I haven't played the game yet, but I watched a stream of it. Alan Young might not have the energy in the voice, but he's fucking 93, that's understandable. The same people would be bitching if they got an awful imitator.
I love the cutscenes. They make the levels seem like long lost episodes of the series. The fact that it's all the real actors (who all do a damn fine job) is the icing on the Mrs. Beakleys cake.
awesome, that works for me =)
sucks that your snes classic controller won't work![]()
This is easily the best remake of this gen.
The music. The gameplay. The level design. It's all there with gorgeous graphics.
I honestly believe that whoever wrote the bad reviews for this game is either not a gamer or didn't play the game beyond stage one.
Or probably they got some kid that only plays CoD games to review it. That'd make sense too.
From what I gathered from the Polygon review, most of his negativity comes from the fact that the humor is just fluff aimed at kids(just like the show, imagine that!) and the fact that the game was too difficult for him. The game is actually much easier than the NES original(which itself is among the easiest of NES games), which didn't allow you to restart from the beginning of a stage if you lost all of your lives. It made you restart from the beginning of the entire game! Which, of course, was pretty standard procedure in those days, especially in a game as short as this one.
It's kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario for these people. If they had neutered the game of all of it's difficulty, it would have been lambasted by all the positive reviewers who demanded authenticity from the game. But for people who can't take the old-school style of challenge, it just hasn't held up for them.
Yeah, I'm hoping they patch in support for the Classic Controller... and the Wii Remote. They didn't do anything funny with the controls to NEED more buttons, so it should work with basically any common arrangement, though Wii Remote + Nunchuk can probably safely be ignored.
I got my GMG key last night, but like everyone else, no pre-load.
I downloaded it today and installed it. Now correct me if I am wrong about this, but I could not find any audio options. I looked because that opening theme is blarringly loud. I had to turn down my speakers manually in order to lower the volume. I am surprised by this, I even went and looked around in the menus for the audio options, but there seem to be none. Screen resolution (mine goes from 1600x900 to 640x480, and nothing else in between the two), brightness, controller options, etc. are all there, but no audio options to be found. And you do have to bring up a menu to skip cutscenes in the PC version.
My game locked up on me when I exited it. Went to a black screen and hung there. Steam said I was still in-game and I had to c-a-d/task manager to end the process manually. However, I do see that it has been mentioned that this might happen if you leave the unlockables screen, which I had just done (purchased two pieces of art with the money I got from the first level) prior to actually quitting the game. I am hoping that the unlockables screen issue is the cause of this black screen hang up and not something that is going to happen everytime I quit this game.
The game is hard in some spots, easy in others. I had to play the first level three times before I beat the guy with the safe! The pogoing DOES seem to just stop at times, which depending on where you are, can be a bad thing. Case in point, jumping over the globes and busts during the first level end boss fight. Having your pogoing just quit and you slam right into a thrown item is infuriating.
I paid $11.74 after GMG discount for this game - my normal PC rule is nothing over $10 unless it is something I really want to play. It pulled my nostalgia strings hard as this game was one of my personal childhood NES favorites. Do I feel I got my money's worth? Yes. But the game could use a patch to fix some things and tweak other things, because it does feel unbalanced in some areas; and to add audio options to the PC menu since there appear to be none.
YMMV. As a day one buyer (something I do not normally do), I feel "MEH" about it right now.
Did you try fiddling with the "hard pogo" options? Turning hard pogo off makes things a bit easier, as it relegates the pogo attack to just a single button.
So I noticed Gamespot's review, as flawed as some of the arguments are, mentions that the controls lack a sort of precision than the NES game did. Is this true? It looks the same in videos to me but I won't know until my PS3 "retail" copy comes in (though I'm tempted to download the Wii U version tonight while I wait...decisions~)
I really love this game! But on PS3 my pogo jump just stops working at seemingly random times. Died so many times because of it! That's like my only real complaint though. I wonder what is making it do that?
The only controls issue I have is that the pogo cancels out if you try to bounce near the very edge of ledges, which may throw you off sometimes.
It's okay to get this on Wii U instead of PS3 right? Performance is good?
Yup, this happens. It was this way in the original. Just bear in mind, the cane has to be touching something in order for the pogo to activate.
Got to agree with everything in this post. The game is very charming so far and the difficulty hasn't been bothering me yet, it made the bossfights actually very tense because I knew replaying the entire level on game over was at stake.
Yeah, I'm playing it and I can't help but remember the NES original and how that FELT to control. For better or worse it does seem they were crazy faithful to it.I wouldn't say so. Actually, the NES version was a bit dodgy in this area, too. I would say that this remake, for better or worse, is almost identical to the original in terms of controls, collision issues, etc.
Pro Controller, yes. Wii Remote/Classic Controller, no.So which version is best so far?
Does Wii U version support Wiimote/gamepad pro/classic controller play?
Mind. Blown. I never put that together.......I'm gonna watch me some Mister Ed tonight.
Cool thanks! More than off-TV play.. I'm being a nerd about wanting it on a Nintendo system.Yeah, I have it for the Wii U. It's fine. That off-tv play is what clinches the deal, for me.
Cool thanks! More than off-TV play.. I'm being a nerd about wanting it on a Nintendo system.![]()
My 2 year old daughter, Lily, came running out with her Ducktales book after seeing me play it on my PC and said "Dad, it's like the book you got for me!"
There must have been a dust storm in the room or something right afterwards, I don't know what happened..
Yeah, I'm in the same camp there. Plus...Cool thanks! More than off-TV play.. I'm being a nerd about wanting it on a Nintendo system.![]()