Actually I'm gonna test that soon.
OK, I am curious to see that
Is there any reason, why you haven't included yet, that the voice acting is only avaiable in English?
Actually I'm gonna test that soon.
Actually I'm gonna test that soon.
I assumed they would only be arting it up. Sounds like they've made a few questionable design changes.I'm looking forward to this for sure, but I still don't understand Wayforward love. Hearing it was developed by them made me think "ah, so there'll be some dumb decisions in there".
OK, I am curious to see that
Is there any reason, why you haven't included yet, that the voice acting is only avaiable in English?
Having only the people that loved the original do all the reviews for the remake is an inherent bias too, isn't it? Not everybody likes the original. Not everybody will like the remake. Sure, you can go at this with the attitude of wanting it to be utterly faithful to the NES game, but I think there's also value in people bringing up the fact that it adds very little to win you over if you didn't like the original. It doesn't matter to you, but it would matter to some people, and ultimately people can decide on their own whether or not just a straight up graphical remake is what they're looking for.I'm not sure what Tom McShea was expecting. It reads to me like he never liked the original source material. I don't care that his bio says that he "loves platformers"; if he didn't like the original game and considers the platforming "dull"... then he really shouldn't be covering this game. There's inherent bias there from the start, hoping for something that was never really intended.
Guess what? If you didn't like DuckTales, you're not gonna like Remastered. Big surprise!
Some of the music tracks of Ducktales Remastered have been uploaded to Youtube.
Money Bin Stage
Amazon Stage
Transylvania Stage
African Mines Stage
Himalayian Stage
Moon Stage
Mount Vesuvius
Hold up any chance this'll preload or the like for those that pre-ordered it on PS3?
Some of the music tracks of Ducktales Remastered have been uploaded to Youtube.
Money Bin Stage
Mount Vesuvius
I'd really like to know the ages and experiences of those who are the most negative too. McShea's review on GameSpot talking about difficulty is... err, I think this is one of the first games I ever beaten. Admittedly a recent attempt DID give more more trouble than I expected, but I imagine just setting my mind to it would get me to beat it (though I also can't discount the angle I just played on Easy back then...)
I'm not sure what Tom McShea was expecting. It reads to me like he never liked the original source material. I don't care that his bio says that he "loves platformers"; if he didn't like the original game and considers the platforming "dull"... then he really shouldn't be covering this game. There's inherent bias there from the start, hoping for something that was never really intended.
Guess what? If you didn't like DuckTales, you're not gonna like Remastered. Big surprise!
No bonfires in Dark Souls is pretty extreme compared to losing 3 minutes of progress in Duck Tales. Fortunately it's not that black and white.
I'm not saying all games should be Mega Man, but criticising a game for having the audacity to present any semblance of a challenge is ridiculous. If you haven't gotten good enough to advance, what makes you think the next area will be easy enough for you to button mash through?
Holy shit, this has to be some of the worst voice acting in years.
Alright, yeah, that IS more concerning for someone that just wants to revisit the game. I'll probably wait and see a bit on impressions from everyone else first tomorrow then.I'm 31 and have been playing games for 27 years. DuckTales is so easy that it's just boring. Granted, I really like difficult games, but I can still appreciate something that's not taxing if it's done well. DuckTales Remastered is not.
Two points
1) It shouldn't matter how I feel about the original DuckTales. This is 2013--not 1989--and I'm judging the game by modern standards.
2) I loved DuckTales. Still do, in fact. I played the NES version on Friday and it's much better than the remake.
Well, seems like nostalgia strikes again!
I had a bad feeling that this game would show its age poorly. Most NES games do not hold up well.
Well, seems like nostalgia strikes again!
I had a bad feeling that this game would show its age poorly. Most NES games do not hold up well.
DuckTales is an old school game and old school games are traditionally difficult so seeing if Way Forward and Capcom nerfed the difficulty was important to me... and I absolutely commend them for the way they handled it. They kept it old school. When you die on a level and use up your lives you are done. Back to the level select for you. No super weeney why dont you start back exactly where you died continues, if you get all the way through the end, die on the boss, too bad. You gotta go back through and play the whole level again.
Hah, I love the whining, playing the old ducktales, a game I consider easy as far as NES games go, and losing your lives sends you back to the title screen, no continuing involved? Yet people are bitching about having to redo a STAGE, a 10 minute ordeal, tops.
I thought it wasn't out until tomorrow? or is everyone just playing the Retail code version?
Let's try not to assume that everyone who enjoys old NES games is too stupid to tell the difference between genuine enjoyment and some cloudy memory in their mind.
Ducktales the original didnt have checkpoints, but the levels were laid out differently. In the originals you could go straight to the boss without exploring most of the level if you knew what you were doing. The remake forces you to play the whole thing.
I thought it wasn't out until tomorrow? or is everyone just playing the Retail code version?
But if you live in Australia tomorrow is today!
Did Capcom do it again? =(
Kinda funny that the Gamespot reviewer complains about having to replay some parts of the game after dying when he's such a huge fan of Dark Souls. A game where one of the core concepts is just that, dying and replaying the same stretches again and again.
The Citizen Cane reference is totally lost on me.
What am I missing?
Some of the music tracks of Ducktales Remastered have been uploaded to Youtube.
Money Bin Stage
Mount Vesuvius
NES chiptune music is unlockable.What's the deal with the NES versions of these?