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Dungeon Defenders |OT| |XBLA PSN PC MAC iOS ANDROID| cross-platform coming soon


Victrix said:
4) Inventory interface is a trainwreck. This is odd, because the core game ui is quite good. In any case, short of a complete revamp, at least get rid of the stupid sliding panel animations and make transitions from screen to screen instant. Bad enough you have to visit three screens just to examine an item or trade something, worse that you have to wait for a stupid animation while this is occuring.

This really bothers me too. Having to go through multiple menus to get where you want is one thing, having to also wait for animations each time gets really annoying.


Really regretting my purchase now, and I think my DLC is fucked, had my first crash after 4~ hours of play or so, and now looks like my character has been wiped, and now when I go back to the tavern, I can't find my DLC, what a piece of shit, it's been pushed back for like a year, and this is what comes outta the gate lol. If anyone is on the fence I recommend just wait until the Christmas sale, hopefully by then this will be patched up.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
you cannot see steam achievements for this game on your profile for some reason, neither for the whole world:


PSN trophies don't appear on your PSN trophy card either. Seems it's a universal problem.

EDIT: Since we've got a dev reading this thread, I might as well throw in my thoughts on what needs to be patched/fixed (PS3 version here):

1. Please, PLEASE patch in click-lock attacking for all characters. My hand gets so tired pressing R2 over and over and over to attack with the Apprentice and Squire. In retrospect, I suppose this wouldn't be possible for the Apprentice given his charge attack, but still. There has to be a better way.

2. Inventory management really does need work. It's really hard to tell what item you currently have selected, since the pop-up dialog when you have an item highlighted makes it look like you have the item above selected. Maybe a more visible color for the item highlight box or something.

3. Make it possible to choose to go back to the Tavern after completing a stage in singleplayer/local co-op instead of having to go to the next stage then quit out.

4. The auto-lock needs work, especially for the melee characters. It's annoying to have the auto-lock targeting an enemy above you that you can't reach while other enemies next to you are kicking your ass.

5. As said above, the trophy system needs fixed, since trophies don't show up on your PSN profile.

That's all I can think of for now. Really am enjoying the game, but it does have some issues I'd like to see corrected.


Second-rate Anihawk
Im_Special said:
Really regretting my purchase now, and I think my DLC is fucked, had my first crash after 4~ hours of play or so, and now looks like my character has been wiped, and now when I go back to the tavern, I can't find my DLC, what a piece of shit, it's been pushed back for like a year, and this is what comes outta the gate lol. If anyone is on the fence I recommend just wait until the Christmas sale, hopefully by then this will be patched up.

I feel that way too. The game is good, but the online problems ruin the experience. I wish I had bought Orcs Must Die and got DD during the holiday sale instead of vice versa.


In addition to balance and server issues....

So this much ballyhooed coop game has been reduced to playing with your friends.


So thanks to places like Cheathappens and other trainer makers this game, on the first day was ruined for a lot of people. Trendy, please do something about this. I know you guys are thinking about it already. But I've seen level 70's with a score of 2 million on maps... come on really? So lame. I hope this gets remedied soon.

Amongst other things like pets at ridiculous levels, players moving super fast with no legit gear on. Ridiculous amounts of mana being tossed around. I play private games now with only my friends because it is so stupid crazy with hack-cheats.

My understanding is that they've been sitting on the PC version for quite some time yet the PC release has been quite the cluster fuck.


Need some strategy help Gaf. Played this with my friend last night for about 4 hours. I'm the mage and he's the huntress and we're playing on easy cause this game is hard as hell!

We manage to reach the Servant's Quarters stage I think its called and we have no problems until the final wave. There are these magi that spawn a shit ton of skeletons that overwhelm our defenses in conjunction with the regular armies that are all constantly getting healed by these magi.

We've been using inferno traps, then a wall, then a magic missle/fire tower combo up till now and have been progressing but the towers and even we ourselves are finding it nigh impossible to focus fire the magi due to the auto targeting system. We are really out of ideas on how to tackle these guys.

We're both about lvl 15 right now and have basically started levelling other classes thinking maybe the mage/huntress combo is not the best way to do this one.


jhawk6 said:
Need some strategy help Gaf. Played this with my friend last night for about 4 hours. I'm the mage and he's the huntress and we're playing on easy cause this game is hard as hell!

We manage to reach the Servant's Quarters stage I think its called and we have no problems until the final wave. There are these magi that spawn a shit ton of skeletons that overwhelm our defenses in conjunction with the regular armies that are all constantly getting healed by these magi.

We've been using inferno traps, then a wall, then a magic missile/fire tower combo up till now and have been progressing but the towers and even we ourselves are finding it nigh impossible to focus fire the magi due to the auto targeting system. We are really out of ideas on how to tackle these guys.

