- TrendyNet should now be working properly and *NOT* deleting your data.
- Disconnects should be greatly reduced, although we are aware that they are still happening. We are working to reduce further DC's.
- There is a separate issue that people are experiencing where levels are not unlocking for them which we are also working to fix. BUT, these people have not been experiencing data deletion.
Also, if you are experiencing any crashes please send your .mdmp files to
[email protected]. You can find information on how to get your dump files
Update 2: Patch 7.03 Notes
Upcoming Patch! (later tonight)
7.03 Patch Notes:
* Newly Added: Gears-of-War-Style offset Chase Camera for ranged characters, for better shooting
* We believe we have fixed the Progress Unlock bug, issues with not having levels unlocked.
* Chat box no longer will close when pressing an alpha-numeric chat button while typing if bound to it
* You are now given the tutorial achievement in Ranked mode, so that you can progress towards Legendary Defender
* Ability Hotkeys 5-0 can now be bound in the Game Config Tool
* More TrendyNet client-side tweaks to further decrease Ranked disconnections
* Issues with Steam Cloud in Local Play should be resolved
* Gamepad can now properly control the Choose Multiplayer Mode UI
* Improved Monk DPS Ramp
FYI, Your bindings will probably be reset. Let us know how things are working for you. Thanks, guys!
Previous Notes:
- Fixed the crash on systems that had Windows locale set to a Japanese/Asian-language.
- Invert Mouse option no longer also inverts Defense placement controls.
- Fixes an issue where the configuration tool key bindings weren't saving
- Fixes the chat box not appearing when Tab was pressed (or whatever key was bound to it by the user)
- Fixed "no sounds" bug with 7.1 speaker setup
- Added Invert mouse to in-game options
- "Disable sound" option in Configuration tool now works
- Less online disconnections, made timeouts more forgiving