Most frustrating thing about this game is probably playing with other people.
On one Deeper Well survival run with my level 12 trap Huntress, I sold two inferno traps that I had placed around the Crystal earlier in the game because they weren't seeing any action. The other members complained about me "selling traps for mana" and proceeded to place another Electric Aura and Slow Aura (despite my traps being significantly stronger.)
The second game I went into had three people, all who knew each other. The Squire obviously had a plan on where he wanted everything place and complained about how I was soaking up all the mana with my traps (two proximity traps) conveniently forgetting about the 200 mana I dropped and over 400 mana I had sunk into upgrading his other traps. (Sad that his traps probably do more damage than mine despite me focusing exclusively on traps.

If you're going to run games like that - then at least make them private.
On a side note, has anyone noticed an increase in Huntresses lately? Seems like Monk is the least played class and I haven't really seen the incentive in making a high-level, trap-based monk yet. I'm still only around the fourth stage though...