We're both about lvl 15 right now and have basically started leveling other classes thinking maybe the mage/huntress combo is not the best way to do this one.

I made an earlier post about the balance. You have people complaining about the game being too hard and some saying they just sit back and watch the mana roll in so I guess the link here is the Squire. If you find the game too hard get a Squire in your party.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Just tried to..try the demo on PS3. Holy stats/information overload! Also got immediately kicked out of every online game I tried to join. Yeah...

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Hitmonchan107 said:
We're definitely working on getting everything ironed out. People are still in the office trying to get things right. (It's 3 a.m. here.) I just want to say thanks to everyone for being patient. We're sorry about the issues, but know that we are trying our best to fix them.
List of issues
1. Constant disconnects
2. Deleted characters
3. Squire is way OPed
4. Can't ready up away from crystal
5. Charge atks are worthless. Either give me an auto shoot option or buff the charge
6. Clunky ass controls...seriously! Playing on PC with my controller and I HAVE to use my mouse to select certain things? Also selecting char with keyboard forces keyboard use??
7. All camera angles are awkward.
8. Shop is worthless. Is it so hard to add more variety in so that you get a better mix of regular, special, and uber equip?

I preordered a 4 pack and am starting to regret it. I do hope you guys fix these issues and maybe throw trading if it's possible down tje line, but I'll go back to Orcs Must Die in the mean time. All the issues I have with DD don't pop up in Orcs... :(


I was in two trendynet games for about 4 hours and never had any network issues... Was I just lucky?

Like everyone else tho, I definitely think the Squire is OP. Why does the squire's towers do so much more damage than everyone else's? My fireball towers are nothing compared to the ballistas... They do three times as much damage and they pierce.

Also, the mage is just awful DPS-wise. Those charge shots generally aren't very useful unless you can find a nice clump of mobs to shoot at.

For the most part, I enjoyed playing the game. Was surprised that my preorder bonus couldn't be used in ranked play, but I guess that was to be expected. All this talk of characters getting wiped by disconnects is concerning though...
I should clarify for those who didn't see on the first page that I'm only an intern at Trendy. That said, I am passing along all of your suggestions and issues.


Hitmonchan107 said:
I should clarify for those who didn't see on the first page that I'm only an intern at Trendy. That said, I am passing along all of your suggestions and issues.

That said, mind if I ask you a few questions?

1) Which particular area of DD did you work on? Or are you on another, unannounced project?

2) What was the core experience that you wanted to provide through DD? How did it shape your design process? (If you were working in game design.)

3) What is the part you're most proud of about DD?

4) Most disappointed about?

5) What do you have to say to the people who are screaming about balance?

6) Do you have your next project already lined up?
I absolutely hate the map. Is there a mini map option? Maybe I just missed it

I played co-op with my daughter and honestly it felt like a disaster. If she wanted to find me she needed to bring up the GIANT map that covers pretty much the entire screen or if I called her to bring the prompt on her side it didn't follow me so she just ended up were I was a minute ago and the prompt had a really annoying sound effect if you kept pressing it to keep up where you were going. Only having half the screen didn't help I'm sure

I don't know why there isn't just a mini-map like in a musou game. It seems like a good game but I'm not dealing with her using that giant map all the time. Thankfully I downloaded the demo first even though I picked up a $20 PSN card for this :/ There were a couple other things I didn't like but the map just really annoyed me. Probably didn't help that it was late but I still wanted to get a few demo games in... should have just gone to bed early I suppose
Hitmonchan107 said:
I should clarify for those who didn't see on the first page that I'm only an intern at Trendy. That said, I am passing along all of your suggestions and issues.

thanks again! good to hear you guys are working to better an already awesome game.

I do agree that player's inventory/ box switching was a bit clunky but I feel that good features like item locking/ thumbs up&down make up for it.

HamPster PamPster said:
I absolutely hate the map. Is there a mini map option? Maybe I just missed it

I played co-op with my daughter and honestly it felt like a disaster. If she wanted to find me she needed to bring up the GIANT map that covers pretty much the entire screen or if I called her to bring the prompt on her side it didn't follow me so she just ended up were I was a minute ago and the prompt had a really annoying sound effect if you kept pressing it to keep up where you were going. Only having half the screen didn't help I'm sure

I love mini-map idea. However, maps aren't that big and you should get used to them quite easily. You can also call other players to your location by pressing the defaultkey 'C'
KuroNeeko said:
That said, mind if I ask you a few questions?

1) Which particular area of DD did you work on? Or are you on another, unannounced project?

2) What was the core experience that you wanted to provide through DD? How did it shape your design process? (If you were working in game design.)

3) What is the part you're most proud of about DD?

