Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends is coming to PlayStation 3 in Japan on November 28, Tecmo Koei reveals in this week’s Famitsu.
The game will add new characters Chen Gong and Zhu Ran.
360amcry etc etc
- Chen Gong's weapon is some kind of scroll.
- Zhu Ran's weapon is Blaze Bow
- More characters will be added.
- Challenge Mode returns
- Seems that characters will have an additional EX attack (maybe)
- Ambition mode has an added goal of "Unification"
- A new battle system is in-coming? (No idea what this details)
- Lu Bu is getting more of a focus in story mode
- Physical & Digital versions confirmed for all of XL-only package, XL-with-Vanilla DW8 Package, and PSV version of DW8+XL (It sounds like the Vita XL will be the original 8 and XL which is pretty cool)
- Of course all the DLC from 8 is cross-compatible
- More Hypothetical Stages
- Save data is transferable from DW8 to the PS3 and Vita version
Even another update:
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends is coming to PlayStation 4, publisher Tecmo Koei announced during SCEJA Press Conference 2013 today.
The PlayStation 4 version will feature a larger number of on-screen enemies, improved lighting, increased opponent motion variation, and a greater sense of realism on the battlefield, producer Akihiro Suzuki said.
The game will be available as a Japanese launch title for PlayStation 4 on February 22, 2014. The previously announced PlayStation 3 and PS Vita versions will launch in Japan on November 28.
The gameplay demo seen in Sony's Playstation Conference on 9/9
Yu Jin is added. Weapon is a Tri-Pronged Spear.