused on, the new ones.