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DriveClub Review Thread.


I couldn't really care less about the reviews. The game's a traditional racing game, it has no "innovative gameplay experiences". Because based on today's games journalism, that's what makes a game good. Whatever that is.
Probably how i allready thought the game would be. But it looks more immersive than some other races. So when i get home i'll start the preload, at 24.00 i'll be plaing the game and have some fun. Hopefully the game will get some great updates.

Will post a personal opinion on the game soon. But i guess i will agree with the reviews. However i also guess i will have a great deal of fun playing it.

I was hoping for Rushy that scores would be higher.


All of a sudden 2 games for the Wii U and one rehashed HD collection for Xbone means that the PS4 sucks this holiday season?

Damn, GAF. Damn.

I'm not GAF, I'm just stating what I see, Wii U and Xbox have great exclusive titles while PS4 has very little in the way of killer apps this holiday season.

It has plenty of games in that it will be home to the best versions of third party titles. What games do the wii u have and xbox one that's exclusive I can only think of one each on those consoles that stand out.

Like I said Smash Bros and Bayonetta 2 for Wii U and MCC for Xbox are probably going to be great exclusives. I don't really see anything PS4 has to match that.


A wide range of scores is a good thing imo. It shows it's a game that specializes in one thing, but does not do much else. Just like with Alien Isolation - you either dig what you get, or want something different.

One might search for tight racing and challanges - here is Driveclub, you will enjoy it.


Forza Horizon 2??

FH2 is far from the PGR formula of track based simcade. You won't find open world racing, crazy jumps and all the rest in PGR. FH2 in that sense is closer to games like Midnight Club and NFS, only with some of the handling physics of Forza Motorsport.


Is it going to remain the home of the best versions? Or is it going to be the home of parity versions?

I'd be shocked if it wasn't, even when parity is went for like the new aliens game it comes out on top for framerate. We are getting off topic though.
I'm done with gamestop, just for the reviewer voice tone you already know that he don't give a fuck about the game.

I made the same point a couple pages ago and was told to calm down. Gamespot is trying to be different, in the bad kind of way.


Gold Member
Alway those Forza fanboys bringing up that Horizon 2 ga...oh wait

It's the truth though. The game is fantastic but for me it doesn't punish bad driving enough, and in some ways it actually rewards it.

Luckily there is enough variety and depth to keep car enthusiasts happy.

I will see what I think of driveclub later but it seems to be the polar opposite in terms of what its trying to achieve. Which isn't a bad thing by the way.


Gaming-Age: A-

Even beyond the upcoming DLC and season pass, Sony and Evolution Studios are treating the game as a work in progress and they have already committed to releasing new features and enhancements in future game updates. As it is today, Driveclub is a still a pretty darn compelling package for racing game fans, and an enjoyable and addictive racing experience for PS4 owners. It's worth taking for a test drive at the very least.


Is this really a surprise given the copious delays?

But GAF told me that delays exist to make games better!

I will still buy this. I'm just no longer buying a PS4 for this...it seems like a very hollow, but pretty experience, which is what I felt about Motorstorm as well, and it seems to be Evolution's modus operandi, at least in the last decade.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
This is actually great news.

Back to Motorstorm for Evo :D
You kidding? This might be the end for the studio.

The game already had HUGE production problems that delayed it a full year and now it's reviewing horribly. Wipeout 2048 was an incredible game released by Studio Liverpool yet it wasn't enough to save that studio.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Evolution disappear after this, unfortunately.


I still have no idea why Sony let one of their first party studios make a game like this when they have Polyphony who literally only makes racing sims.

Still, I'm not looking forward to the impending layoffs/studio closure.

Hope they'll be allowed to make at least one more Motorstorm...or make it WaveStorm.

But all that counts are sales, so there's still hope for Evo. WipEout HD has a 87 score on Metacritic and it is still dead ;(

Didn't the last game sell poorly? I know that it had the delay/rename debacle because of the tsunami, but..
I am not suggesting any kind of conspiracy, but it is incredibly strange that, so far, every PS4 AAA exclusive has been taken to the woodshed in terms of reviews. It makes me wonder how Bloodborne and The Order will fare.

the order will be the flop of the century, if u think dc reviews are bad just wait till the order releases. bloodborne will be critically acclaimed


That'll depend more on the sales than the reviews.

They delayed a launch game a full year to the same scores it would have received if it came out when it was supposed to. I don't want to guess how much money Sony wasted on it.

Lego Boss

Eurogamer has writers who fawn over the PGR series and adore racing games. So who do they give it to? Neither Martin Robinson nor Tom Bramwell. Instead, a writer for "Outside Xbox" who gave F1 2013 a better review and in a preview for Grid 2 lauded the inclusion of a "story mode", something Driveclub obviously doesn't have.

I wouldn't be so disappointed if it had been either Martin or Tom who'd given that rating, but for someone who doesn't seem to have a good record covering racing games (least of all on PS4) then it's highly suspect.

Grid 2 was a car crash. Story modes rarely benefit racers. I think you're right, it's the wrong person to review it, but there are plenty of other places giving a similar mark.


this part of EG review made me laugh

You're dimly aware of a repetitive chiming sound as the speedo tumbles to 45mph. The DriveClub fun police have arrived, and this is their siren

Driving games are highly subjective though, and one should always try before you buy with these type of games


How massively disappointing.

