Aw man.
I got kinda wasted last night, it was cool, everyone was helllla drunk. But. Didn't really know anyone, because barely anyone from my shift was there. I was just floating around making small talk and drinking drinks. Then these pretty slutty looking girls started talking to me. One was this super fine black chick with a super nice butt and an open backed shirt, the other was this petite little Mexican girl with kinda bad teeth. We started dancing on the dance floor at this point and then some other guy came over and peeled one of them away from me. Then for like 30 minutes the four of us were dancing pretty heatedly and I was touching tons of boobs and buttcheeks. Then the party started winding down and they took off. I got the Mexican girls number and her name was "Narly" which was pretty gnarly. I entered her contact as "Narly total babe super hot (yes you want to do her)" and she started laughing really hard. Then I hopped on my bicycle and rode home to watch cartoons.
I feel ever so slightly ashamed.