Watching a few comparison videos I can't tell if the PS4 version actually looks better.
I'm not seeing the PS4 version on Amazon, is it a limited physical release? Gamestop only or something?
I want to try some Warriors before Hyrule Warriors comes out, would 8 PS4 be a good jumping in point in terms of gameplay?
Yeah I noticed this too :/ Amazon not getting it?
heard the complete edition doesn't have trophies for the original dw8 =/
heard the complete edition doesn't have trophies for the original dw8 =/
What about the ps4 version?
Is it really that BAD? I remember some folks saying a musuo game has some pretty serious framerate problem. Was it this one or D7XL. I am hyped for this for my vita but I can wait and go for Samurai Warriors if it is better.
It can get that bad, yeah. None of the other musou games on Vita have this problem. The amount of framerate problems that occur depend on the stage and area within the stage. Is it playable? Sure. But unless you HAVE to have this game on the go, get it on PS3 or PS4. All I have for recording is an iPhone, but I wonder if it's worth posting footage of the Vita port's issues. (And yes, I have downloaded the patches- they helped, but it's still bad...don't be fooled by videos of the challenge mode showing improvements; it's the regular game maps that have problems.)
I hate that this is what's getting localized -I expect the game to get ripped apart in reviews (more so than the usual mindless musou putdowns) because of these issues- but the excellent Vita ports of One Piece KM2, Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate, and Shin Gundam Musou are not.
***Warning post again on the Vita version of DW8XL- expect bad framerates***
Cross-posting from the Warriors Community thread. I really don't want to see anyone get burned by this port.
My hope is that Koei has worked on the Vita port since the Japanese release, but since the patches didn't help much, I doubt it.
Watching a few comparison videos I can't tell if the PS4 version actually looks better.
But videos I saw on the patch showed major improvements
And yes, I have downloaded the patches- they helped, but it's still bad...don't be fooled by videos of the challenge mode showing improvements; it's the regular game maps that have problems.
I can't decide whether to get this on PS3 or Vita. Either way I'll be waiting because Diablo III Reaper of Souls launches on the same day.
And just to note, the blur effect can be turned down or turned off completely in-game at any time.
It definitely looks better from the resolution and textures alone. The framerate is still all over the place (slightly better than PS3) and is unfortunately not a constant 60 FPS or even a constant 30 FPS.
But the biggest improvement is the enemy pop-in-- it's gone! You get an extremely large amount of enemies on-screen now and the framerate does not suffer for it.
And just to note, the blur effect can be turned down or turned off completely in-game at any time.
Holy shit, I did not know this at all and it was really getting on my nerves.
Lyte Edge I like your avatar![]()
Anyone know how the save are gonna work between PS3 and PS4 ?
I'm going for Vita personally. I'm not as easily bothered by framerate as some people are.
It would have to be truly unplayable for me to care. If it's just some drops now and then I'm fine with it.
It was absolutely unplayable pre-patch. Now it's better but noticeably bad on some stages. There was a particular level that was really awful for me pre-patch that I've been trying to find again (forgot the's not the burning ship stage) to test.
I need to know this too.
It was absolutely unplayable pre-patch. Now it's better but noticeably bad on some stages. There was a particular level that was really awful for me pre-patch that I've been trying to find again (forgot the's not the burning ship stage) to test.
Could it be Hu Lao Gate after you get past Lu Bu where Dong Zhuo decides to set the city on fire and make everything single digit FPS, lol.
I want to say it was a more-open battlefield with a dull, wintery-look. Green grass fields but a grey sky. For some reason I can't find it and it has to be one of the first stages you should be in free mode! But I don't see it! XD
Whoa, forgot about this as well...
Got into Dynasty Warriors back in January with 8, had a blast. Didn't beat all the scenario modes, but I guess I can pick up where I left off in XL.
If I have digital of the original, can I get the physical XL and transfer my saves?
I want to say it was a more-open battlefield with a dull, wintery-look. Green grass fields but a grey sky. For some reason I can't find it and it has to be one of the first stages you should be in free mode! But I don't see it! XD
Does anyone know why this isn't on Amazon?
I've seen next to nothing as far as marketing goes- is physical release a retail exclusive?
I want to go in on it for PS4, but where are people buying this?
I went to preorder it on Amazon as well and no luck.
Got a call from my local shop. They'll be releasing it tomorrow! Great start to the weekend.
I haven't really played one of these games since the ps2 but reading the op sounds pretty promising. A couple questions to anyone who might know:
The image posted shows coop for basically every mode for ps4 but I just wanna make sure that its like play through the campaign with a friend no draw backs coop. If they join they save all their stats and stuff on their system etc.
Also is there loot in this series now? I saw weapon crafting in there in the op just wondering how deep that goes/if there are random drops or what.
I haven't really played one of these games since the ps2 but reading the op sounds pretty promising. A couple questions to anyone who might know:
The image posted shows coop for basically every mode for ps4 but I just wanna make sure that its like play through the campaign with a friend no draw backs coop. If they join they save all their stats and stuff on their system etc.
Also is there loot in this series now? I saw weapon crafting in there in the op just wondering how deep that goes/if there are random drops or what.
Need answer to this too