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Dungeons of Dredmor |OT| it's roguelike, it has graphics, it's funny and it's $4.49

jayTOH said:
Have you been planting them in the bodies of your defeated foes or in dirt patches? They grow random shrooms after four or five turns.

OH! See if I was casting the spell itself 'on' dead bodies and it didn't seem to make a difference. But now I see: You place the spores on dead bodies. Thanks for the tip.


Just saw the hotfix thing, glad to hear it (I didn't erase my file yet, luckily). Sounds like they are doing well, too. Which is good because this game deserves it.


Looks like the hotfix will go out via Steam sometime this morning.

Now that crashes don't kill your save, I'm curious to see if I can complete my GR+P run with the Fleshsmithing/Necronomiconomics guy. I'm already on floor 6 so I might as well give it a run. Now that things are back to shooting their ranged attacks more, I think the CC from Nightmare Curse will be a lot more valuable, and I'm at a point where I can spam it fairly safely.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Moobabe said:
Should I do the tutorial? I feel too hardcore for that kind of nonsense...

You'll just die more often this way, and since dying is fun... :p
I am bored with this game after playing one character to level 2, restarting after finding out more about the skills, and playing another to level 12 (still alive - permadeath enabled, normal difficulty). Definitely missing the roguelike charm of being able to interact in lots of different ways with items, monsters, and the environment, and monster combat is repetitive.

Also, the inventory is too small.

It does have some cool features but I don't think I'll play it again anytime soon. Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is still my go-to roguelike.


Moobabe said:
Should I do the tutorial? I feel too hardcore for that kind of nonsense...

Are you familiar with roguelikes? If so it probably isn't necessary, just remember that only cardinal movement takes place unlike most other roguelikes.

If you never played a game like this before though you should probably run through it.


Moobabe said:
Should I do the tutorial? I feel too hardcore for that kind of nonsense...

move with wasd and click, right click or push the number for abilities to select them for right click use. cant remember learning anything else from it


Open Source said:
I am bored with this game after playing one character to level 2, restarting after finding out more about the skills, and playing another to level 12 (still alive - permadeath enabled, normal difficulty). Definitely missing the roguelike charm of being able to interact in lots of different ways with items, monsters, and the environment, and monster combat is repetitive.

Also, the inventory is too small.

It does have some cool features but I don't think I'll play it again anytime soon. Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is still my go-to roguelike.

yeh, I played for some hours but don't feel a desire to start again. it's missing something. not sure if it's combat, exploration, too many repeating enemies, no running into difficult enemies, enemies too simple, or something else


Just was gifted this from a friend, loving the style. I'm only one character into it but I'll play more a bit later on.


You guys remember all the Killzone and Scribblenauts avatar nonsense when those games were coming out? In that vein can some photoshop genius put the main character's huge eyebrows on my avatar for me?


Dropped some bolt of destruction & squid arrow inside a monster zoo.



So .. is there anyway to sell items more efficiently? Like shift click or something?
Playing a wizard and rarely use anything outside my hotkey bar.

p.s. tip for those who might not know, you can drop items onto yourself and it will be added into your inv/ hotbar.


Twinduct said:
So .. is there anyway to sell items more efficiently? Like shift click or something?
Playing a wizard and rarely use anything outside my hotkey bar.

p.s. tip for those who might not know, you can drop items onto yourself and it will be added into your inv/ hotbar.

With the latest patch, I'm pretty sure shift-clicking anything in your inventory while you're in a shop will autosell it to Brax. Note I'm pretty sure this will sell even quest items that he'd normally reject (for 0 zorkmids), which will prevent you from completing that quest.


Wallach said:
With the latest patch, I'm pretty sure shift-clicking anything in your inventory while you're in a shop will autosell it to Brax. Note I'm pretty sure this will sell even quest items that he'd normally reject (for 0 zorkmids), which will prevent you from completing that quest.

Gah Don't I feel like a fool right now :<
Didn't see that steam updated the game and only got to a merchant just now.
Gah there's even some big text at the top stating that shift-clicking= quick sale mode.

Thanks and sorry for my ignorance :<


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Can someone explain to me why my save that worked yesterday suddenly crashes to desktop each time I try to load it?

"Suddenly The Dungeon Collapses
This achievement is our way of saying "thank you for participating in our voluntary quality assurance program.""



Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Corky said:
Can someone explain to me why my save that worked yesterday suddenly crashes to desktop each time I try to load it?

"Suddenly The Dungeon Collapses
This achievement is our way of saying "thank you for participating in our voluntary quality assurance program.""


Its a bug from the new update. Keep onto your save, they try to make it work in the next patch this week. And they planned for no one to get this achievement since they thought they killed all the bugs, only to introduce one many players will get.


Corky said:
Can someone explain to me why my save that worked yesterday suddenly crashes to desktop each time I try to load it?

"Suddenly The Dungeon Collapses
This achievement is our way of saying "thank you for participating in our voluntary quality assurance program.""


See post #366. That hotfix should go live on Steam today if you want to wait for the official release.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Toma said:
Its a bug from the new update. Keep onto your save, they try to make it work in the next patch this week. And they planned for no one to get this achievement since they thought they killed all the bugs, only to introduce one many players will get.

cheers, too late though I got rid of the game. I got 14 h worth of gametime out of it too bad both my real runs ended in assy ways. Food running out + mass garbage item spawn in all stores leading to deadlock and this second run coming to a grinding halt because of this fancy pants bug.


Moobabe said:
You guys remember all the Killzone and Scribblenauts avatar nonsense when those games were coming out? In that vein can some photoshop genius put the main character's huge eyebrows on my avatar for me?

Anyone :D
my unarmed wear-two-shields run is finally doing well. I leveled up archeology to max first and can now see most traps and pick them up for easy exp and money. i guess I could place them down too if I wanted :p

this is after 5 or 6 deaths of trying to max unarmed first as the build suggested. when I tried that i'd always die from posion traps :x


There's something weird going on with my inventory. I had a pile of 60+ Lutefisk and I thought I'd put it in my smelting kit for safe keeping, but I've only got a stack of 21 in there now. Might be a bug with items inside of items (though I tried saving/loading with stuff in my kits afterward and everything was fine). This is from a clean game started on 1.0.3

Also, is there a way to view item stats from recipes within the game? I can make myself some sweet winged boots, for instance, but I don't know precisely how sweet they are or how they compare to the sweetness of my current boots.

Sarcasm said:
How do I get the steam overlay and the screenshot function to work?
Add "-opengl" to your launch options



I have another question. I got a quest to use an item (or find but I got the item from getting the quest from statue chick) and to use on mellow well.

Well I knew where the mellow well was cause I cleared that minutes ago. I go there...click on item and well...nothing how do I activate?
So far on my melee mushroom black smith I've gotten and cleared floor 6. All of my previous trips to anything past floor 4 have been on mage's and I've gotta say that floor 5 is NASTY for melee. I'm not sure if the tiki guys did it before as I would always fireball them asap but they put this nasty debuff on you that lowers your sight radius, and it stacks. Your character is completely in the dark and you cant even see monsters attacking you! Combined with diggle commando's it gets really annoying. Kleptoblobbies + the debuff is also super annoying as you will most likely lose at least the first item, if not the second. Floor 6 is a cake walk compared to floor 5.

I'm finding that fungal arts completely replaces vampirism with its steady supply of greedy blungecap's. The level 1 vampirism spell for about 80 turns while still being able to eat food is enough to take on any unique mob one on one without having to use potions. When you haywire a melee attack you get around 10+ hp and for some reason it seems to happen a lot. Probably more than it should. Fungal arts also provides tons of other useful buffs, and it's quickly becoming my favorite skill over all.

mrgone said:
There's something weird going on with my inventory. I had a pile of 60+ Lutefisk and I thought I'd put it in my smelting kit for safe keeping, but I've only got a stack of 21 in there now. Might be a bug with items inside of items (though I tried saving/loading with stuff in my kits afterward and everything was fine). This is from a clean game started on 1.0.3

You probably accidentally lutefisk'd your stack of lutefisk.


picklecannon said:
You probably accidentally lutefisk'd your stack of lutefisk.
I thought about that, but I'm pretty sure I didn't - my cube was empty, and I'd moved the lutefisk into my smelter as a result of accidentally pulling them out of the cube in the first place (and not wanting to flatten my big stack to 1 by putting it back in). That's not to say I didn't do something equally stupid with them, but I'm usually pretty careful about selling or dropping stuff.


