Ulysses 31
When memes are better at giving lore than the actual game...

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You need to make the stars fall (for real).i've gone into the siofra well. i've got about half way through the map but there's some areas i can't get into or don't know what to do yet.
wtf happened to Melina? she appeared early on in the game but i haven't seen her again in the last 40 hours. i was promised a waifu!seriously though where is she?
I could tank full Radagon combo's with it while attacking with a great spear.Do greatshields (Fingerprint specifically) hold up vs late game bosses? Because right now post-Capital that shield is rendering the game nearly trivial in difficulty. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the late game boss attacks just melt right through it.
Yeah. During my 100+ hours of gameplay so far I had no idea what was going on. I was basically just exploring the world because I had no idea what I was supposed to do. What's missing here is a menu option that lays out main plot points and objectives which you could review when you're not too sure where to go. To me this is the only major problem with the game. Outside of that it's pretty brilliant.Beat it at 76 hours and level 142. Overall the exploration and gameplay were fantastic. However, watching the ending I knew nothing about what was going on. The story and how it is told are terrible. The game is also way too long and probably should've ended at the capital the first time. Towards the end, I was just wanting the game to end. Can't see myself ever replying Elden Ring again, it was exhausting the last 15 hours.
You can look up talismans and weapons and there surely be some you didn't get.
She shows up later, sometimes at graces you get the option to speak to her but rarely, keep an eye out for those.wtf happened to Melina? she appeared early on in the game but i haven't seen her again in the last 40 hours. i was promised a waifu!seriously though where is she?
I think the slightly less than obvious reason why they added NPC map markers is to give the player a way to keep track of their names. This was my issue with it, there are so many characters that other characters refer to in questlines, let alone lore with key figures having names very similar to one another Godrik, Godfrey, Godwin, Melina, Melania, etc... this is btw most likely GRR Martin's doing, as a way to call characters of the same lineage, I think he said sth like this in an interview speaking about the game somewhere... So what happens is you get flooded with it earlier on, and it's easy to mix things up and a lot of the dialog comes across as confusing. For some time the plot made no sense to me 'cause I kept on mixing Godfrey with GodwinYeah. During my 100+ hours of gameplay so far I had no idea what was going on. I was basically just exploring the world because I had no idea what I was supposed to do. What's missing here is a menu option that lays out main plot points and objectives which you could review when you're not too sure where to go. To me this is the only major problem with the game. Outside of that it's pretty brilliant.
Doesn't help that the dialog is also poor. NPCs talk like they are giving me one piece of a 500 piece puzzle. Just speak normally and tell me in a manner that is understandable without looking it up on Google.I think the slightly less than obvious reason why they added NPC map markers is to give the player a way to keep track of their names. This was my issue with it, there are so many characters that other characters refer to in questlines, let alone lore with key figures having names very similar to one another Godrik, Godfrey, Godwin, Melina, Melania, etc... this is btw most likely GRR Martin's doing, as a way to call characters of the same lineage, I think he said sth like this in an interview speaking about the game somewhere... So what happens is you get flooded with it earlier on, and it's easy to mix things up and a lot of the dialog comes across as confusing. For some time the plot made no sense to me 'cause I kept on mixing Godfrey with Godwin
Beat it at 76 hours and level 142. Overall the exploration and gameplay were fantastic. However, watching the ending I knew nothing about what was going on. The story and how it is told are terrible. The game is also way too long and probably should've ended at the capital the first time. Towards the end, I was just wanting the game to end. Can't see myself ever replying Elden Ring again, it was exhausting the last 15 hours.
Yeah. During my 100+ hours of gameplay so far I had no idea what was going on. I was basically just exploring the world because I had no idea what I was supposed to do. What's missing here is a menu option that lays out main plot points and objectives which you could review when you're not too sure where to go. To me this is the only major problem with the game. Outside of that it's pretty brilliant.
So is the Capital an actual bottleneck, like there's no way to go around, you really gotta slog through this shit to progress?
killed the last boss on first attempt , elden beast? more like elden BITCH
whos laughing now
Elden Ring (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S/One) is filled with strange, weird weapons. Here are some of our favorites.
I'm literally having a tougher time here with these knights than many bosses in the game. Guess I have to adjust my tactics or something but spells seem to do fuck-all to them because they seem to always have that shield up.Yep. It's the main story location of the game.
Which shield are you trying to use the ash of war on?i put the no skill ash on a shield but now i have a new shield but cant seem to use no skill on it. i cant parry for shit so thats no good and i dont want to have to two hand to use my sword ash
how do i fix it? do i need to duplicate? i tried thatbut need an item.
i have a kite shield with no skill and i found a blue crest heater. i levelled it up but want to use no skill. i dont know how. i went back to the guy who sells ashes but seems he only sells one of each.Which shield are you trying to use the ash of war on?
I'm literally having a tougher time here with these knights than many bosses in the game. Guess I have to adjust my tactics or something but spells seem to do fuck-all to them because they seem to always have that shield up.
When memes are better at giving lore than the actual game...
That's typically underground time, so you could go check out Siofra River. If you're following a certain quest, I'll see you in like 3 days at level 100.Any tips on where to go after the Academy? That manor perhaps? I'm around lvl 60, maybe less.
That's typically underground time, so you could go check out Siofra River. If you're following a certain quest, I'll see you in like 3 days at level 100.
i headed into siofra but seems i should've went to ainsel first. in siofra i can feel like the enemies are much tougher. i can probably push through siofra (i'm about half way i think) but maybe i should go do ainsel first.
east liurnia lake area.Where's ainsel?
east liurnia lake area.
you've probably found the siofra river well. ainsel is the same.Noted. Thank you.
you've probably found the siofra river well. ainsel is the same.
That's what I had to do but it doesn't make it any less crap. I hate grinding, and this boss seemed to be there just to say "Well, you should respec / grind now".man just overlevel your self , i killed the duo on my first attempt , a massive health bar helps in this game especially with the difficulty spikes
I was in similar level, I've done underground - Siofra River, then Caelid.Any tips on where to go after the Academy? That manor perhaps? I'm around lvl 60, maybe less.
Possibly, but I would not be surprised to see a Sunhilegend video where he beats those bosses unlevelledIt's stupid, perscriptive design, from a game that states You Can Play As You Want -- Basically now saying you can't, your build is useless and you have to cheese.
Bloodborne is the only exception, maybe DS3 as wellThat's what I had to do but it doesn't make it any less crap. I hate grinding, and this boss seemed to be there just to say "Well, you should respec / grind now".
It's stupid, perscriptive design, from a game that states You Can Play As You Want -- Basically now saying you can't, your build is useless and you have to cheese.
But I don't want to cheese, I want to react! That is the game I've been playing up until this point. One hit kills are bullshit, but I've seen the fat guy literally lock into his roll animation instantly and then I'm dead.
No options given if you're health bar isn't big enough.
I really dislike the final levels in Souls games, they're almost always full of crumbling bullshit design and reused humanoid enemies. When I get to the end of each of them all I can think of is starting again as most of them are just tedious. From are such great designers, but they almost always have cheap filler at the end.