Super Mario Bros. 2 is better than Super Mario Bros. 3.
Mmmmm I might agree with this.
u crazy for this one electricblanketfire
i fuck with SMB2.. but at the end of the day it's not a real mario bros. game
I wanna watch the long kiss goodnight but I can't find the DVD ;(
No princess saving > raccoon tail
yo someone got crack?
Throwing potions every which way. Cherries. Stars. Digging.
FeelsIt was all a dream.
had a real moment seeing that SMB2 ending screen shot
man I'm getting old
Yes I got someYou want soup Eloquent?
black is the best value in the blended whisky game imo.
Sup bros
< completely sober ;(
What kind?Yes I got some
I like that you hid this controversial opinion in here
The more I think about it, yeah... Playing as toad > tanooki suit I SED IT
TrufHammer Bros Suit > Frog Suit > Anything in SMB2.
Does this have to do with soupI'm in a situation where it's like there's a 100 million dollar check dangling in front of my face and I won't grab it because it's probably a trap, but maybe not.