I started a new game to poke around until I can get back to my 1.02 save file, and I'm quite glad they fixed the monster AI. The game is so much more interesting when all the monsters are using their abilities properly.

That said... I don't think I want to play melee now, haha. Monsters that cause item corruption on strike? Lots of ranged attacks and spells to deal with at range? Uhhh I'll stick to mages I think. Especially since Warrior stats are all bugged and make your character growth on level up suck.


This was posted on their bloglog.

Hotfix and Mac Update; The Future

July 21st, 2011 by Nicholas Vining in Dungeons of Dredmor, Front Page, Gaslamp, Programming
Hi, folks!

The Dredmor Save Fiasco Hotfix and a new OS X build have been sent to Steam, and they will go up some time tomorrow. (Steam is pretty good about these things.) As always, if you have any problems or questions, feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected]; we will try to get you sorted out as best we can. When updating the game, those of you using the hotfix may want to make sure you validate your Steam cache before, after, or during the install process to make sure you have the freshest, newest Dredmors that Steam can provide. (Or just uninstall and reinstall the entire thing, if bandwidth is cheap for you.)

At this point, the game seems to be running pretty stably for most people. We’re aware of a few slowdowns (generally bad performance on OS X; also blood, in particular in Monster Zoos), and a few odd things that happen using the Unsupported Features (the hidden speed-up key and the OpenGL renderer.) So this is good.

That said, we certainly have a bunch of issues to continue sorting out. My bugtracker currently has one hundred and eleven issues in it. In the words of Strong Bad, “That is not a small number! That is a big number!” There’s a very good chance that if there is an issue that’s bothering you (warrior health broken! Mages still need nerfing! Balance issues! Infinite Diggle Health bars! Pet stupidity! Monsters attacking you just as you kill them! Pets being stupid! WASD not working! This Translation is all Wrong… Is All Wrong! etc.), we probably have it on our list. This is in addition to the requested features list, which still includes 2X UI and has expanded to include a bunch of other things that everybody wants – and will eventually get – to make their life better. (Minimap icons springs instantly to mind, although there’s other stuff.) This is also in addition to new content. Plus, we need to finish the Linux port, and at some point we need to start assembling the next game! It’s a busy time to be a Gaslamper.

We are going to work through this as fast we can, and as best we can, but we’re going to have to stop for a bit and get our bearings so that we can figure out the best way to attack things. We are currently leaning towards alternating bugfix and content patches, and we can only do this if we start building some testing infrastructure, so we’re going to do that. (This is slightly complicated by the fact that I, personally, am supposed to be moving at the start of August. Oh well.)

We’ll let you know as soon as we determine what the next part of the plan is, and how soon in August I can actually get the Internet Access people to reconnect me with the rest of the world. In the mean time, we’re so thrilled you’re having a good time with Dredmor, and we hope that you continue to do so. I, for one, have spent several hours reading forum posts, laughing my head off, and being amazed at the incredibly long playtimes that people are putting in. It is very delightful to know that everything we threw in Dredmor over the course of several years has suddenly gone off with a very loud bang, all at once, all over the Internet. It’s like setting fire to an explosives factory.

The amazing thing about this game is, despite all the little issues, the balance problems, it's still completely playable and amazingly fun. I love roguelikes, and I honestly can't remember putting this much time into one since the day I stumbled onto Moria in the 80s. Unless you want to count the Diablos as a quasi roguelike, in which case this game still has a ways to go. It definitely has that same "hook", though.
mrgone said:
Usually it spawns something (or things!) somewhere in the dungeon that you have to kill to finish the quest
it should have spawned nearby, too. like in the same room. maybe it spawned right on the opposite side of the thing, so it wasn't in your line of sight and you didn't see each other?
Wallach said:
I started a new game to poke around until I can get back to my 1.02 save file, and I'm quite glad they fixed the monster AI. The game is so much more interesting when all the monsters are using their abilities properly.

That said... I don't think I want to play melee now, haha. Monsters that cause item corruption on strike? Lots of ranged attacks and spells to deal with at range? Uhhh I'll stick to mages I think. Especially since Warrior stats are all bugged and make your character growth on level up suck.

