What's up with the water in the Vita version? Unless you look at it from a certain angle it's just a solid block of colour.
Every stage? Damn. that's disappointing
What's up with the water in the Vita version? Unless you look at it from a certain angle it's just a solid block of colour.
Every stage? Damn. that's disappointing
is it me or have the last few DW stages been....ho hum?
It's not just you. Though they may look better, the PS3 generation of DWs have some weak stages compared to the majority of the PS2 generations stages.
Heck, if you got the DW3 Fan Castle DLC in DW7, it was like night and day to how well designed that one stage is compared to most of the default ones.
I want to say there are many reasons. Troops having less presence than before, no more personalized events (everybody having a unique taunt against Sima Yi in DW3 Wu Zhang), less reason to explore maps (hidden life max ups), and no more changes in music depending on situation (victory theme when you have the overwhelming advantage, boss theme when you approach the enemy commander, etc).
It's not just you. Though they may look better, the PS3 generation of DWs have some weak stages compared to the majority of the PS2 generations stages.
Heck, if you got the DW3 Fan Castle DLC in DW7, it was like night and day to how well designed that one stage is compared to most of the default ones.
I want to say there are many reasons. Troops having less presence than before, no more personalized events (everybody having a unique taunt against Sima Yi in DW3 Wu Zhang), less reason to explore maps (hidden life max ups), and no more changes in music depending on situation (victory theme when you have the overwhelming advantage, boss theme when you approach the enemy commander, etc).
A friend and I picked this up on PS4 in hopes to co-op all the stories. Problem is the random disconnects that won't even allow us to complete a single stage. Sometimes we get lucky and finish one level but then it goes nuts disconnecting continuously.
Did Tecmo Koei mention if it'll be addressed in a patch soon? DOF doesn't bother me as much as this since I can still play the freaking game with DOF enabled...
On the bright side I haven't had this much fun playing a DW game in a long time, but that's maybe because I've taken a very long break since my last one (DW6 which I haven't played much because I thought it was boring).
Tried tweeting at US/EU TK twitter accounts maybe they acknowledge the online/DOF issues. :/
I'm kind of worried I won't have any knowledge of the characters or history. I took one class in college on Chinese history but we just grazed over the ROT3K period. Da fug is lu bu
Tecmo hasn't said anything about anything. A shame about the multiplayer troubles. I was able to co-op through most of the Story mode with a friend on the PS3 vanilla version w/o any trouble.
Sometimes I wonder if more is really better, though I do not know if it was not a problem with the ps360 version, since I only really played DW2 and Gundam 3 before going DW8/PS4.
Gonna buy this today hopefully(if any of my stores even have it) and this will be my 1st Dynasty Warriors game ever.
Really looking forward to grabbing this on Friday.
Quick question (I apologise if it's been asked a thousand times), am I right in thinking there's no touchscreen / gyro stuff in the Vita version? I'd assume not because it's a multiplat, but I'd like to be sure. Really bummed me out in DW: Next.
Really looking forward to grabbing this on Friday.
Quick question (I apologise if it's been asked a thousand times), am I right in thinking there's no touchscreen / gyro stuff in the Vita version? I'd assume not because it's a multiplat, but I'd like to be sure. Really bummed me out in DW: Next.
Thanks man, that's great news!Yup, Vita version is pure button-mashing Dynasty Warriors goodness. No touch screen/backtouch/gyro controls in it!
Those touch screen bits really put me off in Next, too.
Ah, I can definitely live with that. Cheers!There is some touchscreen stuff in the vita version to replace what would be R3/L3 commands, nothing obtrusive and gimmicky like next. You can tap the map to change the map view, or press the character portrait to go rage mode, or the KO count to summon your horse.
Tell us what you think.Thanks man, that's great news!
I tried to look past the gimmick stuff in DW: Next but it got really draining after a while. Can't wait to download this and get some 'proper' warrioring done.
Ah, I can definitely live with that. Cheers!
I'll try, but I'm shit at giving impressions for franchises I like, they're almost overwhelmingly positive.Tell us what you think.
I'm not sure if I should get the Vita version or if I should wait until I get a PS4.
Tell us what you think.
I'm not sure if I should get the Vita version or if I should wait until I get a PS4.
