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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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ps. i just watched zero dark thirty. didn't think i'd end up watching it but it was between that, lincoln, or argo and i'd already seen the other two. it was pretty good. the subject matter is .. well, ridiculous to me, but the story was well told. intense shit. two thumbs up.
ps. i just watched zero dark thirty. didn't think i'd end up watching it but it was between that, lincoln, or argo and i'd already seen the other two. it was pretty good. the subject matter is .. well, ridiculous to me, but the story was well told. intense shit. two thumbs up.
I thought it was oddly paced. Loved the first 30 minutes and last 30 minutes but everything in between was kind of a drag for me.

Good movie overall though, but I definitely didn't like it as much as I hoped I would.
tomorrow I get the first experience being on a film set. It's a small film an old friend is shooting but h's letting me shoot a few scenes and be an extra in one shot.
I'm using this laptop I checked out at the library, and it has this rubber nub in the middle that controls the cursor. How long has this existed? Do people actually use this feature?
be careful where you post this casual dismissal of the clitmouse™, there is a very hardcore crowd who swears by them :p

and my goal in life is to look like a emaciated stuckup poshboy. unless I already do...


Our wine "cellar" is full at the moment, I'm going to have to take these to the parentals. Probably should do some inventory to manage all this stuff.


aka Mannny
Our wine "cellar" is full at the moment, I'm going to have to take these to the parentals. Probably should do some inventory to manage all this stuff.
I have a wine I want you to try. It's this really good wine my mother put me onto. The name escapes me though. It's pretty high alcohol content too.


back home :(



i think she's really sick but she sounded fine when i was talking to her, and she looked fine. she's been sick since friday night and apparently canceled her bday celebrations on saturday night because of it.


yeah i believe her. she gaveme two hugs when i came in, and then she called to thank me again when she got home but i think i pissed her off because she just said "ok bye" lol

anyways tonight i'm surviving on muscle milk and red bull T_T
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