What is Dungeon Siege 3?
Dungeon Siege 3 is a hack'n'slash game with lots of loot and much more focus on the story than one would expect from a game in this genre - the developers are Obsidian Entertainment, after all. The official release date is june 17th, 2011.
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC (Windows)

System Requirements for PC: (Recommended in () )
OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1, Windows 7 (Windows 7)
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz or equivalent (Core i5 750 2.67 GHz or equivalent)
Memory: 1.5 GB (2gb)
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 3870 or NVIDIA 9800 GT (ATI Radeon HD 4870 or NVIDIA GTX 260)
DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c
Hard Drive: 4 GB for full installation
Sound: No accelerated sound hardware required
Source: STEAM Store
But how does it relate to the previous games?
Do not expect too much, other than being placed in the same world. This game not only has a different developer (Obsidian Entertainment) and publisher (Square Enix), but it moves away to a more action-based direction - if you were a hardcore fan of the originals, it is far from guaranteed that you will like the DS3 for the same reasons. Also, this one is not exclusively made for PC, and it currently controls best with a 360 pad, instead of the keyboard+mouse duo.

(From the left, to the right)
Reinhart Max - introduction video
Anjali - introduction videoOfficial Dungeon Siege Site said:Reinhart Manx is descended from a long line of Legion mages. He has spent most of his life at the Stonebridge Collegium, immersed in the study and practice of magic. Reinhart is known for his unconventional thinking and innovative magical techniques.
A scholar of arcane magic, Reinhart warps the forces of creation and destruction to his will. Although it leaves him open to attack, his Entropic magic can blast a wide area with life-extinguishing force. It is perfect for destroying crowds of enemies, as long as he keeps them at a distance. His Dynamic magic is channeled through an arcane gauntlet and capacitor. This deadly device creates currents of energy with a mere motion of his hand, allowing Reinhart to quickly incapacitate a single target at close range.
Lucas Montbarron - introduction videoOfficial Dungeon Siege Site said:Anjali is an archon - a legend, come to life. In the old stories, archons were spirits of fire, who served the long-lost creator gods. But Anjali was raised by friends of the Legion, and she does not know how she came to this world, or what happened to the others of her kind.
Anjali can shift freely between her human form and an incarnation of elemental fire. In human form, she fights with a staff or a spear, allowing her to fend off multiple attackers while leaping in and out of the fray. In her fiery incarnation, she can hurl bolts of flame at ranged targets, flood areas with heat and fire, or inflict searing wounds that injure her foes over time.
Katarina - introduction videoOfficial Dungeon Siege Site said:Lucas Montbarron is the son of the former Grand Master of the Legion. He is the last of a noble and respected line. Raised in a series of safehouses by families loyal to his father's memory, Lucas will not rest until the Legion is rebuilt, and his family's honour is restored. Lucas has been taught the art of combat in the ancient and deadly style of the Legion.
Lucas is a skilled swordsman, and a master of two combat stances. He can fight with a sword and shield, which allows him to attack quickly, deal heavy damage, and interrupt and stun single targets. When outnumbered, he wields a massive two-handed sword. While slower to swing and less practical for one-on-one combat, it can strike multiple foes and knock them back, making it an ideal weapon for crowd control.
Official Dungeon Siege Site said:Katarina is the illegitimate daughter of Hugh Montbarron - the former Grand Master of the Legion - and a Lescanzi witch. Her mother's people are nomads and wanderers, distrusted by many people in Ehb... but they are skilled in both warfare and magic, and Katarina has been trained in their ways.
Katarina takes a thoroughly practical approach to conflict resolution: stay out of sword's reach, and settle your problems with firearms. With her rifle in hand, she can fell distant foes, and even the most resilient enemy can be brought down by her ensorcelled bullets and debilitating curses. When forced into close combat, Katarina uses sorcery and a pair of short-range shotguns to repel attackers.
I want to mock this game so bad, can you help me with this?
Unfortunately, yes.
Step 1: Check out THIS video.
Step 2: There is no step two. Proceed to laugh for whatever amount of time feels neccessary for you.
Are the first reviews out yet?
Yes, there has been a few out, links to them:
EGM: 8/10
CVG Dungeon Siege 3 review - 7.9
Game Informer 8/10
Dungeon Siege 3 Eurogamer review (8/10)
Dungeon Siege 3 review by Suicide Girls
Dungeon Siege 3 Game Revolution review (B)
First official thread ever, hope it does not suck too much