It's so much fun with a friend when it works.
Hope they address these disconnects soon. Playing solo isn't as enjoyable.
So got my Vita version (Europe), did the NA version get updated and the ability to upload the save data become available ("cloud") or do I just save the vanilla version's data?
Would be rather annoying if I had to wait for vanilla's update even though I've already got the game.
Vanilla 8 on ps3 got an update to allow the save data upload. It's an option in the save menu. It's possible you already got it and didnt realize it if you have auto updates one.
Oh man =/ is there an ETA for a patch?I bought DW8 complete for vita last night. My god the framerate is awful, I wish I could return or upgrade to the PS4 version.
I recommend waiting for a patch before buying the vita version. The freakin intro cutscene lagged! The cutscene to introduce the Wei storyline LAGS.
I'm talking 10-15 fps, when not in combat. In the field it actually does better. I can't believe these horrible textures are causing slowdown though. It seriously barely looks better than Warriors Orochi 2 on PSP, and doesn't look as nice as DW NEXT
Also it's weird that on startup it asks you to locate old save data on Vita when A: 8 was never released on Vita seperately, and B: Deleting a game deletes the save on Vita.
I'm talking 10-15 fps, when not in combat. In the field it actually does better. I can't believe these horrible textures are causing slowdown though. It seriously barely looks better than Warriors Orochi 2 on PSP, and doesn't look as nice as DW NEXT
If it works like how the PS4 version does, then this is to import PS3 DW8 data. On PS3 I went to my save, hit square and uploaded it to Koei's server. When I started up the PS4 game I said yes to create a save then yes when asked to locate old data. It grabbed my PS3 8 save and imported my progress into my newly created PS4 version save.Also it's weird that on startup it asks you to locate old save data on Vita when A: 8 was never released on Vita seperately, and B: Deleting a game deletes the save on Vita.
how do you setup a coop Story Mode match?
Hmmm. I might be better off getting the PS4 version and playing it over Remote Play then.I bought DW8 complete for vita last night. My god the framerate is awful, I wish I could return or upgrade to the PS4 version.
I recommend waiting for a patch before buying the vita version. The freakin intro cutscene lagged! The cutscene to introduce the Wei storyline LAGS.
I'm talking 10-15 fps, when not in combat. In the field it actually does better. I can't believe these horrible textures are causing slowdown though. It seriously barely looks better than Warriors Orochi 2 on PSP, and doesn't look as nice as DW NEXT
Also it's weird that on startup it asks you to locate old save data on Vita when A: 8 was never released on Vita seperately, and B: Deleting a game deletes the save on Vita.
I have probably played more using remote play than I have on the TV. It's so niceSo glad I went for the PS4 version, works with remote play too.
If it works like how the PS4 version does, then this is to import PS3 DW8 data. On PS3 I went to my save, hit square and uploaded it to Koei's server. When I started up the PS4 game I said yes to create a save then yes when asked to locate old data. It grabbed my PS3 8 save and imported my progress into my newly created PS4 version save.
Story > select Clan > Online > select a level > Recruit (gives you also the option to invite a friend)
Pretty self explanatory unless I misunderstood.
Good luck surviving the random disconnects![]()
On Vita it only searched my memory card.
Its searching for downloaded ps3 save data, which it gives you the option to download like one screen before the one you're talking about.
If it was any smaller you'd get lost. The map must take up a 1/4 of the screen at all times.The minimap is way too big in DW8. No idea why Koei thought that was a good idea.
£54.99 EU PSN price for PS4
What a joke it sub 40 on amazon and other retailers.
That digital EU future
Thanks! yeah, just didn't know what Clan meant i guess / never noticed it. Double Dragon Neon has really bad disconnect issues, so I'm prepared, plus hoping for a patch.
Onto Wei. I'm really liking the revamped story mode so far; it gives you a chance to try out characters you never would otherwise.
And I pursued Lu Bu in the first two missions. Good times. Cao Cao's new EX attacks seem custom-built to pursue Lu Bu. At Hulao Gate, fighting Lu Bu with Xiahou Dun was harder, but I was backed up by premiers of the Coalition. Wonder if my successfully taking him out here changes anything?