4) Most disappointed about?

5) What do you have to say to the people who are screaming about balance?

6) Do you have your next project already lined up?
I don't mind at all!

I've helped Justin Danford, Trendy's community manager, with the forums and other community outlets. I wasn't involved in the design of the game, so I can't really talk about the design philosophy with any sort of knowledge.

I'm sad that all of these issues happened, but I'm really proud of how the team has come together to try to fix them. I've worked at jobs where the bosses didn't care about the customers, and those were really frustrating experiences. That's not the case here, and it's a refreshing change of pace.

The main balance issue I've heard about concerns the Squire, but let me tell you, he evens out around mid to late game. He's a nice starting character, but I usually switch to Apprentice or Huntress as my go-to hero. (I'm too much of a noob for the Monk. :lol) There are some ridiculous weapons for the Huntress, but I won't spoil them here. :^)


The Squire was a walking blender in our game, but once my Apprentice hid mid levels, I started pulling even, then later pulling ahead as my turrets grew increasingly ridiculous. I suspect the Huntress is similar with her traps.

Also, for people frustrated with mp issues right now, just play Open - we played for hours last night without a hint of connectivity problems, and no risk of having your character nuked or whatever.


relies on auto-aim
Screw nerfing the Squire, buff all the other classes instead.

That said, on some of the higher waves I'm pretty sure you just NEED a monk / huntress. I did a survival mode and our party was killing everything until like Wave... 8? Then the difficulty ramped up by about 4x and we all died in 5 seconds.

Gas traps and auras are really good. I don't think the mage does anything useful though. *Haven't seen a high level mage yet
Another problem with this is 'Squire gets all the kills'... and then the other people don't get as much XP. If people split up and take a side/choke this isn't really an issue. Huntress in our party had no trouble holding her own in our Medium run to the garden level (Level 10?).

Also it probably helps that I have 84 points in Base Defense Damage.
Been having a lot of fun with the SP so far, though the Huntress is extremely difficult to play solo at the start so I switched to the Apprentice which is kind of easy mode. Looking forward to trying to playing some co-op this weekend.

Herbspicesoy said:
Wish this game had an auto fire toggle.

Also this.


Neo Member
Just want to say that for 15 bucks this game is worth it. Especially if you have friends to play it with! Having a blast. Don't let the little bugs get in the way of you enjoying a truly fun game :)

- TrendyNet should now be working properly and *NOT* deleting your data.

- Disconnects should be greatly reduced, although we are aware that they are still happening. We are working to reduce further DC's.

- There is a separate issue that people are experiencing where levels are not unlocking for them which we are also working to fix. BUT, these people have not been experiencing data deletion.

Also, if you are experiencing any crashes please send your .mdmp files to [email protected]. You can find information on how to get your dump files here.

Update 2: Patch 7.03 Notes

Upcoming Patch! (later tonight)

7.03 Patch Notes:

* Newly Added: Gears of War-style offset Chase Camera for ranged characters, for better shooting
* Newly Added: Input Configuration now supports Mouse "Thumb" buttons 4 and 5
* We believe we have fixed the Progress Unlock bug, issues with not having levels unlocked.
* Chat box no longer will close when pressing an alpha-numeric chat button while typing if bound to it
* You are now given the tutorial achievement in Ranked mode, so that you can progress towards Legendary Defender
* Ability Hotkeys 5-0 can now be bound in the Game Config Tool
* More TrendyNet client-side tweaks to further decrease Ranked disconnections
* Issues with Steam Cloud in Local Play should be resolved
* Gamepad can now properly control the Choose Multiplayer Mode UI
* Improved Monk DPS Ramp

FYI, Your bindings will probably be reset. Let us know how things are working for you. Thanks, guys!

Previous Notes:
- Fixed the crash on systems that had Windows locale set to a Japanese/Asian-language.
- Invert Mouse option no longer also inverts Defense placement controls.
- Fixes an issue where the configuration tool key bindings weren't saving
- Fixes the chat box not appearing when Tab was pressed (or whatever key was bound to it by the user)
- Fixed "no sounds" bug with 7.1 speaker setup
- Added Invert mouse to in-game options
- "Disable sound" option in Configuration tool now works
- Less online disconnections, made timeouts more forgiving


Hitmonchan107 said:

- TrendyNet should now be working properly and *NOT* deleting your data.

- Disconnects should be greatly reduced, although we are aware that they are still happening. We are working to reduce further DC's.

- There is a separate issue that people are experiencing where levels are not unlocking for them which we are also working to fix. BUT, these people have not been experiencing data deletion.

Also, if you are experiencing any crashes please send your .mdmp files to [email protected]. You can find information on how to get your dump files here.

