I was driving down a one lane highway and was doing many different things (Talking on walkee talkee (I was at work, construction, you know those yellow ones), eating spitz, and drinking a Big Gulp) when I looked up and realized that in about 3 and a half seconds I would hit the car in front of me (who was stopped, I was going around 90 Km/H). So I start stepping on the break slowly and I realize "Yeah I'm fucked..."...and right before collision I veer to the left and line myself up perfectly between the truck I almost hit and the stone block on the right...literally inches from both. And i looked over at the driver that I almost hit (I was directly beside him) and we stared at each other with this look of astonishment...
I think videogames have given me quick thinking to be able to pull that off. My buddy who I worked with was behind me and said it was insane, and he doesn't know how I didn't crash.