Made a montage of all the crazy weird shit I've seen in this game so far
You should just go do the Gas Mask Man quest. In one of the huts you search for the quest you get the Natural Medkit Blueprint.3 herbs for 2 Medkits. It's a Gamechanger.
FUCK YOU BENTO (Giant Bomb) did this quest a while back and never found this. Do you remember where it is? I'd love to have it!
i have no idea how to use flares. I throw them down in front of a zombie and they walk right over them
I'm confused as to how to use flares..what the point of them???
Its a tree unlock I believe. When u unlock it. U press R3 twice and u get a small crosshair. And you throw by pressing R2How the hell do I throw weapons in this game?
It's something you unlock in the skill tree.How the hell do I throw weapons in this game?
How the hell do I throw weapons in this game?
Is there a PS4 GAF list? Need more friends to play this, most GAFers on my list are either in DriveClub or Destiny.
PSN: Tunesmith-
All done with the main story it had a few annoying parts but I enjoyed it.
I agree its very misleading. I be lockpicking a very hard police truck and I sometime have to back out from doing it because I head the zombie on the soundtrack.I love the soundtrack and all but including zombie screams into part of the soundtrack is absolutely annoying.
What was annoying (not done so maybe can you answer conceptually without spoilers?)?
So far I'm really not having very many problems, but I'm really taking my time which is making it feel less grindy.
Yeah it suddenly sorta ends but keep doing the main missions and funny enough he turns up again.Gunslinger sidequest spoilers:Where did he go after I went to his pawnshop?
There is some random jank in the game though, I tried standing when crouching under a crouching uh, space, and it stuck me under the world. I was able to get out by climbing up a wall. lol.
And something similar happened to me too, one of those exploding fuckers went off and sent me through the roof.
I was crouch-walking through an air-duct and the collision glitched and I thought I was stuck in the geometry and I would have to reload, but I was able to weasel my way up through the geometry into the top of the level, where I could freely walk around on top of the entire indoor level, until I found a place it let me drop back down to the game and carry on normally.
I just started playing for a couple hours today and got to the quest where I had to get antizin from Gazis house. I feel really weak in this game and I feel like I'm not really getting everything. Any starting tips? Areas I should explore?
Don't be afraid to use your strong weapons. I ended up selling all my colored weapons because I was saving them.
I just started playing for a couple hours today and got to the quest where I had to get antizin from Gazis house. I feel really weak in this game and I feel like I'm not really getting everything. Any starting tips? Areas I should explore?
This game just keeps getting better and better. Half way through the game and the combat is just getting more tense and frantic. What a damn surprise coming from the developer of Dead Island. I was expecting a ridiculous amount of hank and I've found little to none. And the story actually isn't atrocious. I'm pretty addicted at this point.
Someone made a script on Reddit to hotkey the HUD. I'm not going to link it because I haven't downloaded it so can't vouch for it. Seemed ok from trhe comments though.
Anyone?Anyone know what, if anything, all the adjectives in front of the weapons actually translate to in terms of usage?
disagree, unless by beginning you mean first 20 minutes.Dying Light follows pretty much the same "fun curve" as Far Cry 4. Mediocre and tedious at the beginning,
disagree, unless by beginning you mean first 20 minutes.
by minute 21 I was enjoying it much more than the first 12 hours of far cry 4.
Is there any way to beat those zombies who come out at night, forgot the name but they have a hanging out jaw lol.
Edit: just looked it up, they're called volatile.
I mean like the first 10 levels. It's okay if you like this more than Far Cry 4.
And its also ok if you find the game mediocre and tedious in the first 8 hours. But for the benefit of the topic I'd posit this is a minority opinion.