markot said:Is it just me or is the game not even on the top sellers on steam already >_>?
Bomba atomique.
It went out the day it released in Europe, poof, gone.
markot said:Is it just me or is the game not even on the top sellers on steam already >_>?
Bomba atomique.
PsychoRaven said:Ouch. Sad to see it's getting reviewed so poorly. Can't say it surprises me but that is sad. I really hoped it would surprise everyone and actually get some good reviews.
Uh, I played the master race version and would give it a 2 or 3 out of ten.Combichristoffersen said:Not surprising, considering most outlets seem to be reviewing the dreadful console versions. PC Gamer gave the Master Race version 80/100.
Dance In My Blood said:Uh, I played the master race version and would give it a 2 or 3 out of ten.
Combichristoffersen said:Not surprising, considering most outlets seem to be reviewing the dreadful console versions. PC Gamer gave the Master Race version 80/100.
Duke Nukem appeals to a certain group of people. It's very stimulus/response. It's the same reaction as a fetish or other mild mental disorder, really.CecilRousso said:It´s fascinating to see a game with so much tasteless humour and so many apparent flaws being defended like this one is on internet forums, while other games are getting strangled at the first sight of low res textures.
I just don't understand this perspective I guess. So much of Forever is cribbed from other games that it's hard for me consider it a "breath of fresh air".Combichristoffersen said:Your taste must be broken, it is a 90/10. At least. Seriously though, I'm in line with PC Gamer, it's a 7-8/10 for me. It's a flawed game with some debatable design choices (with the two-weapon limit being the most offensive), but in a market that is oversaturated with srs bsns military dudebro shootan gaems with mature stories for mature gamers, Duke is a breath of fresh air. There's been like.. probably less than 10 FPS games released post-Blood I've actually cared about (Quake 4, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the latest Wolfenstein, Doom 3, Painkiller, Serious Sam: First Encounter, Serious Sam 2, DarkWatch and Clive Barker's Undying are the only ones I can think of), so Duke offers me what I want from FPS games, unlike other current FPS games.
scorpian007 said:I gotta say, the more I play it the less I'm enjoying it. I'm about 5 hours into the game and its getting real boring.
Unfortunately I was one of the ones who had waited the last 10 years so this is really disappointing. I just hope Gearbox can do something cool with the license in future games.
So far this game is 6/10 for me (PC version)
AgentOtaku said:eek!
Should I resend my Steam preorder?
Dance In My Blood said:I just don't understand this perspective I guess. So much of Forever is cribbed from other games that it's hard for me consider it a "breath of fresh air".
Dance In My Blood said:I just don't understand this perspective I guess. So much of Forever is cribbed from other games that it's hard for me consider it a "breath of fresh air".
It isn't particularly funny at any point, and seems to even play the story straight for most of the games (unless gigantic chunks of the humor are completely lost on me). Are there moments of creativity? Sure, but almost all of them are based around Duke being shrunk down. After that it becomes a romp to save the girl/world through sewers, factories, generators, and every other generic production facility you can imagine. Insultingly, these are split into multiple parts and level names become stuff like "The Generator: Part 2".
Duke can sometimes get so lost in these mundane environments that the game will pop up text reminders on screen in an attempt to remind you that you actually have a short term goal. When stuff like this is most of the game, I have a tough time setting Duke apart from the pack beyond the bad occasional joke or video game reference. If anything the references to other games just point out the shortcomings of Forever while I'm playing it.
Combichristoffersen said:It's a breath of fresh air in that the game doesn't take itself seriously at all, while the current trend of FPS games like Medal of Duty: Gears of Halo are military shooters that take themselves seriously, as mature games with mature storytelling for mature gamers
randomwab said:Did you play, and if so, how did you like games like Quake 4/Prey/Doom 3 and things like that? It's like that sort of game...but sort a bland version of those or something. I sort of enjoyed it, but I'd still give it like a 4 or 5 out of 10.
Also, there's an item that doesn't show up at all in the single player campaign which, to me, is bullshit.Where the fuck is the jetpack?
randomwab said:Bulletstorm does this, and does it better. It also has better gameplay, level design, and more relevant humour in the same vein as what Duke is trying for.
Bulletstorm is Duke for this generation, in my opinion.
Badabing said:One thing's for sure though: Duke Nukem Forever made me jump on a Steam copy of Bulletstorm for $30-- I'm just craving a game with the same kind of fun.
