I'm sure Tecmo Koei will bring it to US and UK later.Oh, Japan. :c What does this mean for us? Dx
I'm sure Tecmo Koei will bring it to US and UK later.Oh, Japan. :c What does this mean for us? Dx
Oh, Japan. :c What does this mean for us? Dx
it means that it might look a little nicer(maybe) and be able to hold more peons on screen with less lag, what i'd like it to mean... locked 60 fps but i wont hold my breath till dw9 when they know the ps4 a bit more. oh and it means if we get ps4s that we trade in our ps3 versions of the game to get ps4 versions(not the actual ps3 mind you cause there are still great games on it)
Happy about the Vita release. Koei has a problem of trying to change the DW formula when it comes to handhelds, when all I ever really bloody want is a portable proper DW. None of the board game, tiny map, gimmick-laden crap. Just give me more Dynasty Warriors!
Warriors Orochi 2 on PSP was a great move, and I'll be all up in DW8XL Vita.
they also announced that if you by extreme legends onps3 you get it discounted on ps4 (japan only ofcourse nothing else been announced)
playstation 4 live demo
new horse animation looks awesome
The thread was created when the game was first announced. Today it was announced as a Japanese PS4 launch (day or window?) title.
dakkumauji, it may be helpful to update the OP with the PS4 info and see if a mod could fix the title.
It says bodyguard general system in the forum link.
So nothing like the old 4 - 8 bodyguards that could be leveled like in the older games.
Am I the only one who missed having bodyguards (max level + bg manual) of doom in 3?
If you pick up the 360 version then you should have seen this coming a mile away...
(Click image to make full res)
I agree as well. But that's an official Koei screenshot from Koei themselves.
Game does look better than that. Must just be a bad screenshot.
Here is the PS3 scene in motion- http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=XFKYx3Uizx8#t=939
Wow, even on shitty Youtube 360p it doesn't look nearly as bad as that screenshot there. It must have been compressed about twenty or so times or something. That PS3 screenshot legitimately looks like a later PS2 game, I wish I was joking here.
1. Zhao Yun
2. Wang Yuanji
3. Xu Shu
4. Guo Jia
5. Diaochan
6. Guan Yinping
7. Lu Xun
8. Sima Yi
9. Xiahou Dun
10. Zhong Hui
11. Ma Dai
12. Cao Pi
13. Wang Yi
14. Xiahou Ba
15. Ling Tong
16. Wen Yang
17. Jia Chong
18. Jiang Wei
19. Zhang Liao
20. Yue Jin
21. Lu Bu
22. Ma Chao
23. Guan Xing
24. Xing Cai
25. Daqiao
26. Cao Cao
27. Jia Xu
28. Sima Zhao
29. Zhang Chunhua
30. Sima Shi
31. Cai Wenji
32. Sun Shangxiang
33. Gan Ning
34. Li Dian
35. Zhenji
36. Lu Su
37. Zhang Bao
38. Xiahou Yuan
39. Zhou Yu
40. Lianshi
41. Bao Sanniang
42. Zhuge Liang
43. Guan Ping
44. Sun Ce
45. Lu Meng
46. Zhou Tai
47. Xiaoqiao
48. Zhuge Dan
49. Zhang He
50. Liu Shan
51. Zhurong
52. Han Dang
53. Deng Ai
54. Yuan Shao
55. Liu Bei
56. Guan Yu
57. Yueying
58. Guo Huai
59. Pang Tong
60. Zuo Ci
61. Wei Yan
62. Pang De
63. Xu Huang
64. Sun Quan
65. Dong Zhuo
66. Sun Jian
67. Guan Suo
68. Dian Wei
69. Zhang Jiao
70. Meng Huo
71. Taishi Ci
72. Cao Ren
73. Huang Zhong
74. Zhang Fei
75. Ding Feng
76. Xu Zhu
77. Huang Gai
How is Huang Gai less popular than Xu Zhu?
Wait, let me rephrase that: how is anybody less popular than Xu Zhu, but especially Mr. Bombs-and-bludgeons?
That kayak is awesome dammit.
It's basically a surfboard that causes huge waves and stuff.
Huang Gai sucks though.
Having skipped the last couple of Dynasty Warriors releases I was unaware that they had replaced Huang Gai's bonk-bonk-boom cudgel and cartoon bomb moveset with one in which he hits peeps with a kayak strapped to his arm.
I formally withdraw my disbelief at the popularity poll. He deserves last place. New Huang Gai sucks.
The Kayak is better than what he had in 6 and 7. Which is to say bland cloned movesets based on Xu Zhu's giant club, which looks ridiculous on anyone else.
Main reason Huang sucks now is those awful sandals anyway.
Bao Sanniang above Zhuge Liang. There are no words.A little late and probably buried under all this PS4 news, but the popularity poll results are out and shows which three characters will get costumes.
Spoiler Alert: It's not hard to guess who.
Zhuge Liang, I don't think that's allowed to be posted because it's a scan. Delete it quick!Yep. Yu Jin is a new character
His weapon is a tri pronged spear