Spot on
Sarkeesian is a complete moron, glad TotalBiscuit is calling her out.
Spot on
Didn't know there is a New Game +. Now i have an excuse to beat the game again![]()
This game seems similar to Far Cry 4 which I rented from Redbox last night and don't enjoy so far. How off base am my?
I am looking for in depth side missions, not collectathons. I would like a decent story. Decent graphics and performance. And good combat. Didn't like what I saw on GiantBombs coop quick look.
This game seems similar to Far Cry 4 which I rented from Redbox last night and don't enjoy so far. How off base am my?
I am looking for in depth side missions, not collectathons. I would like a decent story. Decent graphics and performance. And good combat. Didn't like what I saw on GiantBombs coop quick look.
Its an open world game in a city overrun with Zombies. How in depth do you think the side quests could be?
Its an open world game in a city overrun with Zombies. How in depth do you think the side quests could be?
They could have an interesting substory or be funny instead of collect this and that.
This game seems similar to Far Cry 4 which I rented from Redbox last night and don't enjoy so far. How off base am my?
I am looking for in depth side missions, not collectathons. I would like a decent story. Decent graphics and performance. And good combat. Didn't like what I saw on GiantBombs coop quick look.
I sunk 17 hours into Far Cry 4 before getting entirely bored with it.
Dying Light, I'm at 30 hours and rising. Haven't even touched the apparently brilliant co-op. Plan on keeping it forever. It's far, far better. As said in an earlier post, it's gunning for my top 5 faves of all time purely on fun factor.
The upgrades are amazing.
The world is amazing.
The story is serviceable - better than many, including Far Cry.
Combat is incredible - but I don't think watching it will do it justice. You have to play it for a few hours and see what the upgrades have to offer and play with the sandbox yourself.
I personally love the side missions. Some really clever level design and 'puzzle' type scenarios where you have to work out how to do things on your own. The game, on the whole, leaves you to work out how to do things yourself. It's great. People complain it's all fetch quests but seriously, there aren't that many 'objectives' in any game if you boil it down like that. You will go somewhere, find something, or kill something. That's what most objectives are in any action game ever. It's all about delivery where the missions take you, what the characters are like, what the meaning behind the quest is. And Dying Light nails this repeatedly, has character in spades.
PS this is all coming from someone who hated Dead Island. I thought it was a decent FPS RPG but it had mediocre level design, awful quest design, and awful encounter design
For some reasons, I found FC4 to be really boring. In fact, I don't enjoy most open world "collectathons" but DL is different.
While I love what Anita is doing, her response to that quote is saddening. It shows she doesn't care if she is called out as being wrong, its still an attack of the damsel in distress trope which in this it isn't.
Anita response tweet said:The villains dialog in Dying Light about damseling Jade: "The last time we met you took something of mine, now I took something of yours.
I think it's largely because when you're collecting stuff in DL, there is a purpose
And that gas one was a doozy. Fucking Jeff.
My interest in picqued. Thanks
No problem. I'm seriously going to sell this game to as many people as I can. I think it's an important game, frankly. And I want to play nothing else, despite currently loving Grim Fandango, REmake, and Persona 3.
What? The game is fun, but come on....its very derivative. If someone told me this game was published by Ubisoft I would have believed them.
... And?
Nothing you said has any impact on whether this is a good or bad game.
Derivative? So is everything.
Ubisoft? They're a publisher. Cool? I guess?
It's all about delivery. And while, yes, Dying Light has a lot in common with Mirrors Edge, Far Cry, AssCree, Dead Rising, Fallout and Left 4 Dead, it applies elements from all of these games in a unique way which is more compelling than any of them, imo. It also adds a few of its own nice touches which make a huge difference. I think the level design is one of these key things. The city (both parts) is fucking brilliant.
Like I said, it's a fun game. I'm just trying to figure out why you think it's important, I feel like you're really overselling this thing.
This game has a 68 on meta critic? Jesus...This game deserves way better. It is absolutely fantastic. And seeing the reviews on metacritic makes me sick. DL=68, DA:I=89...
This game has a 68 on meta critic? Jesus...