Have you tried Singularity? It's quite good and feels kind of old school in many ways.Combichristoffersen said:Your taste must be broken, it is a 90/10. At least. Seriously though, I'm in line with PC Gamer, it's a 7-8/10 for me. It's a flawed game with some debatable design choices (with the two-weapon limit being the most offensive), but in a market that is oversaturated with srs bsns military dudebro shootan gaems with mature stories for mature gamers, Duke is a breath of fresh air. There's been like.. probably less than 10 FPS games released post-Blood I've actually cared about (Quake 4, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the latest Wolfenstein, Doom 3, Painkiller, Serious Sam: First Encounter, Serious Sam 2, DarkWatch and Clive Barker's Undying are the only ones I can think of), so Duke offers me what I want from FPS games, unlike other current FPS games.
Combichristoffersen said:I looked into Bulletstorm, but there's no PC demo (unless they've released one somewhat recently), and I'm not interested in playing it with dual twaddlesticks on my PS3Besides, Bulletstorm just looked too dumb for me :lol
Neuromancer said:Have you tried Singularity? It's quite good and feels kind of old school in many ways.
randomwab said:If you're enjoying Duke, then by god, buy Bulletstorm. Seriously, you will not regret it.
randomwab said:If you're enjoying Duke, then by god, buy Bulletstorm. Seriously, you will not regret it.
TomJoadsGhost said:The comparisons to 'the club' gave me the fear on that one, i never want to play another game like that.
Looked pretty decent otherwise though.
I don't think any demo ever came out, for any system, but the full version has got to be dirt cheap by now. Based on the games you listed I think you'd dig it.Combichristoffersen said:Haven't had the chance to do so, no. Is there a PC demo available?
Hmmm. I'll give it another look, at least.
Combichristoffersen said:I looked into Bulletstorm, but there's no PC demo (unless they've released one somewhat recently), and I'm not interested in playing it with dual twaddlesticks on my PS3Besides, Bulletstorm just looked too dumb for me :lol
TomJoadsGhost said:The comparisons to 'the club' gave me the fear on that one, i never want to play another game like that.
Looked pretty decent otherwise though.
PsychoRaven said:There is on Steam. I know cause I tried the demo.
I just don't know what DNF game you played that had those things.Kruhex said:How many FPS games today have cool/interesting guns and interesting enemy/monster designs? This is what early shooters had which doesn't exist today really. It's just pure fun to me.
Combichristoffersen said:Nice, I'll grab the demo off Steam then, and try it.
eXistor said:This is the perfect game to ignore reviews over. I'm liking the game a lot myself. The only things I really don't like in this game are the linear levels (I want small-ish non-linear levels like Duke 3D) and that stupid 2-weapon limit. Also running in this game blows, this also needs to be the way it was back in the day.
Other than that: the Duke himself is great and remains intact no matter how crappy his game might be. The gunplay is decent to good and the levels are very diverse (the stripclub was awesome and more like how I want the rest of the game to be, only bigger of course). It's nothing special (except for the Duke himself) and Gearbox will have to step their game up if they want Duke Nukem to truly be forever, but as it stands is a fun game. Come in with the right and realistic expectations and you'll have a blast.
Gvaz said:I usually don't agree with critic reviews but I am for once. I have no idea why this juvenile game was released in 2011 :\
Zuhzuhzombie!! said:Is all Gearbox did was basically tie the game together and finish it up after buying the IP?
While I love the game I generally agree with scores in the 5-7 range (not using the IGN scale where 5 is 'worst game ever made'), but I took nothing away from this review other than "the game is old therefore it is bad."miladesn said:
Chacranajxy said:Bulletstorm is one of the best fps games Ive ever played, and I fucking hated everything about The Club. That was one of the least satisfying, worst designed shooters ever.
luka said:Oh shiiiit. Moral outrage over Duke Nukem! The more things change...
While I love the game I generally agree with scores in the 5-7 range (not using the IGN scale where 5 is 'worst game ever made'), but I took nothing away from this review other than "the game is old therefore it is bad."
randomwab said:Bulletstorm does this, and does it better. It also has better gameplay, level design, and more relevant humour in the same vein as what Duke is trying for.
Bulletstorm is Duke for this generation, in my opinion.
Prime crotch said:"Duke we'll get the weight off in a week, we swear!"
They are apologetic over the whole ordeal, that's part of the joke and how about a quick jab at abortion as well. The joke is the dumb blondes got raped and pregnant, and now they're sorry, isnt that hilarious?! No it isnt.