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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I think my cat wants to eat me, she can't get enough of me. She's just licking and pawing all over me.
Ugh, all you guys playing Dark Souls on Steam has convinced me to go fire up the PS3 and beat this boss I've been stuck on.

Let me know whenever you guys want to hop on TF2.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I just bought a costly grooming brush called the FURMINATOR.
I got it half off, but it was still 19 dollars. It's amazing.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
girl clothes are the best
Actually girls are just the best. It's not like we routinely share clothes, only things like basic undershirts and sweatshirts, etc. And literally all I can think about are her perky little boobs rubbing where my ribs are and then it's almost like I can smell her even though ive washed the item like 4 times. It's shockingly erotic. I think this is what love a supposed to be like. But I don't believe in god.


had a weird long talk with the ex trough facebook

basically ended up on us meeting on a couple days and having a coffee or something. She's with someone now but she gave me an argument about how our relationship ended really abrupt and she wanted to have a closure kinda talk, loose ends and explanations or whatever

told her I didnt wanna do it cause I really dont wanna relive that whole thing wich in many ways I still havent got over, but she told me its really important to her and whatnot and its not like she was bad to me or doesnt deserve that kinda thing so I guess i'll do it

I still think its a bad idea man, probably setting myself up for beimg crushed round 2. Been exactly a year now since the break up (wich is probably why she brought it up) but our way of "dealing" pretty much revolved around the fact that we havent seen each other since that day, wich in itself is bizarre considering it was a 5 year relationship

tl;dr: ill be getting pretty damn drunk soon

met with the ex today, had some coffee

it was weird. She's with an older dude now (she's 22, dude is 28) but we had a genuine chat about plenty of stuff. We talked about the dude quite a lot and I think for the most part im fine with it really. I feel like while we talked about the past and laughed about remembering some shit, but it still didnt feel like something we longed for, or at least it didnt make me feel bad, looking back now.

she just wanted to end things in better terms and I guess that worked. There was still obviously some weird stuff like moments and looks where it honestly felt like we were about to kiss and stuff like that, but I guess that's normal. There's always a spark there.

she went on about having a beer some other day or trying to salvage some of the friendship aspect of the relationship, at least keep up with each other a bit more and talk from time to time cause she still really misses me as a person, but idk, I guess I feel like kinda drawing a line there. It wouldnt really bother me but it feels inappropiate

anyway, better than expected. She's still so damn beautiful to me tho, was definetly looking at her at some points and thinking about this old lucky SOB who's fucking her now, but WHATEVS

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
i hope youve banged this girl
Oh don't worry.
Though to be honest things have been really shitty lately. There's been very little romance. Which is kinda why I've been mentioning it so much. From my perspective were at a total "do or don't" kind of ultimatum highway, as far as true commitment goes. And it's not like she's the only person in my day to day life I'm attracted to either, she's just the best match, and we kind of have some mutual history, etc. There's a lot more drunk souls and polar bear cafe than there is charming dates to the exotic fabric stores. Don't be fooled. But I've totally "banged" her, bro. In your words, not mine.


Still waiting on that story bald.

oh yeah. not so much a story as I need to just lay it all out and organize my thoughts about what my dad told me today.

so the other day, my grandma called my dad. there has been a standing offer to go live with my dad's brother and his kids in utah. apparently, they also have a job lined up for me that would probably pay much better than anything I'd find here.

at first glance, this seems like a great idea.
  • I'd get out of my parents house
  • I'd be closer to the rest of my family (we're the only ones that live east of utah + hot cousin)
  • I'd be in utah (which while utah in general sucks I love being outside and mountains and shit)
  • I have a lot of friends from college in utah
  • I could go to some really good colleges for cheap
  • I'd be free from certain distractions and thus able to buckle down and get shit done
I just don't see why I shouldn't go, just looking at that list. it would be great for me and everyone involved.

but then you gotta think of the other side, the shitty part about it. this is all assuming I go.
  • I'd be leaving behind a great place in Kansas City that I love
  • I'm comfortable here, although I do really want to change my life - scenery might need to be the first thing to happen
  • I don't want to participate in the religious aspects of living in utah - temple trips, baptisms for the dead, having a calling (which honestly I can just say no to this one), etc. church activities would be fine and maybe even the young single adult dances to pick up some honeys.
  • I don't have a car so I'd be kind of screwed, and I don't want to depend on someone else like I do my parents right now.

tbh the biggest thing I'm worried about is the religious aspect. I wouldn't want to go and accept my uncle's offer, only to offend him by disagreeing with his religious views. which I don't really, I believe in God and everything, and really think that the Mormon religion is a good one, but I think that their views on a lot of things are outdated, plus I like to drink and smoke weed.

what do you guys think?

edit: oh and I forgot to mention that the church is a really great way to network and do shit with your life. also that there is a basketball team in salt lake city. also that I'd be 1 hour closer to most of you awesome homies.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm fuckin wasted, it's 10pm and I haven't eaten yet. :/
Slow cookers, etc.


aka Mannny
Do it bald, although I suggest you talk to your uncle and see if you're able to circumvent some of the more harsher Mormon ceremonies. Just tell him you believe in God but operate in a different manner than his faith and would feel really uncomfortable doing some of the things his faith does. Say this in the most non offensive way possible. Hopefully he understands.

I'm a fan of small boobs and petite girls

makes me feel better about having a small penis

don't be so sensitive
What you talking bout brah brah?


Do it bald, although I suggest you talk to your uncle and see if you're able to circumvent some of the more harsher Mormon ceremonies. Just tell him you believe in God but operate in a different manner than his faith and would feel really uncomfortable doing some of the things his faith does. Say this in the most non offensive way possible. Hopefully he understands.

What you talking bout brah brah?
ya I probably will. I really do need some change in my life.
I'm gone

how do you all do this daily


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm listening to the Lisbon maru/Olympians. Thisnis like the ultimately most powerful 20 minutes of music ever.
Eloquent I'll be on the chat in 15.

I'm gone

how do you all do this daily
It's a skill we've fine tuned with hard work and dedication over the years. That and most of us are born with that.

Regardless, I'm proud of you.

I don't know if anyone else saw The place beyond the pines, but if you did, yes im looking at you, I would like to say im sorry
Wait, what? I heard that was supposed to be good. I'm looking forward to seeing it.
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