Fencer is actually fast:
Online drops go to everyone, so you don't need to worry about getting to them. In local split-screen armor is shared, but weapons only go to the grabber.
While 2017 feels like a tight classic, 2025 goes so far with its ambition to make a bigger game that it just spreads itself thin.
Whaaa? That's lame, are you sure you don't have it backwards? I don't want to be playing this with my friend and worrying about making sure each of us is picking up an equal number of weapon drops.
I have it correct. It's not a big deal IMO. Note that (at least on 360) only the first player's Gamertag/savefile will get the acquired weapons, no matter which class they're for / who picks them up.
Yep. The only thing that matters is which class picks up the weapon. If a split-screen guest playing Air Raider picks it up the savefile will get an Air Raider weapon. Etc.Oooh ok, so does that mean when I'm playing local split screen the second "guest" player will get access to my weapon selection as we're playing?
Just got past level 60. I switched up to hard for most levels and Im having quite a bit more fun now. Also just fought that crazy new enemy type that starts with a "D" and had an amazing time.
Still though, I think 2017 is better. Even though 2017 has less content, the game is so much tighter and knows how to space similar levels using boss fights and frequent location shifts. In 2025 has only been Mission 36 so far that has RESEMBLED a boss fight. Every other level is just a reorganization of enemies in a new location or with one slight twist. While 2017 feels like a tight classic, 2025 goes so far with its ambition to make a bigger game that it just spreads itself thin.
Still a great game (it's EDF, duh) and it's no Insect Armageddon, but it just doesn't have that *it* that came with the original Crimson and Dino-Mech levels of yesteryear. Wing Diver is so fucking fun tho.
Oooh ok, so does that mean when I'm playing local split screen the second "guest" player will get access to my weapon selection as we're playing?
Can't agree with that at all. I just find 2025 to be a superior game in every way. I can understand a case for some folk not liking the classes but that's about it. It trumps over 2017 and is up there with EDF 2 for me.
Oddly enough, that's one of the things I liked about IA, not every mission going as planned and a new objective or location to clear, but I agree the boss fights could have been done better (giving us the dinomechs!), and more frequent.The levels are way too long and dip their toe into repetitive territory a bit too often
Yep. The only thing that matters is which class picks up the weapon. If a split-screen guest playing Air Raider picks it up the savefile will get an Air Raider weapon. Etc.
Yes, in local splitscreen player 2 is just using player 1's stuff. A lot of people are actually abusing this by playing split screen by themselves so they can have a second different class as player 2 and both classes get credit for the armor pickups.
The levels are way too long and dip their toe into repetitive territory a bit too often
Agree 100%.
Especially those three words: Fencer, Dashes, Scythes. Beating level 2? (Trapped or something along these lines, underground level where you are swamepd with enemies) using that combination and mowing through the hordes was arguably the most intense battle I have experienced in the last 30 years of gaming
Seriously, this beats 2017 in almost every aspect.
Yes, I've been playing solo, played through every class except wing diver and went back to air raider and finished normal with him..had fun throughout, so many weapons, so little time..OK. Picking up a copy tomorrow. Is this game still fun when playing solo? I don't have many internet friends.
Thanks. Hope the gamestop near my office has a sealed 360 copy.The last mission on single player..wow.O__O
I'd seen it many times, but never realized how urgent it would feel whilst playing, what a laser light show!
Yes, I've been playing solo, played through every class except wing diver and went back to air raider and finished normal with him..had fun throughout, so many weapons, so little time..
Yeah... I love 2017, but having 1000'd it on 360, playing it currently on Vita, and playing 2025 at the same time, there's really no contest as to this game being superior in almost every way.
I do get that more people are in on the joke / campy buy design feeling, rather than the "Camp by accident" feel 2017, but I think it's a well-balanced step back from the way things felt in IA, where it ultimately just felt like the game was TOO tounge-in-cheek with it's script.
EDF 2017 was by no means campy by accident. It was the third game in the series, and the campy tone has been well established by that point. It's just that it's been handled with a better sense for measure than in IA.
The online mode for this is so much fun. I hope it has legs...
I haven't played Fencer seriously at all. Is it reasonable to throw two swords on and just jump into the middle of a swarm?
...Kinda? If your friends are using explosive, nope, bad idea, back up NAO.I haven't played Fencer seriously at all. Is it reasonable to throw two swords on and just jump into the middle of a swarm?
Gaaaaaaaah Fencer's low-level equipment is such garbage. Too garbage for me to be able to solo any stage that has any hope of giving me something higher than Lv. 2.
...Kinda? If your friends are using explosive, nope, bad idea, back up NAO.
But being able to slash, boost, cancel into another slash, boost, is a great way to fight.
my preferences are Pile Bunker + QUAKE HAKEN ATM, because the Haken is "broken" amounts of crowd control. The generic attack is just ok, maybe to cause a stagger... the first charge has you jump forward, and pound the ground, causing POWER GYZAs to pop up in a cone like formation before you. Great as a Dash to pick up health / outpace enemies. And then the 3rd charge shoots the GYZA's out behind you, without any movement.
This is great because you can "pull" for your team by walking slowly with your back to the enemy, and messing up the group with max charges. Then once they've thinned the group, you jump in with weapons blazing, and 1-on-1 everything to death in a style of your choice.
One last note is that you have damage resist (Varies, I've seen up to 80%) while unleashing a charge move. So you really can just stand in a group and unleash something chaotic. Afterwards you'll probably die, but you'll feel like a BOSS for that brief second of kingly power.
Oh that's crap. I went into Jb last week and they said it would be in on ThursdaySo, it seems the retail has been pushed back to March 6th over here (Australia), I'd buy it right now digital, but that price is ridiculous.
Farming Stage 1 on Hard to get some better weapons for continuing on Normal, apparently they really, really want to impress on you that the bugs have been gone for 7 years.
7 years.
Farming Stage 1 on Hard to get some better weapons for continuing on Normal, apparently they really, really want to impress on you that the bugs have been gone for 7 years.
7 years.
Oh that's crap. I went into Jb last week and they said it would be in on Thursday![]()
The script overused the words "giant insects" during the early missions which is why so many reviews are all "giant insects! giant insects!" It's really annoying at the start.
Gaaaaaaaah Fencer's low-level equipment is such garbage. Too garbage for me to be able to solo any stage that has any hope of giving me something higher than Lv. 2.