To be fair, what he says isnt exactly wrong, its just his opinion. That said, i disagree with what he says. I'm really glad that they made the remake in the way that they did, especially with the added cutscenes and the remixed music. I love the original music, but i think that the remixed music is great, especially the Amazons tuneWell, he's almost completely wrong in all he says. Preferring ANOTHER freaking 8bit-semi-game over this incredibly faithful, georgeous style? Skipping all the cool cutscenes on the first walkthrough? "Mediocre" What was he thinking?
Stupid Nostalgia goggles.
When jumping from chain to chain, i recommend you to hold up and right (or left, depending on which direction your jumping) at the same time while jumping. I had problems with some of those jumps as well, but after holding the two buttons at the same time as jumping, i had no problem grabbing on to the ropes or chains.Finished it literally minutes ago. I don't know if it's the Wii U analog stick, but there is one tiny chain during the first race in the finale I had trouble grabbing like half of the time. I didn't have any problems grabbing them the rest of the time and man was it aggravating. I wasn't too hot on the lava escape either, no pun intended.
Other than that, same impressions as my previous post: I enjoyed the rest of it, barring excessive scenes. Great music and character art. I kind of wish they had kept the NES endings, though. I'll have to run through this one on Hard.
About the endings, do you mean the
part where you get a big/bigger pile of money depending on how much money you collect in the game? If so, i agree with that, i wish that that they kept that part as well. I tried to collect as much money as possible on my first playthrough, hoping that they kept those endings 
Try to hit down a bit earlier than square. I had the same problem and this helped a lot.
Thanks for the tipThis was patched almost immediately on the PC to be like the NES original. I assume that at least the PS3 version will get the same update.