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DUKE NUKEM FOREVER |OT| Spank One For The Good Guys


Prologue Type S Alpha
I was tempted to create a new thread for this, but maybe this is a thoughtful discussion that can live within this thread:

After having played the demo and watching the Giant Bomb QL, I found myself wondering out loud, "Should Gearbox and Randy Pitchford be praised for pushing a game of this quality to market in 2011?".

I understand the history that Mr. Pitchford has with the property and 3D Realms, but to celebrate the fact that Gearbox enabled a game with such a crazy lineage to be released in the state that it's in seems contrary to a desire to have a competent, if not polished, gameplay experience.

It's not my intent to crap on the thread, but to further a discussion, and if this post is deemed as inappropriate to an OT, I'd ask that a mod either move my post or delete it all together.
I think that would make a good thread, that way this thread could actually be about the game and that thread could be about all the drama surrounding it.


I'm reminded of a party I was at once at my wife's friend's house.

"People who swear all the time", she preached to her guests, "just lack the vocabulary to articulate themselves properly in a discussion".

"Sounds like you're full of shit", I replied. Cue hysterics.

She didn't talk to anyone else all night.
#AlwaysBetOnDuke is the #1 trending topic on Twitter, there are some good ones:

kfc_colonel KFC Colonel

#AlwaysBetOnDuke is true in most cases... But, not when the colonel is involved, then it's #AlwaysBetOnColonel :)>
ScottGreenly84 Scott Greenly

The first Duke Nukem game I had came on floppy disk and ran on a computer that had less space than my current cell phone. #AlwaysBetOnDuke
robbymarino Rob Marino

#alwaysbetonduke because I remember what happens if you press the space bar near a girl in the original game #BestMomentEverforA7yearold


Found this comment on that garbage Ars review...

thesearchforbigfoot said:
The rape themed level really pushed this game over the edge into being absolute garbage. The only people who would think this shit is funny are murderers and rapists.


I've played an hour so far (up to the mothership), and I'm loving it so far. The gameplay is fine, graphics arent bad (load times are only a few seconds on pc for me), and I really like the environment and narrative so far. Bunch of interactive stuff, and the whole beginning with gushing over Duke and his fame is awesome, it plays perfectly to the character. It's not a AAA blockbuster, but goddamn if it isnt entertaining.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Seems to me like releasing this on the consoles was a terrible idea in the end. Watching the Giant Bomb quicklook now, and the loading and performance problems only serve to magnify all of the issues with the game. The levels all seem pretty short with load screens around every corner, which isn't a game breaker on PC where they only last a few seconds, but at 30-60 seconds on consoles it just isn't acceptable.

I think leaving it as a PC exclusive would have actually had a positive impact. The performance issues wouldn't crop up in reviews and it would probably receive more positive attention as a result.

I do have to admit that the 90s level design is kind of appealing. Most reviewers are slamming it, but it definitely triggers some nostalgia in me. These types of shooters really don't exist any more.


dark10x said:
Seems to me like releasing this on the consoles was a terrible idea in the end. Watching the Giant Bomb quicklook now, and the loading and performance problems only serve to magnify all of the issues with the game. The levels all seem pretty short with load screens around every corner, which isn't a game breaker on PC where they only last a few seconds, but at 30-60 seconds on consoles it just isn't acceptable.

I think leaving it as a PC exclusive would have actually had a positive impact. The performance issues wouldn't crop up in reviews and it would probably receive more positive attention as a result.

No kidding. Once the stumbling block that was DNF is behind us, hopefully Gearbox will be able to push forward on a new Duke title with an engine that is a bit more console friendly.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Have to say, the console port actually reminds me of some of those sub-par PC to Dreamcast ports. The Half-Life port Gearbox created (but did not release), for instance, was full of very lengthy loading screens and lousy performance. Same deal with things like Soldier of Fortune, which was even worse. It definitely feels like a console port of old.


Time ta STEP IT UP
Going to play Multiplayer all night -- hopefully Gearbox got that right (They did exclusively work on MP, right?)

Also hope the DLC is just a redone version of Duke Nukem 3D

Fox Mulder

illadelph said:
this game is probably terrible but I will eventually buy it just based on principle

I might drop a $20 on it at some point, but I only have a slight curiosity about it. I'll be more interested in where Gearbox goes with the IP in the future.


Badabing said:
Going to play Multiplayer all night -- hopefully Gearbox got that right (They did exclusively work on MP, right?)

