I played the demo and immediately lost interest after a few encounters. How is it anything like Duke?MMaRsu said:Screw off Stitch, Bulletstorm was one of the best fps games in years.
I played the demo and immediately lost interest after a few encounters. How is it anything like Duke?MMaRsu said:Screw off Stitch, Bulletstorm was one of the best fps games in years.
Gary Whitta said:Yay!
This reminds me, I just finished playing Prey and saw your name in the credits. I'm sure some part of me knew about that ahead of time, but I must have blocked it out.
So yeah. Good work on Prey.
evilromero said:I played the demo and immediately lost interest after a few encounters. How is it anything like Duke?
I'm in those credits as well. Go me!Gary Whitta said:Yay!
This is what everyone should be doing for all games everywhere.DOBERMAN INC said:I seriously wish I had not bought this until I had read some reviews.
evilromero said:I played the demo and immediately lost interest after a few encounters. How is it anything like Duke?
No they shouldn'tGvaz said:This is what everyone should be doing for all games everywhere.
People should listen to reviews or from their friends as a whole. If a game is bad don't buy it. Buying into games on release day only supports more shitty games, imo.(._.) said:No they shouldn't
Papercuts said:Not necessarily like duke, but it's an off the wall crazy FPS game. Full of one liners and doesn't take itself seriously. The demo doesn't properly show off its awesomeness.
This is what happens when you're paid to play something and your opinion has already been made up years ago.funkystudent said:
Pandoracell said:Two questions:
1.) Is the level design very 90s in the sense of being very open and labyrinth like?
funkystudent said:
Combichristoffersen said:I haven't gotten around to play the game myself, but supposedly the levels are more narrow and corridor-like than Duke 3D was.
Pandoracell said:Kinda disappointing for me. I don't so much care about duke as I care about playing a throwback game.
Tacitus_ said:To put it lightly. The demo has none of the interactivity found in the full game.
Can you find a rat in a closet in the demo and put it in a microwave? No.
Can you play billiards, air hockey, etc in a strip club? No.
The demo has you fight a single boss with no mechanics and then a driving section with a bunch of shooting after it.
The level design is more reminiscent of HL2 than CoD. Very linear and scripted, but with tons of things to do and lots of physics puzzles along the way. It's more of a throwback to 2004 than 1994.Pandoracell said:Two questions:
1.) Is the level design very 90s in the sense of being very open and labyrinth like? I don't want to play something like Call of Duty.
Combichristoffersen said:You'd probably be better off waiting for Serious Sam 3 then, I guess![]()
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:is the humor crass, juvenile, and offensive, because if you say yes, I'm just going to give in and get it.
Pandoracell said:I'm actually not much of a fan of the Serious Sam games. Thanks for your input though!
lol.DidntKnowJack said:
Combichristoffersen said:You can pick up human feces and throw at the wall, you can draw a giant dick on the whiteboard detailing 'Operation: Cockblock', and the first demo level ends with Duke getting a blowjob from the 'Holsom Twins', before he makes a quip about the long development time of the game. So yeah, it's pretty much the old Duke humour, I'd say. The full game should have even more of that kind of thing.
Tacitus_ said:Duke's firing with everything
"Only pussies wear power armor (with halo theme playing)*
"Damn, I hate valve puzzles"
"Duke - 1, Gears - 0"
Outtrigger888 said:Gonna probaly pick it up but I have to play the console version![]()
Wow. Gary, know how much of what you wrote made it to this version?Gary Whitta said:Yay!
Combichristoffersen said:Get the PS3 version if you can, apparently it's the least worst of the console versions
mattiewheels said:Wow. Gary, know how much of what you wrote made it to this version?
animlboogy said:It's so stupid, but this hypes me for this game so much. I know it's gonna come off like it was made in the mid-2000's -- probably because it largely was -- and I know it's not going to be the most polished, AAA experience out there. I just want that idiotic crass feeling back, along with some design that doesn't have anything to do with kneeling behind something and popping out once in awhile to pop a head off.
luka said:http://www.abload.de/img/duke_in_duke_main2u0y.jpg[IMG]
Found on duke4.net[/QUOTE]
Insane. In a good way.