How many hours do you all have in DW8?
How many hours do you all have in DW8?
Two words: Bond Grinding.
I'm up to 45 hours.How many hours do you all have in DW8?
Two words: Bond Grinding.
So 150+ hours in, I'm finally done with everything except getting all the Weapons. The gallery says I have 81% of all the weapons, so I thought I was close to being done with DW8, but then once I made a google doc for easy access to what I was missing...
Deeper into the rabbit hole I go.
So I guess Japanese voices DLC next week cause otherwise we run out of weeks in August.
I keep on searching XBL. Why don't they want me to play DW8?![]()
Finally got our Youtube channel going with some DW8 action with Zhao Yun! I was also lucky enough to win a copy from Game On / Examiner!
Oh right, forgot that it should be coming out soon....
I guess there's gonna be a 6th week of August.
The whole Star objective thing is terrible in this game. Not only do they not tell you what you need to do, but the requirements are often so vague it's annoying to actually accomplish them. For example, I'm at Fan Castle with Wu. The goal is to not let Lu Meng get wounded. I'm playing as Lu Meng, and every time I enter the camp my guy is automatically wounded. Even though the arbalests have stopped and I'm not getting hit at all. I can't go in at any other point because the gates are blocked off (for whatever reason), and I can't finish the battle without crossing that point.
So I'm stuck replaying a decently long battle (for the third time) because I'm just the wrong character. Despite doing everything in the battle perfectly.
That's just shoddy design. Even for this series.
Someone help me understand how to play DW correctly. Kind of interested in picking this up even though I didn't play DW7 or DW Next much. Only musou game I've actually finished and enjoyed was the most recent Gundam Musou. I usually lose interest after a few hours of the story, just running around and taking control of parts of the map and then pusing towards the final boss or whatever. Maybe I'm not getting super in depth into the combat system or something? I wouldn't mind trying again with 8 but I feel like it's something I'll never 'get" without external help.
Press square with variations of triangle.
Juggle enemies.
Don't mash the same stuff repeatedly.
Go for style.
For higher combo or to kill? Because stuff seems to die pretty quickly from what I remember.
Any news regarding japanese voices yet? haven't touched this in a month and have been waiting before I continue doing all the story modes
Another week without JP voice ;_;
Some problems occurred with #DW8 JP voice option for the master version. Presumably to be released September 25 (TBC) for the PS3. #TKfamily
However, for the Xbox 360 version of #DW8 Japanese voice option DLC, the master submission will also be done. #TKfamily
Any word on the daggers and kicking greaves from Japan? I'd like to get my hands on those daggers.
Another week without JP voice ;_;
One of the main reasons I bought the game was because they said they'd have JP voices. This is making me not trust Koei.
Funny enough one of the speculations on why this is taking so long is because Koei ran into problems in the parts of the game where there are JP voices but no English dub for it (camp, ambition mode camp, narration).
They should have just dubbed everything!