Yeah it get's really rough on melee characters on lower floors, although I'm finding it's only specific floors. So far floor 5 and 7 have been the worst, so much so that I didn't even finish floor 7 (blinding squids+tiki men and corrupting dragons? I'll pass) but I'm finding floor 8 to be a cake walk for my warrior. Monsters were hitting for anywhere between 1-8 damage on floor 7, but I'm only taking 1-4 damage on floor 8, while being completely invulnerable to footies. Shame that I didn't jump to floor 8 as soon as I could have because now I'm sitting on some negative resistances.

Currently at 4.4 million points on dwarven moderation with permadeath, I might just grind out level 20 on floor 8 and head straight for floor 10 afterwards.


I love reading blog updates from indies. It's so nice to get the feeling I directly made that person happier. You can't do that with a multi million selling AAA sequel.
so using wasd to attack a monster that's in a door way causes you to waste a turn. then you do that 10 times in a row without realizing it and then you're dead.


Just bought this game this morning and decided to go with a mage build since I never do that useually, no matter the type of game. Time to spice things up a little :p


The proposed list of changes and fixes for 1.0.4 is nuts!

Ye olde Patch 1.0.4 issue list is below:

Bugs, Actual Bugs:

Fix the memory leak issue on level creation.
Fix the issue were “empty” tiles reset certain important properties when writing a room template.
Lag due to blood splatters.
Fix the fact that warriors are not getting correct primary stats per warrior skill selected, and wizards are getting too many.
Autofill consumption bug is still, apparently, showing up, and needs to be re-addressed.
This Translation is All Wrong! needs to take damage into account.
Fix the -nomusic option.
Fix the crash on fullscreen mode with OS X 10.7. (This one? All Apple’s fault. You can look forward to any game that uses a fullscreen software rendered framebuffer breaking, silently and awfully.)
WASD has issues in, or near, doorframes, especially if there are monsters in them.
Transmutation skills do not correctly transmute entire stacks. (Gems in particular.)
The auto-loot does not pick up lockpicks, and does not have an option for lockpicks.
Dual wielding needs to be fixed, in particular the negative counter bug.
Look into the reports of the shield bearer skills also doing something odd.
Monsters getting 0 HP due to a debuff (acid bolt, nightmare curse, etc.), and suddenly turning into God Diggles with giant HP bars. (ALL GLORY TO THE ARCH DIGGLE.)
Sleeping enemies should not be able to dodge, block, or counter.
Potion stacking occasionally stops working.
Crafting tools let you stack things that should not, normally, be stackable.
Thrusty Achievement is not consistently triggering.
Zoo achievement is not consistently triggering.
Other achievement screwups.
Zoos are not showing as cleaned up if you run away from them.
Lutefisk Cube behaviour should be consistently with stacks and with individual units.
After loading and saving, objects may no longer show up in the crafting toolkits you left them in.
Issues with traps, Brax, and stores.
Pets occasionally just act like idiots. In particular, they need better targeting, the ability to lose targets, and the ability to switch targets dynamically.
Leaderboard scores need a CRC check on the datafiles before uploading.
Pet double-summons.
Move music loading into its own thread AND TEST IT THOROUGHLY. (Don’t put it in the patch if it’s too scary.)
Haywire not triggering, except when it absolutely shouldn’t. (Vampirism, traps, everything but your spellcasting.)

UI Fixes

WASD should let you interact with: crates, fountains, Dredmor statues, doors, chests, evil chests, uber chests, etc. (Basically: anything you might normally click on if you’re next to it.)
SHIFT-Click mode, when turned on, doesn’t correctly handle SHIFT-Clicking as regular clicking.
Add a way to split stacks of items in the inventory and belt.
Add pricing information to the quicksell.
Add quicksell to the belt.
Monsters should get HP bars when you are adjacent to them, not just with mouse over (for WASD players)
Minimap size should be saved in config
Window positions should be saved in config
Delete confirmation when deleting a save game
Minimap icons: uberchests, quest shrines, quest items, quest mobs, important mobs, Dredmor, user markables
Mousewheel triggers things in the tutorial menu
Equipment comparison tooltips for the equipment screen
Vampires should not be told to “Eat Food To Regain Health.”
Game speed should be saved.
Game should render text using Unicode-8 internally, for the Japanese translation teams. (Especially since they showed me how to do it.)
Third row of the inventory occasionally gets items stuck in it.
Make lockpicking less tedious.
Make sporecrafting less tedious.
Add a way to force your player to kick down a door or a chest, rather than using a lockpick.
Clicking on pets should just shove them aside, and not force you to kill your moustache golem by stabbing it with a sword to get it out of the way. (Really, how could you do that…)

Missing Sound Effects:

Electroblobby attacks
Chest opening
Footsteps with WASD movement
Some clicks and bangs in the menu system would be nice.

