i actually miss her, a little bit.
but i dont have any more to add from the last time we talked. she apparently does. i dont want to be a dick and be like "no i dont want to talk to you", i feel somewhat responsible for her feeling the way she does .. but i feel better not seeing or hearing from her.
Anybody else realize that they hate being sober?
Anybody else realize that they hate being sober?
coldvein and acrid....what the fuck happened to tiny chat?
beats me.
on that note. does anybody know the difference between a continuous spectrum, an emission line spectrum, and an absorption line spectrum. thanks.
Is this light wave talk?
you were on tinychat at one point?coldvein and acrid....what the fuck happened to tiny chat?
you were on tinychat at one point?
last time I was in there I recognized nobody. things done changed.![]()
Yea, I used to go in there every now and there.
coldvein, you know how they say the sky isn't really blue?
That's absorption and emission spectrum at work, all their sums are continuous spectrum(I think).
Imagine you throw three sperms at a chick. One's destined to be male, one's destine to be female, and the third is a hermi.
If the hermi and male both get eaten up by the cervix, and only the female bounce off. That's absorption at work. It took all three in and send back the female sperm out.
Now if the male and female sperm hit the cervix wall, and then a hermi pops out? That hermi is part of the emission spectrum. The cervix wall used existing sperm to create something new.
Now put your cock away and prepare to ace your next text.
Did our paths ever cross? Was my hermi sperm absorbed into your egg?
hahahaha. i like it. i think im starting to understand. thanks bro
did we have a cyber session? That's your answer.
There were so many it's all a blur
You don't. You already said yes, just wait.this woman .. "ill be over at 9:00"
its 9:30
"ill be over in half an hour"
fuck you bitch i got things to do
honestly im trying to GO TO SLEEP
and im getting tested on emssions and absorptions tomorrow.
honestly im trying to GO TO SLEEP
and im getting tested on emssions and absorptions tomorrow.
Then why'd you do it in the first place?
then she wanted to bang but i said no.
Vein turning down the V. You are stronger than I.
what's your battletag? mine is balddemon#1627
HI guys, im drunk cause well school sucks, this alcohol thing is delicious
I hate drunk texting because I say random things that are heartfelt, but no one realizes I'm drinking due to my impeccable grammar and diction. It's like some stupid gift and curse. On that same note I think it's stupid that people don't take your intentions seriously while intoxicated. I'm probably the most honest in that state so it's just ironic that no one ever believes me when drunk. Fuck, am rambling again.
Hello AlcoholGAF
I have been drinking every day for the past 4 weeks. Not heavily form Monday to Thursday, heavily on Fridays and getting super drunk on Saturdays...
Kinda feel bad, I drink alone mostly, except on weekends.
I like the cool and relax feeling after a couple of drinks.
I drink Rum and Wine mostly.
Being a functional alcohol is great, dont feel bad, but careful you dont become fat like me
Thanks man.
Drinking doesn't affect my day job, so I guess it's OK.
I moved to a new country a few months ago and live alone, and alcohol kind of helps.
I have been drinking for years, but mostly on weekends and with friends, not alone and everyday like now...
I lost weight too, so I guess I'm alright.
I plan to go to a bar tonight and get drunk.