I likely would see that because that sound ridiculous to me. Alone the definition and that something would actually be written down. Also a contract between who? EA and the shareholders? How does this work.
Also Shareholder cant demand such thing on a whim. To a certain extent, yes, but its the company decision to a certain extent to go through with it. Nintendo Shareholders were demanding mobile games WAY before nintendo go through with it.
Also im having a hard time to believe that EA shareholders demand one fifa switch game.
I think it's with the FIFA organization. I'm not sure about the details, but I've heard it's part of their contract with them that they have to put the game on "viable platforms". I'm not sure about the details, but that would make sense as to why they would put FIFA on Nintendo's system and not some other game (where they would have 100% say in what platforms it's released on.).
Shareholders will be wondering why the hell they aren't putting games on X or Y platform and they have to at least pay lip service to this. Why Nintendo has to answer about putting their games on mobile platforms, why they asked EA about putting games on the NS, etc. Of course, they can ultimately not do anything, but there can be pressure from within to make a particular change in direction. Depends on the stockholder and the demand, I would imagine.
The reason why EA put this game the way they do is because they think that is the most effective way to make profit. I mean EA was by FAR not the only one to put a sub paar version of their game on the wii, because porting the game 1:1 only with graphic downgrades would be too much of a hassle. About wiiu i dont know.
I remember there being some pretty pissed off folks who bought the Wii version only to find out it was last years game with a roster update. That's pretty lazy, man and flat out fucked up. No wonder they were voted the worst company in America for two years in a row. Heh, heh.
But lets ignore that for this.
So you saying the following: EA putting since more then 10 years games on Nintendos Console because they are oblidged to it by a contract with Nintendo. But they putting purposely bad games, because nintendo is not cool or whatever.
I never said this. Nintendo may have went to them and asked them to put a game on their system. EA says, "Sure." They bring over FIFA. Or maybe they signed a one game deal for some payout or something. We don't know what goes on behind closed doors, but these things happen in the industry. Hell, Nintendo let EA bring out the first motion plus game with Tiger Woods Golf. My point was simply that they could have made an agreement to have a game on their system, or have some kind of contract together and that's why they have this game coming out on the NS.