Balance Tweaks:

Vampirism should not consistently haywire. (In fact, it shouldn’t hay wire at all.)
Vampirism should be more useful for non-mages.
Make lockpicks and spores have a *sell* cost of 0.
This Translation is All Wrong!, in addition to having bugs, is too powerful. It needs to be reined in.
Some of the new Smithing Crafts need to be addressed. (In particular, and as much as it is a mild anathema to Dredmor’s way of just dumping everything on you depending on its moods, we need leveled materials.)
Necronomiconomics is too self-destructive.
Ley Lines should be more fun.
Craftable thrown weapons.
Up the ammo recovery rate, again.
Heavy Armours get piercing resistance.
Nerf the obvious fireball, again. The last nerf was not sufficiently obvious.
Witchys and Monstrous Masks are too nasty, and should spam the revival spell less.
Lord Dredmor is *still* not sufficiently a badass (and should have stun resistance.)
Acid bolt traps should be taken down a notch.
Only one monster zoo per level, please.
Named monsters should give you lots more XP.
Zoos should have some artifacts in them.
Deadshot is just kind of lame.
Kleptoblobbies should steal less.
Corruption should affect armour as well as weapons.
Look, seriously, at every request for an auto-rest button and then try to come up with some way to use it that isn’t awful.

Ambiguous New Fun

Sinks of Mutation
Do something with the Footy Laser Beam Cannon
Procs on Armour
Make intelligent monsters able to open doors
No Ticket! Remember Your Charlemagne!
Diggle Vending Machine Repairman
Extra Fun on Levels 4 and 8
More Achievements
More Uniques
More Rooms on Level One and Two
Engage the Insult Tables
Dredmor's apparently getting a female player character sometime in the future, artist has been hired
Patch betas will be playable through Steam

It's really quite awesome to see these guys bust their asses to improve their game for us. I'm definitely in for whatever they do in the future.

And I totally wasn't imagining the weird stuff going on with items left in my kits!



Lord Dreadmor down on Going Rogue w/ Permadeath.

I even killed two full Monster Zoos on floor 10 before finding him.


Sye d'Burns

mrgone said:
The proposed list of changes and fixes for 1.0.4 is nuts!

Dredmor's apparently getting a female player character sometime in the future, artist has been hired
Patch betas will be playable through Steam

It's really quite awesome to see these guys bust their asses to improve their game for us. I'm definitely in for whatever they do in the future.

And I totally wasn't imagining the weird stuff going on with items left in my kits!

When they titled the post laundry day, they weren't kidding!

I thought these points were noteworthy as well:
- We have gotten Valve to set us up with an opt-in beta program; particularily active community users, and general masochists, will be invited to participate in our Advance Patch Testing Program. More on this as soon as we get it set up.

- I now have a working Mac development environment of my very own, which means Mac users will be getting the same level of love as their Windows brethren from now on. (Linux users, we love you too. I hope to have some good things to say about this soon enough.)

Wallach said:

Lord Dreadmor down on Going Rogue w/ Permadeath.

I even killed two full Monster Zoos on floor 10 before finding him.


Left For Dread
Kill Lord Dredmor. On Going Rogue. With Permadeath. You total badass.

Re-edit: You're Number 11 on the global gameplay stats for Going Rogue+Permadeath. Congrats!


Sye d'Burns said:
Left For Dread
Kill Lord Dredmor. On Going Rogue. With Permadeath. You total badass.

Re-edit: You're Number 11 on the global gameplay stats for Going Rogue+Permadeath. Congrats!


Looks like they have some cheaters up there too, unfortunately. They did say they were looking to clean that up in the future.


Love the list of changes. It looks like they're taking some of the better ideas seen in other roguelikes and implementing them. Good to know when you open a monster zoo, you will have some uniques waiting for you. Much like vaults in Angband, etc.

Monsters opening doors. Oh god. Death_count++;
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