canadian crowe
Does anybody know what the print run on this one was like? I want to pick it up, but I'm short on cash.
i got both and overall the 360 version looks better enough to go with that version. framerate is also just fine on 360. the small dips are few and far between and do not impact gameplay of any significance.Scalpel Knight said:Was wondering which version to get. Is the PS3 version framerate that much better than the supposedly better-looking 360 version? I'm seeing a lot of conflicting info.
Y2Kev said:I hate the gale.
Does anyone think the beginning of Chapter 6 looks like...Zanarkand?
Pretty much. I got some silly achievement for beating one of the bosses without dying once. All I had to do was just dash out of his melee attack and spam gale's armor breaker.d0c_zaius said:its not so bad. It can be unreliable at times and be amazing during others.
I'm like this guy: The demo was meh with wonky platforming controls that resulted in many unwitting deaths, and the combat wasn't much better. But I only played the demo. How does the demo compare to the full game?MushroomSamba said:Do you guys think the demo is representative of the final product? I've only played the demo so far, and I thought the combat and platforming was pretty lacking. I'm basically wondering if you guys think the combat/platforming controls better in the final game or if it at least gets more interesting than what's presented in the demo, or that if I didn't like it then I probably won't like it now either.
~Kinggi~ said:I hope the bomba comes fast and swift. No 60$ for a 5.0 game from me. /monocle
Saint Gregory said:I'm confused, am I supposed to be beating these watchers when I run into them? Every time I run across one they beat my ass in two seconds flat and then I get teleported somewhere else. What gives? Was begining the game on normal a mistake?
ironcreed said:This very well may be one of the most tripped out games I have played. It is like traveling through some fucked up dream world or something. Aside from the high strangeness and beauty, the rhythmic combat is something I find to be simplistic, yet completely awesome once you get into a flow. Incredibly unique experience. IGN are out of their minds giving such a low score to such an original game that actually succeeds at doing something fresh.
Cheska said:Womdering the same thing myself.
Y2Kev said:"In the end, El Shaddai attempts to do too much, and much of what it does it doesn't do well."
see5harp said:I really don't see how you can play hours of El Shaddai with the same combat scenarios and completely linear level designs over and over again and complain about originality in shooters. To me it's about execution. It doesn't matter if you are trying to tell a simple story on a small budget or a huge epic blockbuster. At the end of the day you have to tell the story well. 13 Assassins was probably a tenth of the budget that Red Cliff had with a much more simple story and I got a lot more out of 13 assassins. So far I feel like I could take a random COD game and get more enjoyment out of the narrative and gameplay than El Shaddai.
EDIT: To the IGN argument, I don't think the platforming levels are particularly fun. I don't think the narrative or premise is even remotely done well. In many cases dialogue is strange or doesn't make sense (which could be a bad translation). Combat, while satisfying in some ways, relies on the same scenarios over and over and it's entirely predictable when the combat is going to start (in ways infinitely more predictable than Doom 3 monster closets).
The lack of camera control can make areas frustrating, whether it's jumping or fighting multiple enemies. As far as the narrative and pacing go...there are at least 3 "gimmicks" off the top of my head that they use to try and make things original or kooky that just didn't work to me. The early deaths to late title card, the long sequence in the middle that acts as an aside, and the reveal that Lucifel is *gasp* speaking to God on the phone. Lucifel is the most memorable character and has nearly nothing of importance to say in the entire game.
Y2Kev said:they're all beatable I think
I've beaten 4
I think the game clock ran up to 60 hours or something. But I guess time flows differently in the wacky world of El Shaddai. Ten or twelve hours sounds about right. Depending on which sections you get stuck and for how long.Cheska said:Gotta step my game up then.
Around how long is it taking you guys to beat the game?
Y2Kev said:When I said, "IGN values AAA," I don't think this was necessarily an indictment of IGN (plenty of other things are, like the quote about trying to do too much...even from your post here I get the sense you don't think they're really trying to do to much with the game). They, like you, are concerned with execution.
Do you mean... "platinum" it? *Troll face*FateBreaker said:Sorry if this has been answered: how hard is it to 1000 this (or, how hard does it seem to be)?
Cheska said:Yeah I opted for the easier difficulty so I could enjoy the story and jaw dropping levels. Dont think it's worth pulling my hair out so I can platinum this.
LiK said:Combat on Normal was pretty easy to me. Only had trouble with the platforming in several spots. The last part wasn't as hard as what game reviewers were saying. Maybe they're just not that good.![]()
schlew said:Is there any clear-cut way to distinguish and enemy's weakness? As in, what weapon they are weak to? It's not that obvious to me, unless it's a rock paper scissors kind of element. If it is indeed a RockPaperScissors kind of system, do I have to be careful and watch which order I defeat the enemies in?
Y2Kev said:This is a lot like Okami for me. I focus on getting into a rhythm and disposing of the bad guys without getting hit myself or trying to beat them as quickly as possible. I don't really mind (or care) that the game is linear; I quite like linearity. I agree that the early chapters have some pacing problems, namely run -> fight -> run -> fight. I don't really see what the game presents (or even presents poorly) has to do with originality in shooters or shooter presentation...those sorts of complaints, to me, come from realism (and to a lesser extent, hyperrealism) fatigue and not really any type of rebellion or dissatisfaction with shooter gameplay.
I can't comment on the story yet.
When I said, "IGN values AAA," I don't think this was necessarily an indictment of IGN (plenty of other things are, like the quote about trying to do too much...even from your post here I get the sense you don't think they're really trying to do to much with the game). They, like you, are concerned with execution.
Jintor said:I remember a coloured halo indicator popping up once in a while, but I think that was poer-up dependant.
LiquidSwords said:I'm stoked to see that many of you are enjoying the game as I did.
I suggest that you play it on Hard your second time through, and switch on the Japanese voices if you didn't already.
That achievement crash bug on the 360 version is being looked into; sorry if that has affected you.
If you're coming to Pax next week find me at the panels or booth and we should have some sweet giveaways.[/QUOTE]
wait, there's crash bug? can you specify details?
Oh man. Your name: GZA? If so, you are awesome.LiquidSwords said:I'm stoked to see that many of you are enjoying the game as I did.
I suggest that you play it on Hard your second time through, and switch on the Japanese voices if you didn't already.
That achievement crash bug on the 360 version is being looked into; sorry if that has affected you.
If you're coming to Pax next week find me at the panels or booth and we should have some sweet giveaways.
Cheska said:The platforming sections in this game are stellar! Easily some of my favorite parts thus far. Currently on chapter 5. Any tips for future levels guys?
LiK said:MANGOD!
wait, there's crash bug? can you specify details?