Update 2: Patch 7.03 Notes

Upcoming Patch! (later tonight)

7.03 Patch Notes:

* Newly Added: Gears-of-War-Style offset Chase Camera for ranged characters, for better shooting
* We believe we have fixed the Progress Unlock bug, issues with not having levels unlocked.
* Chat box no longer will close when pressing an alpha-numeric chat button while typing if bound to it
* You are now given the tutorial achievement in Ranked mode, so that you can progress towards Legendary Defender
* Ability Hotkeys 5-0 can now be bound in the Game Config Tool
* More TrendyNet client-side tweaks to further decrease Ranked disconnections
* Issues with Steam Cloud in Local Play should be resolved
* Gamepad can now properly control the Choose Multiplayer Mode UI
* Improved Monk DPS Ramp

FYI, Your bindings will probably be reset. Let us know how things are working for you. Thanks, guys!

Previous Notes:
- Fixed the crash on systems that had Windows locale set to a Japanese/Asian-language.
- Invert Mouse option no longer also inverts Defense placement controls.
- Fixes an issue where the configuration tool key bindings weren't saving
- Fixes the chat box not appearing when Tab was pressed (or whatever key was bound to it by the user)
- Fixed "no sounds" bug with 7.1 speaker setup
- Added Invert mouse to in-game options
- "Disable sound" option in Configuration tool now works
- Less online disconnections, made timeouts more forgiving

The patch sounds good. Any more definite word on when the patch should arrive? eg: 4 hours from now.
mandiller said:
The patch sounds good. Any more definite word on when the patch should arrive? eg: 4 hours from now.
I haven't heard any definite word.

Also, added to the patch notes:

* Newly Added: Input Configuration now supports Mouse "Thumb" buttons 4 and 5

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Hazaro said:
Screw nerfing the Squire, buff all the other classes instead.

That said, on some of the higher waves I'm pretty sure you just NEED a monk / huntress. I did a survival mode and our party was killing everything until like Wave... 8? Then the difficulty ramped up by about 4x and we all died in 5 seconds.

Gas traps and auras are really good. I don't think the mage does anything useful though. *Haven't seen a high level mage yet
Another problem with this is 'Squire gets all the kills'... and then the other people don't get as much XP. If people split up and take a side/choke this isn't really an issue. Huntress in our party had no trouble holding her own in our Medium run to the garden level (Level 10?).

Also it probably helps that I have 84 points in Base Defense Damage.
You...you STFU! :mad:


Hitmonchan107 said:

7.03 Patch Notes:

* Newly Added: Gears of War-style offset Chase Camera for ranged characters, for better shooting
* Newly Added: Input Configuration now supports Mouse "Thumb" buttons 4 and 5

Fantastic. These two changes are exactly what I was looking for when I started playing. Implemented less than 2 days after release? Nice.
Rokal said:
Fantastic. These two changes are exactly what I was looking for when I started playing. Implemented less than 2 days after release? Nice.

I mentioned this earlier, but doppleganger has put together an auto-attack script for the heroes. It might work for the time being. (I haven't tested it myself.)
The M.O.B said:
Anybody have an extra copy from the 4 pack they wanna sell me?
I'm wondering the same thing.

If no, then I can organize a 4 pack if anyone is interested.

Dungeon Defenders
1. Cloudius

everyone will pay $11.25.

Let me know and I will add you to list.


relies on auto-aim
* Newly Added: Input Configuration now supports Mouse "Thumb" buttons 4 and 5
* Chat box no longer will close when pressing an alpha-numeric chat button while typing if bound to it


The M.O.B

Cloudius12 said:
I'm wondering the same thing.

If no, then I can organize a 4 pack if anyone is interested.

Dungeon Defenders
1. Cloudius

everyone will pay $11.25.

Let me know and I will add you to list.

I'm in

Save a couple bucks


Those doubting the mage...that lightning tower is insane. get one to put it up near a chokepoint with a bumper with lots of traffic.
The M.O.B said:
I got a buddy that wants one, so put me down for 2.

1 More person get in on this
ok there is one other Gaffer I am try to see if he can.

As soon as I have filled up spots, I will buy the game and send you guys a PM on Paypal details.

The M.O.B

Cloudius12 said:
ok there is one other Gaffer I am try to see if he can.

As soon as I have filled up spots, I will buy the game and send you guys a PM on Paypal details.

Well since Im buying two regardless, do u mind if I buy the 4 pack and send em out to you guys?


The new patch is out I think. My copy is downloading some new files. Going to fire it up and take it for a spin.

*edit* The game is running great. I haven't had any disconnections.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Just got the game tonight in a 4 back with my PC friends. A couple of others have already been playing. So far really love the game and the concept. Only core issue I had was we got dc'd a few times which sort of sucked.
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