So this never came out?![]()
The "free" DLC that would have been pre-order DLC for Europe never materialized no. I lost track of who got what pre-order bonus in the US, so I can't say there.
So this never came out?![]()
So this never came out?![]()
Yes it did:
US https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-us/games/addons/dynasty-warriors-8-exclusive-costumes-weapon/cid=UP4108-NPUB31234_00-DW8SPCOSWPNSET00
EU https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-ie/games/addons/dynasty-warriors-8-exclusive-costumes-weapon/cid=EP4108-NPEB01364_00-DW8SPCOSWPNSET00
So this never came out?![]()
That awesome costume above should be usable on the PS4 version once KOEI sorts it out right?
Well shit, I was thinking about getting the vita version, but PC, man.....
Precious little gaming-related would make me happier than getting a localized DW8XL CE for PC. And Tecmo Koei might have it on the cards, too?
It is funny because it looks like Lu Bu is saying it. Menacingly.
The picture is clickable.
Precious little gaming-related would make me happier than getting a localized DW8XL CE for PC. And Tecmo Koei might have it on the cards, too?
It is funny because it looks like Lu Bu is saying it. Menacingly.
The picture is clickable.
I hope they're hinting for a RTK12 localization.
Fuck that, I need nobunaga ambition on steam stat.
Gaf, please advise.
I own Dynasty Warriors 8 XL CE on Vita. But I also want to get it on my PS3 (digital). Since it is a TON of money, should I go straight for it or get Dynasty Warriors 8 first? I dont know what to do.![]()
I'm trying to do all the hypotheticals but the requirements are really vaguely worded on some and downright misleading on others. Without searching for the walkthroughs I would have no idea how to do some of them.
Some of them are hard even if you know exactly what to do. A friend and I spent over 2 hours (on beginner) trying to do one of the intercept the escaping person ones. I don't have the foggiest idea how you'd accomplish it playing alone.
The one as Shu, I think, where you had to stop the dude, who's at the top of the fucking map, before he leaves?
That one took ages.
Is the DW NEXT demo a good representation of DW 8 XLCE Vita and DW as a whole?
Now, both of those will come out 4/24 along with a third one:
龍床几 (Dragon Folding Stool)
I would laugh so much, if this was a moveOh man, I'm laughing at the idea but applaud them at the same time for including more wuxia fixtures.
I'm trying to do all the hypotheticals but the requirements are really vaguely worded on some and downright misleading on others. Without searching for the walkthroughs I would have no idea how to do some of them.
For whatever reason, it seems there may have been some problems with the newer weapon DLCs for Japan. They took down the Stone Pillar shortly after it went up last week, and the Mandarin Duck Hooks didn't come out this week like previously announced. Now, both of those will come out 4/24 along with a third one:
龍床几 (Dragon Folding Stool)
If you minus the whole poking and prodding of the touch related mechanics then the core gameplay should be generally what to expect with the gameplay. Other features and such will be different though, but the core gameplay is the same. Which is beating the shit out of thousands of soldiers with a single badass general.
Touchscreen nonsense aside, the demo felt a little... brainless. Does the full game require some thought? Maybe on a higher difficulty?
Touchscreen nonsense aside, the demo felt a little... brainless. Does the full game require some thought? Maybe on a higher difficulty?
ugh haven't played this series since te ps2, i though it was dead. I have $40 on the psn store, as soon as it drops in price its mine, I fing loved this game back in the day
Touchscreen nonsense aside, the demo felt a little... brainless. Does the full game require some thought? Maybe on a higher difficulty?
This is true. While the complexity of combat isn't too high, you will need to pay attention to things going on in the battlefield (not as much so in Ambition mode as in Story / Free mode) to do missions / protect allies. Also, the higher difficulties can wipe you out super fast unless you have a super high leveled / stated character with a weapons. So you always need to stay on alert when playing that way.The maps in Next are much smaller and quicker to finish than most DW games. Straight up you'll be doing more stuff in 8.
Poor Deng Ai a great character with amazing history but in games such slow move set and weak damaging musou attacks. Needs a total rework then he can protect his doody better
How do you break guarding? I feel like the game is harder cuz I don't know how to break guarding, so I have to move to the back and attack.
How do you break guarding? I feel like the game is harder cuz I don't know how to break guarding, so I have to move to the back and attack.