Also hope the DLC is just a redone version of Duke Nukem 3D
Multiplayer is awesome. Kinda laggy though (but I think that might depend on where you are. UK for me and almost every game is laggy)


The Ars comments are the best I've ever seen. That site is so full of wimps and PC idiots anyway. One girl is claiming that she was working for a "certain someone" in the video game industry (suggesting it was 3D Realms) who mentally abused her, hated women, and hid hardcore porn in her desk all the time.

Oh, Ars is such a failure of a website on it's gaming side.


fr4nz said:
The Vegas line is great.

Consider that the Duke franchise started out as 2D action platformers back when the genre's popularity was at its summit and many big PC developers (including id and Epic) were riding that wave. Then DOOM happened and Duke 3D followed. Forever was never going to be innovative, but expecting it to be a throwback to the oldschool 90s FPS is equally unrealistic when, historically, Duke has always been a follower. It worked before because they were right on top of things. Cramming 15 years' worth of genre 'evolution' into a single game is bound to end up messy even if that game's development weren't prolonged and disorganized. But this is Duke Nukem Forever.


dark10x said:
Seems to me like releasing this on the consoles was a terrible idea in the end. Watching the Giant Bomb quicklook now, and the loading and performance problems only serve to magnify all of the issues with the game. The levels all seem pretty short with load screens around every corner, which isn't a game breaker on PC where they only last a few seconds, but at 30-60 seconds on consoles it just isn't acceptable.

I think leaving it as a PC exclusive would have actually had a positive impact. The performance issues wouldn't crop up in reviews and it would probably receive more positive attention as a result.

Yeah, in the end, i agree.
Just got to the sewers ....bottom-line?

It's fucking fun!

Also hint for performance:

Set Shadows to "World" only and watch your framerate hit a rocksolid 60+ at almost all times. Characters casting shadows kill the performance and you don't even notice them really when they're gone anyway...
There's so much hyperbole in this thread that it makes me sad. How can people not enjoy this game? How can people give this a 2/10. If the issues on console are so bad then I'd understand - but alot of people are saying its not funny or fun at all in which I completely disagree. It makes me sad to see so much hate directed at a game I really like.


dark10x said:
Seems to me like releasing this on the consoles was a terrible idea in the end. Watching the Giant Bomb quicklook now, and the loading and performance problems only serve to magnify all of the issues with the game. The levels all seem pretty short with load screens around every corner, which isn't a game breaker on PC where they only last a few seconds, but at 30-60 seconds on consoles it just isn't acceptable.

I think leaving it as a PC exclusive would have actually had a positive impact. The performance issues wouldn't crop up in reviews and it would probably receive more positive attention as a result.

I do have to admit that the 90s level design is kind of appealing. Most reviewers are slamming it, but it definitely triggers some nostalgia in me. These types of shooters really don't exist any more.
Agreed. This should have never got a console port when Gearbox took over. The game probably would have been much better received.


stuminus3 said:
I'm reminded of a party I was at once at my wife's friend's house.

"People who swear all the time", she preached to her guests, "just lack the vocabulary to articulate themselves properly in a discussion".

"Sounds like you're full of shit", I replied. Cue hysterics.

She didn't talk to anyone else all night.

I seriously hope that only happened in your mind.


Badabing said:
Going to play Multiplayer all night -- hopefully Gearbox got that right (They did exclusively work on MP, right?)

Also hope the DLC is just a redone version of Duke Nukem 3D

Multiplayer owns. It's ugly as fuck but the maps are awesome and weapons incredibly balanced. Well Devastator is overpowered like it should be.

There's cinema map from duke3d!


Finished on PC and really fun game. No complaints and overall nearly met expectations. I actually prefer older level design, cool weapons, interesting bosses and don't care that they are rehashes of DN3D. Aside from the usual complaints, my main complaint here is probably that the level design could have been done a lot better. I remember how great it was using a jetpack over canyons. Also, I wish there weren't weapon stores and rather that they brought back hidden areas/items. I hope that even if this game bombs in sales, they will continue to make a groundup game through Gearbox. I would assume they wouldn't just throw away a property like that so I'm hopeful.


Dartastic said:
Rape themed level? Wait, what?!? Someone please elaborate. Not too cool with that.

It's not as bad as it sounds. Aliens (behind the scenes) possibly raped a woman and a joke is played on it. It's not something so far-fetched you haven't seen it in a movie before. Species was pretty close to alien rape. I wouldn't call it that but still, lol.
(._.) said:
Agreed. This should have never got a console port when Gearbox took over. The game probably would have been much better received.

The Ps3 version is fine, its not the console ports in themselves thats the problem its the fact that they (apparently) buggered up the 360 version.

