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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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im finishing off a couple rainiers. anyway, its like this ...

this girl has been a looming shadow over my life for a long time, for whatever reason. first/only person i ever loved, i guess. we were together a couple years but we've been "broken up" for a couple years, too. YEARS! and i still think about this bitch, relatively often. she's simple, kind, honest, genuine, beautiful. i associate her with my homeland. she's a montana girl. we've been 99.9999% out of contact since i left. we talked on the phone a couple times, texted once or twice. i know thru the grapevine that she's now with some ripped up lumberjack fuck, but details have been vague. (i dont want details). wasnt sure exactly where she was living or anything. anyway, understand that i'm absolutely horrified of the idea of seeing this girl ever again. especially seeing her with a dude who is the absolute opposite of me, and seeing her happy. so, as far as current times go.. i'm going back home for a week or so over the holidays. the town where im from is pretty small. if i go back there and go down to the bars, and she's there, i'm going to see her. so last night i basically texted her to see where she was living, what were the chances that i'd run into her in missoula, etc



Sorry to hear that, pal.

It'll be difficult, no doubt, but know whatever happened is for the best and you'll come out golden though it doesn't feel like it now.

Perhaps you're more afraid of the fear than actually seeing her; I hope it's easier to swallow than it seems right now.

Easier said than done, but stay strong and stay on drunk thread whenever you go back home.


Sorry to hear that, pal.

It'll be difficult, no doubt, but know whatever happened is for the best and you'll come out golden though it doesn't feel like it now.

Perhaps you're more afraid of the fear than actually seeing her; I hope it's easier to swallow than it seems right now.

Easier said than done, but stay strong and stay on drunk thread whenever you go back home.

you're right, the fear is a weird abstract thing. definitely irrational. i'll live. if i've learned anything its that i survive shit. ha.

its just fucked up how apprehensive i feel about going back home. like i said, i associate home with her, and i associate her with failure. it's dumb as hell to feel that way. last time i was back it turned into a ~72 hour coke bender. this time i think i might just stay in my moms house. heh..


It's not weird to feel that way; I do the same thing.

We tend to build things up to be much worse than they actually can be.

I think you will surprise yourself. Either ways, best of luck to ya.


yeah, it'll be fine. one of the bonuses of being "gone" from there is that people there suddenly appreciate my presence when i show up. teh ladiez especially. i'm gonna bone out at least one girl that i always wanted to GOD DAMMIT.


Any time, coldvein, any time.

XXYYXX is pretty ill.

We're way too shitty to do any kind of Christmas gift swapping, aren't we?

We would end up getting stuff in March...and it would be warm booze or Snuggler would just send whatever cast he had laying around his cave.


i told you i'm sending you booze for christmas already b

if anybody is interested in sending me anything i'd like some hentai dvd's.
A cute Jewish girl in one of my art/design classes complimented me on my leather jacket today.

The Jews control everything

I think I might be 1/8th Jewish.

So does that mean I control 1/8ths of the world?

I don't really believe the Jews control everything.


erotic butter maelstrom
Physical shipping is too much of a commitment for me. I will only disappoint. I could probably get you guys some Chili's gift cards or some shit though.


Don't page him

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