What is the patch supposed to include?
Option to disable Depth of Field Blur, and the ability to craft on Star weapons or something.
What is the patch supposed to include?
I haven't played a DW game since 3. Should I start with story mode? Is there any character that plays like old Zhou Yu (when he had the sword)?
Truth be told, Zhou Yu's Elder Sword moveset hasn't really been replicated, sadly.
In terms of concept, though, I think Xu Shu's sword + hook might be the closest, since it attacks with more "elegant" strikes and can keep the user in the air most of the time.
Truth be told, Zhou Yu's Elder Sword moveset hasn't really been replicated, sadly.
In terms of concept, though, I think Xu Shu's sword + hook might be the closest, since it attacks with more "elegant" strikes and can keep the user in the air most of the time.
I'm about to buy this on Vita. Zero fucks given about frame rate. Haven't played a DW game since DW5 on the PS2.
If you don't care about the framerate, you're likely to enjoy it a lot![]()
I'm about to buy this on Vita. Zero fucks given about frame rate. Haven't played a DW game since DW5 on the PS2.
waiting for summer sale to double dip on pc. are people still having issues with crashes during story mode and not being able to continue?
but what i truly am anticipating with delight, is the load times. whats the avg you guys are getting?
Game is fun so far. Frame rate is noticeable but not a concern. It's probably because I'm used to playing games like this.
I'm a little overwhelmed though. I have all these weapons and they do all sorts of things so I've been reading up about weapon attributes at GameFAQs. I've been playing story mode as Shu and I'm loving it. Already starting to formulate some long term goals for things I want out of the game.
- All stages and such unlocked for Free Mode. I'm guessing this can be accomplished in Story Mode?
- Max out all the skills. I'm not even sure if that's a thing but it would be cool to be able to equip whatever I wanted and have it be max or close to it. I was never able to successfully farm those +20 items for everything back in the day.
If I get even part of that accomplished, it will be $40 well spent.
I picked this up Saturday night (PS4), and I have a couple questions.
1. On the stage select screen in story mode, what is the second path below the regular story? Is it the XL missions?
2. During the battle of Xiapi (I think that's the one), the game told me to go defeat enemies around the castle gates, but they just kept respawning and after I had killed about 1200 of them I got bored and decided to explore, when it turned out I had to open the flood gates. The problem was I never got any instructions to do that until I was already there, I even went through my battle log to check. Was it a glitch or was it because I wasn't playing as Jia Xu? The game seemed to act like I was him when I found the switch to activate the flood gates.
The game is awesome so far. I think DW7 (The only other Musou game I've played) did a better job on the story, but the gameplay in this is better. A pretty fair trade if you ask me.
Anyone who has it for the Vita. I'm looking for a mindless fun beat em up, is it playing good on the Vita?
Well, the PS Store has updated. Looks like we're only getting stage packs 11-13 today.
Looks like we could be looking at a three month wait for the Japanese voice DLC, just like with vanilla DW8
I just bought a PS4 and I'm thinking about try DW for the first time.
The question is: will I be able to understand/enjoy the story mode? Because, you know, I don't know a single character =[
The story mode is (mostly) a (super) abridged version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms with some creative licence taken. So you dont need any familiarity with the characters as the storys the "same" from game to game.
Looks like we could be looking at a three month wait for the Japanese voice DLC, just like with vanilla DW8
Oh really? That's awesome!
I was reading some posts in this huuuge thread, it seems that the PS4 version is the best one, right? But there's some things that needs to be patched... should I be worried?
I HATED THISHonestly though, I feel like I'm enjoying Lu Bu less and less with each passing game. I'm glad they made him deadly in 8 again (after being fairly weak in 6 and 7 from what I recall), but his face looks ridiculous, and he's becoming more annoying, while also getting more screen-time. It was especially awful in Warriors Orochi 3 when all he would do was show up to get beaten by pink-haired little tron boy Nezha.
they need to make him menacing not just mechanically, but subjectively.
Unlocking Lu Bu to use as a playable character used to mean something.
He used to hold himself aloof from the rest of the cast, at the very least, through his unlocking requirements, which had you go through most of the game to even be able to use him. There was a sense of finality that developed when you could finally hold the power to stave off pursuers.
Now? Now it's a pretty standard and mundane affair to unlock and use him within an hour of playing the game, at worst.