On some level I preferred Dead Island's "analog" melee combat, and the shooting is kinda dogshit. But the overall gameplay, meaning combat (at least melee) + movement / traversal, is really smooth and satisfying. I run around at breakneck pace, slice my way through a group of zombies, jump off of someone's face, propel myself on top of some wall/building with a mid-air grappling hook, vault over, fall from a great height to a forward roll, etc. It's all seamless and feels really good. They nailed the feeling of being nimble. And slashing large amounts of zombies with very sharp objects.Combat is incredible - but I don't think watching it will do it justice. You have to play it for a few hours and see what the upgrades have to offer and play with the sandbox yourself.
On some level I preferred Dead Island's "analog" melee combat, and the shooting is kinda dogshit. But the overall gameplay, meaning combat (at least melee) + movement / traversal, is really smooth and satisfying. I run around at breakneck pace, slice my way through a group of zombies, jump off of someone's face, propel myself on top of some wall/building with a mid-air grappling hook, vault over, fall from a great height to a forward roll, etc. It's all seamless and feels really good. They nailed the feeling of being nimble. And slashing large amounts of zombies with very sharp objects.
Thought it'd be 75+ at least
The gas quest is one of the best quests I've ever played the pipes bursting and the game not telling you where they are was one of those subtle things.
On some level I preferred Dead Island's "analog" melee combat, and the shooting is kinda dogshit.
Would be nice if the game told me it was LT!!!You dont need the "spoiler item" to take on the challenge, you can use it during the challenge with LT.
Btw, thats not the first one by default...For me it was the third one.
I know. It's a great bonus.The story is worth it for Chris Redfield hamming it up alone. Some of the shit that comes out of his mouth during sidequests had me dying.
Subtle isn't a word I would use when describing anything in DL, a lot of the sidequests fell flat for me because the writing just isn't good enough, you almost always can guess where something is going. And while I realize that this will come across as condescending.... calling running around, opening a few pipes and watching an explosion 'one of the best quests' makes me furiously scratch my head.
No analog makes the game harder at first but it's more about running around, using traps etc and the weapons become kinda op anyway (the difficulty curve isn't the best) so I stopped missing it eventually. Same with the guns, they feel too weak, even theso I forgot about them and then hated every section where the game basically forces you to use them.double barreled shotgun
Speaking of highly annoying parts.... (end spoiler)I had to repeat that long running section shortly before the end where you run through the sewers more times than I want to admit and a few times it was definitely not my fault.
How would you say it compared to Dead Island? I really enjoyed Dead Island but hearing they changed the combat, my favorite part of DI, worries me about getting Dying Light.
It is better than Dead Island, but I think people are wildly overselling it here. The melee combat is still kind of boring. The world, characters and story are totally generic. It is stuffed with flavor of the month mechanics and ideas.
It is better than Dead Island, but I think people are wildly overselling it here. The melee combat is still kind of boring. The world, characters and story are totally generic. It is stuffed with flavor of the month mechanics and ideas.
Seriously I can't think of many quests in Mass Effect or Bethesda games which do much better than this. They're all let down by some clunky aspect, eg poor dialogue or rubbish fight, if you're going to complain about that
It's simple one of those agree to disagree things. I personally feel this game trumps Dead island significantly. In its mood, style, gameplay and core ideas. I wouldn't say anyone is over selling it, but just they obviously find more to love about it then you do persay.
... and SOLD.[*]Pretend this game has no zombies for a minute. Does an open-world parkour game appeal to you? Then just buy it. Honestly. It's scratching the itch I've had for an open world Mirror's Edge for over 6 years now. It starts out feeling deceptively clunky, but with a few choice skill unlocks it becomes sublime.
The second area is better than the first. The layout of the area is much different and suits your upgraded abilities perfectly. I was impressed. Parkour really is the main selling point of this game, it's exhilarating as fuck.... and SOLD.
And there went my weekend too. *poof*
Absolutely love the parkour in this more than anything, but that parkour mixed with the day/night cycle and the variations on the threats posed by each mean that there's a damn good reason for you to take the high ground and to do it at speed. Being a "runner" in this world not only makes total sense - its fun as hell.
When do you start to get guns?