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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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So... I'm brownie... I live in Mexico (border with USA) and I go to USA like three times per week.

I also travel a lot to big cities because of my job (I'm going to NY in two weeks).

I have one question... Do you, white guys, still see a brown guy like something different?


WTF does SONYSTYLE mean...i have no idea and wish I knew... btw Sony was pretty cool for that...actually it wasnt even Sony it was Superbot...they are cool...wish I could give them a hug...I sent them a thank you letter a while back, but I wanted to send another, but I realized there is no one to sedn it too... :( ... goddamnit...and it was shitty that people were like "oh good marketing on their part" no it wasnt... they saw my post and liked it...Ive liked PLaystation forever,b ecause tis what I grew up with...and it was soo fucking cool of them to send me that stuff.... and they sent such a nice letter :( .... man I wish I could visit the studio and give everyone a hand shake... im currently poor as shit...in grad school using a 6 year old desktop computer, no income, and certainly no money for games (any games I play are played on someone elses computer or console including infiinte) ...and then Superbot sent me Vita, which is currently the most expensive thing I own, and so out of my price range...I scrap cash to buy PS1 classics every once in a while... thanks superbot, thanks for allowing my broke ass to game...still nice to bring out the vita before bed and play some tomba or patapon... damn it Sony, why you gotta close Superbot, they were so cool


aka Mannny
I view myself below most everyone so no.

I see Eloquent, does this have to do with the Vegas move?
Nah although I think that this impulsive move may turn out good for me in the long run. Man. I told my ex that she should move in with me and she basically said no because she thinks we'd just be having sex all the time. I should've asked her what was wrong with that.


So... I'm brownie... I live in Mexico (border with USA) and I go to USA like three times per week.

I also travel a lot to big cities because of my job (I'm going to NY in two weeks).

I have one question... Do you, white guys, still see a brown guy like something different?

I see foreigners as different I guess.... its probably cuz your mexican, not that you are brown.... I mean I guess I would look or act slightly different around someone European, not cuz they are white, but cuz they are Europeans.... so yeah I mean racists guys are like oh no hes brown he must be bad, but im like oh your mexican? cool, tell me about mexico and ill tell you how weird america is
WTF does SONYSTYLE mean...i have no idea and wish I knew... btw Sony was pretty cool for that...actually it wasnt even Sony it was Superbot...they are cool...wish I could give them a hug...I sent them a thank you letter a while back, but I wanted to send another, but I realized there is no one to sedn it too... :( ... goddamnit...and it was shitty that people were like "oh good marketing on their part" no it wasnt... they saw my post and liked it...Ive liked PLaystation forever,b ecause tis what I grew up with...and it was soo fucking cool of them to send me that stuff.... and they sent such a nice letter :( .... man I wish I could visit the studio and give everyone a hand shake... im currently poor as shit...in grad school using a 6 year old desktop computer, no income, and certainly no money for games (any games I play are played on someone elses computer or console including infiinte) ...and then Superbot sent me Vita, which is currently the most expensive thing I own, and so out of my price range...I scrap cash to buy PS1 classics every once in a while... thanks superbot, thanks for allowing my broke ass to game...still nice to bring out the vita before bed and play some tomba or patapon... damn it Sony, why you gotta close Superbot, they were so cool



I see. I'm very light brown color... But sometimes I wish Americans knew how Mexico really is.

I mean... I was just playing Guacameele later today, and I guess most people think that Mexico is like that. Feels bad.


Nah although I think that this impulsive move may turn out good for me in the long run. Man. I told my ex that she should move in with me and she basically said no because she thinks we'd just be having sex all the time. I should've asked her what was wrong with that.
Even I was saying that just reading it.
Acrid, I think I fell out of love for my best friend like two years ago.
But you've only known me for like a year.



Click on my tag for more info, but basically I worte a long genuine post about how much Sony meant to me growing up.... your Nintendo was my Sony, your Mario is my Crash...so on and so forth...someone at superbot read it and got in contact with me.... they really liked it and said they would send me a shirt...they sent the shirt, along with a VIta...I posted on gaming side and was immediatly lambasted with "Sony marketing" blah blah blah, but its one of those things where the internet assumed the worst, that I was a bought sponso or sometheing.... but in truth, I am a poor college student struggling to make rent, and entertainment expenditures are far out of my price range... and someone at Superbot decided to do something nice for me.... they didnt requst that I post about it...no... instead they sent me a letter along with the vita...in that letter they explained how playstatini all stars was a love letter to fans like me... they were sad that I couldnt afford a PS3 or a TV for that matter, so they sent the next best thing, my VIta... nothing in there about "hey make sure reddit knows about this" noi, it was a letter to me, one of their fans... it was signed by a human, not a corporation...and currently my VIta is my most prized possetion, and I will never sell it, and the only person who it will be given to is my kid, so they can have the joy of PLaystation I had growing up


But I mean... This is a regular globalized city... We have McDonald's, Burger King, Walmart, Home Depot, HEB,KFC... Etc... And rigth now I'm at a bar listening to a band playing covers of Scorpions.
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