Wario64 said:
Holy crap that site is a mess
Wario64 said:
So is this a misprint? Some kind of unique early sale? Or has Ignition seen the writing on the wall with Shadows of the Damned and Child of Eden and adopted a more realistic price point?Wario64 said:
BocoDragon said:So is this a misprint? Some kind of unique early sale? Or has Ignition seen the writing on the wall with Shadows of the Damned and Child of Eden and adopted a more realistic price point?
Sure.Jintor said:Wrapped my review a few days ago, you guys want impressions? I didn't sign anything so I'm fairly certain I'm not embargo'd.
The product page says 49.96.BocoDragon said:So is this a misprint? Some kind of unique early sale? Or has Ignition seen the writing on the wall with Shadows of the Damned and Child of Eden and adopted a more realistic price point?
Is there New Game+?desu said:Something between 8-15h depending on difficulty and your skill.
Jintor said:Wrapped my review a few days ago, you guys want impressions? I didn't sign anything so I'm fairly certain I'm not embargo'd.
So its all style, no substance?Jintor said:Alright, but it's on your heads if I get in trouble about this.
Combat is I would say adequate; you probably already got this from the demo, but given the relative lack of inputs it gets pretty repetitive pretty fast. Guard-breaking via button presses is sort of interesting, but the game's HUD-less-ness prevents you from really learning how to use the combat system effectively because it doesn't really provide responsiveness. There's no lock-on for individual enemies, so it's all manual targeting, which is kind of minor in the grand scheme of things. My main beef with it was that it was difficult to cancel out of most things unless you were dash-cancelling with guard+jump, and that was kind of crappy with the Arch. It just didn't feel, well, super-responsive or flowy, but it's an alright brawler (bear in mind I was playing Bayonetta at the same time, trying desperately to beat the shit out of Rodin, which I FINALLY managed without resorting to Climax Bracelets/Pillow Talk). It also never gets more complex - I don't know how far the demo goes, but once you get the third weapon it's not like additional complexity is ever introduced into it - it kind of gets repetitive from then on. Fighting also tends to become just a war of attrition, since everything has a lot of health, even with purified weapons.
The story is borderline incomprehensible. Not in terms of what's actually happening, because that's fairly simple, but in that it assigns meaning to characters you've never met until now through like a throaway line in a 2d-loading screen, or it just does things you wouldn't expect in other games without much explanation. It's like... how do I put this... it doesn't think about how much the average player would have understood or even cared about, it just ploughs on and on. Whether or not you can put up with it is really just up to your willingness to subject yourself to Jewish apocrypha interpreted through a Japanese lens and shoved into an arthouse game wrapped around a fighting engine. If you thought Bayonetta or MGS had hard-to-follow stories, at least those two followed a traditional narrative structure. This approaches total arthouse madness at times.
Spacial awareness in 3d platforming is off for reasons I can't put my fingers on directly, but yeah - it's difficult to tell where you are in 3D space. 2D platforming is beautiful but simplistic.
As you might expect, the entire game is start to finish wonderful to look at, and the music is incredible, but occasionally you'll get this bloody visual filter over your screen for an entire level. That aside, it's a design student's orgasm, with every level shifting slightly (or spectacularly) in art style.
For the record, I think the Eurogamer review is a little overenthusiastic about it. The combat is nowhere near as fluid and as beautifully simplistic-complex as Bayonetta, and it certainly doesn't 'change the way' I think about games in the same way that Okami or Rez did. Still, I defintely enjoyed my experience with the game, and would recommend it for the artstyle alone, if nothing else [I also personally enjoyed the weird-ass 'story', but that's all up to you. Lucifel is awesome, though].
In terms of story (besides it being amazing)
The graphics alone put it on a special pedestal for 2011 all its own.Finaika said:So its all style, no substance?
Still would buy it for teh graphics alone.
Amir0x said:i am so going to trip out while playing this game
BocoDragon said:So is this a misprint? Some kind of unique early sale? Or has Ignition seen the writing on the wall with Shadows of the Damned and Child of Eden and adopted a more realistic price point?
Combat is like DMC1's melee. It's all based on timing and it's just as minimal as DMC1.Tizoc said:So there really isn't much to the combat then?
Well guess this is one game I'll be getting at a discounted price/used ^_^;
What? You're kidding, right? The platforming sections in the demo are really easy to get through. Maybe it's just you.JoeTheBlow said:This boggled my fucking mind in the demo. I just couldn't work out why i kept plummeting off the edges and in between platforms. That alone rendered this game from "interesting" to "fuck this!".
Total playtesting fail.
Yeah I'm going ps3 - the demo looked spectacular to me.firehawk12 said:So, 360 for the looks and PS3 for the framerate? Tough choice...
a Master Ninja said:I'm not sure which I value more, honestly.
Utako said:I also liked the use of the "snap" sound. Like God can erase your failure with a snap of his fingers, or pause the game, etc.![]()
Holy crap, this game runs at 60 fps? Or, because that's the max, is that just like side-scrolling levels or cutscenes?Kagari said:You can see the image quality comparison for yourself:
The PS3's smoothing looks a little better for the art style.
XBOX360 Avg:38.679fps Min-Max:28.5-59.5fps Tear:0.000%(0.000%)
PLAYSTATIONS3 Avg:46.714fps Min-Max:29.5-60.0fps Tear:0.000%(0.000%)
Nemesis556 said:Umm, so the demo isn't in English? Is this correct? >_>
Cheska said:Uh...pretty sure the demo I played was in English.
Nemesis556 said:Downloaded from both the US and the AUS marketplace for Xbox. The demo is completely in Japanese. I'm so confused. =/
duffyside said:Holy crap, this game runs at 60 fps? Or, because that's the max, is that just like side-scrolling levels or cutscenes?
MYE said:Holy crap that site is a mess
Kimosabae said:Heh, I wondered if I was the only one to appreciate that.
Teknoman said:Everything except cutscenes if the demo is any indication.
Nemesis556 said:Downloaded from both the US and the AUS marketplace for Xbox. The demo is completely in Japanese. I'm so confused. =/
schlew said:Nick Rox from Warning a Huge Podcast told me over Twitter that thr 360 version overs better effects and image quality, while the PS3 version has a higher framerate. He owns both Japanese versions, so he's a pretty great source.