Zeus Molecules
illegal immigrants are stealing our air
ftw bitches ftw and god damn cowboy bebop is good but corny..... maybe i seen this to many times but fuck this is hokey dorey shit
lol evertyhiyubg just went crazy omg haha
We apparently escorted an underage bar hopper all over town while she screamed at us and kept hitting my friend in the passenger seat. He started screaming at her and was gonna hit her back then we got up the bar. This is where we found out she was both a underage and b lived on a military base. Good luck getting back on lol
My friend was trying to fuck another girl in the car but they got in a fight over it lol
I love Montana lol
hah I loled way too much in that post. But in my defense I was laughing pretty much the entire time.this post made me miss it ;_;
Does it make you an old fogey if you really want a big wooden chest to put your odds and ends in? Do I have to start smoking a tobacco pipe?
My seven-year old son was looking forward to this game. After I purchased our family the brand new Wii U(tm) videogame system, it was the only game he asked for! After purcahsing and playing it for a few hours however, I can't say this game is appropriate for someone his age. I don't feel comfortable exposing a young child to such violence.
I need advice for a good first date...
I need advice for a good first date...
Too much blood?
I changed it but more or less some ideas to make the experience unforgettable. I'm usually good at this but in this case it's special so I'm having a hard time.Like a location you mean?
Take her/him somewhere that means alot to them.
Estes rocket picnicI need some ideas for a great first date...
How so? Disappointing first-time experience?Speed is crap!
uggh... just 3 more grueling weeks and then I can truly relax.
Banning myself until Christmas. Gotta focus on school and stuff.
Drinking this shit (middle one) with some polish vodka
France's best export
Ehhh... It's from Quebec actually.
Fucking drunkenness. I just like, spilled my heart to my best friend right now. Fuck, wtf. Wtf. That's not part of the game. I feel like I've failed myself.
Yeah that ole girl, but lmao my stupidass is in the process of talking to another girl right now...hmm she's very cute. Probably shouldn't speak with my best friend while I'm drunk again.you talkin about that one girl that you wanted to "wife up"??
I'm back from Disney.
Monday back from vacation is always the worst.
I need a drink and I'm sick. Drunk is the only way to get through being sick.
fin du monde probably my favorite beer of all time. i dont say that lightly.
I may track it down and try it this weekend. I'm curious to see how your taste stacks up. its it relatively hard to find?
Shall begin my search Saturday night.you wont see it at a 7/11 but decent grocery stores should have it.
super smooth and tasty, yet pretty boozy. 9%? Andres drinking vodka and fin du monde is trying to get fucked UP
Shall begin my search Saturday night.
I'm starting my diet tomorrow, so no drinking for me. Wish me luck guys.
What? That's fucked up. You can still drink, just eat less food to offset it.