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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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I live 4000 feet higher up than I did a month ago, and it has made me a lightweight. I'll bet those Sherpas could drink anybody under the table.


ive been in da jail a couple times, but only for like 8 hours max haha. which seemed like 3 weeks. fuck being in there for a month, i cant imagine.
I'm joining in, drunk GAF. Back at school, back to the life.

EDIT: However, I'm making a conscious effort to change my drunk persona, so that I don't do something I REALLY regret in the future. Here's to change!


I'm joining in, drunk GAF. Back at school, back to the life.

EDIT: However, I'm making a conscious effort to change my drunk persona, so that I don't do something I REALLY regret in the future. Here's to change!

College drinking? Four cans of Natty Ice in a beer bong taped to the top of the staircase? It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
i remember when i first started drinking in college i made a level 20 wizard staff one night



i drank way more after i dropped out of college the first time than when i was actually in college.

but college was probably different for me than it was for most of you guys.


right after i got kicked out of highschool i started working full time, which i did for a few years before going to college. i was 21.. maybe even 22 when i enrolled. i had lived a fair amount of real life at that point. hanging out with retarded teenage college kids wasnt the jam. i still did, occasionally, but .. ehh. i feel that i was robbed of that college party experience.
right after i got kicked out of highschool i started working full time, which i did for a few years before going to college. i was 21.. maybe even 22 when i enrolled. i had lived a fair amount of real life at that point. hanging out with retarded teenage college freshmen wasnt the jam. i still did, occasionally, but .. ehh. i feel that i was robbed of that college party experience.

I've been robbed in life from year one.


i remember when i first started drinking in college i made a level 20 wizard staff one night

That Wizard Staff game was great. I need to play that again soon. Did Edward Forty Hands once, and I didn't like that at all.

I used to be in the Students for Sensible Drug Policy, and they would throw big house parties every weekend in combination with the Women's Sailing Team. They would line up a couple tables and we played flip cup, sailors vs druggies. It'd get to be 15 people on each team easily, and if you were that last person on the team you'd have 30+ people all screaming while you try to delicately flip a Solo cup upside down. Great times...
thats another thing i was robbed of. i never got into drinking games. i just wanna drink bitch. this aint no game. wu tang

Drinking games should only be played if there are girls around no joke. If it's all dudes just sit around and drink or break bottles in the street or hit golf balls off your roof.
i know it seems weird but drinking games make it okay to binge drink in the right environment. like, without them, it would be weird.

of course that's not really an environment i give a shit about, but it used to be a thing.
i know it seems weird but drinking games make it okay to binge drink in the right environment. like, without them, it would be weird.

of course that's not really an environment i give a shit about, but it used to be a thing.

Depends on the people. All my friends were pre med and high functioning alcoholics.


I don't really do drinking games anymore, but when you are a Freshmen in the dorms it is a great time. An apartment building full of drinking buddies and attractive coeds. All the food you can eat 3x a day with no cooking or cleaning. Up until you move into a retirement home, there is nothing like it.

My sophomore year I lived in an off campus house. It sucked, and I dropped out of school after fall semester.
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