Im just grateful for that last (may>june) delay for putting me off preordering and the murmurs here on friday about the higher quality ps3 version or else i'd have got this for 360 for sure.

I'm not terribly into DLC but i'm actually kind of looking forward to the expansion pack for this one, hopefully they can patch up the 360 version a bit in the interim too.


If this game was say like a $40 PC game with free DLC/update support this game would be getting a good amount of critical praise. I have yet to try the PS3 version though. I honestly don't want to.
DryvBy2 said:
It's not as bad as it sounds. Aliens (behind the scenes) possibly raped a woman and a joke is played on it. It's not something so far-fetched you haven't seen it in a movie before. Species was pretty close to alien rape. I wouldn't call it that but still, lol.

I've played through that level, arent the women supposed to have been impregnated by those little facehugger/spider things that keep trying to latch onto duke?

They are called impregnators, after all.

I've probably missed something but isnt this the kind of 'rape level' which has appeared in every alien/aliens game ever?


Hero_of_the_Day_1985 said:
Anyone finished it yet? Curious how long it is.

Steam says it clocked it at around 8 hours, with me only half searching out ego boosts, pinball machine, etc. I will be going back to try and find the stuff I missed later. Also played on medium difficulty.
DryvBy2 said:
That site is so full of wimps and PC idiots anyway. One girl is claiming that she was working for a "certain someone" in the video game industry (suggesting it was 3D Realms) who mentally abused her, hated women, and hid hardcore porn in her desk all the time.
Which one is she, a "wimp" or "PC"?


It's not as bad as it sounds. Aliens (behind the scenes) possibly raped a woman and a joke is played on it

Well gee, when you explain it that way it doesn't sound bad at all!

DryvBy2 said:
More than likely a liar. Why would you not report this to the police but report it on a blog review of DNF?

Most sexual crimes go unreported for a variety of reasons. I doubt if many women would go to the police because someone hid porn in their desk - that would be viewed as an HR issue.


Margalis said:
Well gee, when you explain it that way it doesn't sound bad at all!

Most sexual crimes go unreported for a variety of reasons. I doubt if many women would go to the police because someone hid porn in their desk - that would be viewed as an HR issue.

Have you read Ars comments before? 99% of the time, they're the typcial trolls of the world, agreeing with whatever Ben Coohie says. They're the guys that have their CC stolen after Sony was hacked. They're the lawyers when it comes to EULA. They're everything and anything they can be related to the story. It's just how trolls troll.

She's also saying there was child porn involved. They wanted to have a 5-6 year old giving a boy a handjob in a game. I didn't know 3D Realms made the E10+ RapeLay.


DryvBy2 said:
The Ars comments are the best I've ever seen. That site is so full of wimps and PC idiots anyway. One girl is claiming that she was working for a "certain someone" in the video game industry (suggesting it was 3D Realms) who mentally abused her, hated women, and hid hardcore porn in her desk all the time.

Oh, Ars is such a failure of a website on it's gaming side.

I know "Mental abuse" is a thing, but all I can think of is:


Watching the giant bomb quick looks makes the parody level of this game equivalent to a "disaster movie" or a "meet the Spartans". Where the writing is going for the easiest and lowest common denominator of a pop culture reference, mixed in with the most offensive and/or grotesque nudity.

I mean the real shame is that if done right, Duke could be the perfect character to smartly playoff the big movie and video game cliches with its nostalgic 90s gameplay and bigger then life character.


dark10x said:
Seems to me like releasing this on the consoles was a terrible idea in the end. Watching the Giant Bomb quicklook now, and the loading and performance problems only serve to magnify all of the issues with the game. The levels all seem pretty short with load screens around every corner, which isn't a game breaker on PC where they only last a few seconds, but at 30-60 seconds on consoles it just isn't acceptable.

I think leaving it as a PC exclusive would have actually had a positive impact. The performance issues wouldn't crop up in reviews and it would probably receive more positive attention as a result.

I do have to admit that the 90s level design is kind of appealing. Most reviewers are slamming it, but it definitely triggers some nostalgia in me. These types of shooters really don't exist any more.

I'm glad they released it on consoles (PS3 especially) because, if they didn't, I never would've played this awesome thing.


Gold Member
Margalis said:
Most sexual crimes go unreported for a variety of reasons.

And a good majority of reported sex crimes also turn out to be complete fabrications from women who are looking for revenge or attention.

I think her claim is bogus.


Neo Member
Chiggs said:
And a good majority of reported sex crimes also turn out to be complete fabrications from women who are looking for revenge or attention.

I think her claim is bogus.

That's a pretty damning claim to make. Do you have any evidence?
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