I just wonder what the state of the game was BEFORE Sony got involved and they ditched making the PS4 release window and delaying it almost a year.


You kidding? This might be the end for the studio.

The game already had HUGE production problems that delayed it a full year and now it's reviewing horribly. Wipeout 2048 was an incredible game released by Studio Liverpool yet it wasn't enough to save that studio.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Evolution disappear after this, unfortunately.

I think the PS+ version was very smart. If the game is compelling enough with a trial of one continent/country/whatever that PS+ is getting, they will still find sales, even if the reviews are poor. Lots of people have PS+ and so the game is going to get a lot of people trying it.


That's a bit lower than I was expecting. Was thinking it'd probably be high 7's at least on Metacritic, but it's currently at 70 and possibly dropping.

I'm curious to see what happens with Evolution in general. They've been having kind of a rough time for a while now.

I think it will help if their core tech from DC is suitable for use in other games - whether by Evo or SCEE generally.

I'd like to see a smaller team work on tweaks/DLC etc, and then a motorstorm game from them before they come back with a DC2.

edit: didn't watch the whole giantbomb quicklook, but Geoff doesn't like the handling at all. Does he prefer things a little more drifty and catchable (so more arcadey)?


Wow! This is like the generation of disappointment so far.

I never would of expected that by this time of year Shadow of Mordor would be the best new game(not remaster) available this year on PS4.


Reviews have gone as I expected (a bit higher, honestly). While DC excels on the on-track experience, the team made odd omissions that simply make it a worse and less accessible video game when compared to it's contemporaries. Non-custom liveries, European only car list, and the still incomplete feature set are tough pills to swallow. Fortunately, the current-gen racing landscape is barren, especially on the PS4, and DC is pretty much the only show in town.

The F2P PS+ edition was a great move for people on the fence.


Gamespot: 5
In fact, it's hard to find any true celebration here. Driveclub is ordinary menus and ordinary races, standard time trials, and a few drift events. Driveclub is bland social competition. Driveclub is the fear of risks and the embrace of the ordinary. It's basic racing in basic packaging, beautiful and inert and full of attractive cars. It is not, however, an argument for a new generation of driving, given how it fails to exceed the standards of the old one.

IGN: 7.9
Driveclub is the best-looking racing game I’ve ever seen on a console, but down deep it’s a more modest, conventional arcade racer than the sprawling, open-world types we commonly see today. While it successfully creates fast and fun races with a great sense of speed, the overly aggressive AI grates, the difficult drifting seems at odds with the accessible handling, and the single-player loses zest once the solo content runs dry. I’m also surprised at how partisan the day-one car list is. That said, the tentacles of Driveclub can grip tight if you get invested in the game’s asynchronous challenges, and it’s very much geared around encouraging us to hop online and compete by making it so easy.

Huh, and that's supposed to be a bad thing?! It's exactly the opposite in my case, as I don't fancy open world racing, and if it's actually a more conventional arcade racer it's going to be a must-buy for me. Hell, WipEout HD has offered me six years of entertainment, just for trying to get gold medals in all the tracks and modes. Can't wait for tomorrow's PS+ release. The difficult drifting sounds worrying though.


Damn mad disappointing. I have the game as pre-ordered from PSN but am disappointed that a game which was due out nearly a year ago hasn’t managed to hit the heights I thought it would.


so it turns out the gameplay is as dull as it looks? who wouldve thunk it.

this always looked like a graphical showcase and nothing else, even sony knew that by delaying it in the hope they can make it even prettier to try flog it as is.


How massively disappointing.

I just wonder what the state of the game was BEFORE Sony got involved and they ditched making the PS4 release window and delaying it almost a year.

Probably not so great.

*grabs popcorn for the remainder of this thread*
Eurogamer has writers who fawn over the PGR series and adore racing games. So who do they give it to? Neither Martin Robinson nor Tom Bramwell. Instead, a writer for "Outside Xbox" who gave F1 2013 a better review and in a preview for Grid 2 lauded the inclusion of a "story mode", something Driveclub obviously doesn't have.

I wouldn't be so disappointed if it had been either Martin or Tom who'd given that rating, but for someone who doesn't seem to have a good record covering racing games (least of all on PS4) then it's highly suspect.

He covered PGR and gave that good scores.

Seriously has this what it's come to? Insulting journalists integrity? It's not like he works for OXM.

He's not the only reviewer not to have liked it. People need to accept on here maybe the game isn't great as it is. The lack of content after a year delay is worrying.
If it would have shipped with Logitech wheel support it would have gotten a couple extra points....

Not really surprised by the reviews. It is definitely pretty, but looked like a minor iteration on a genre that inherently doesn't have much depth. Pretty graphics and a social hook isn't enough. Racers are fun when they are super arcadey or full on sim, if you go this middle route, you need to break some serious new ground. Driveclub seems solid, but right down the middle with nothing terribly fresh.

Still waiting for an MMO style sim racer, or a rogue-like sim racer. I think it could work.
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