I think the current flow of the game kinda forces you to think about which weapons/builds you're upgrading for the first chunk of the game. Then, at a certain point you have respec available, and as you progress further, you get access to bell bearings so that you can just buy upgrade materials to get weapons up to a reasonable upgrade level. FROM, for better or worse, always make upgrade stuff really rare for the first 2/3 of the game until you can either farm/buy unlimited amounts of it, then you can really start experimenting. I have upgraded and swapped out weapons 5-6 times already and I'm still in my first playthrough, but I'm exploring every nook and cranny. I lucked out in that a lot of the weapons I found relatively early were very strong and lasted me quite a while until I found something with a moveset that I really liked.the mopre i think about it, the more i think the gameplay loop is kinda screwed up in this title...you are supposed to tackle additional content and get more "options" for your arsenal, but the rigidity of the weapon system makes so that experimentattion is kind of stiffled, so you using only things that already merge with your chosen playstyle or plan a big respec hoping that you have enough materials to max your pre-planned new build
but again not much that can be changed without fundamentalklly changing some parts of the souls formula.
from this point of view melee builds are also kind of screwed...you are still offered some weapons that scale with int or faith or arcane if you go with that build and what a melee option..but for the magically impaired a good third of the rewards of the game are useless
the mopre i think about it, the more i think the gameplay loop is kinda screwed up in this title...you are supposed to tackle additional content and get more "options" for your arsenal, but the rigidity of the weapon system makes so that experimentattion is kind of stiffled, so you using only things that already merge with your chosen playstyle or plan a big respec hoping that you have enough materials to max your pre-planned new build
but again not much that can be changed without fundamentalklly changing some parts of the souls formula.
from this point of view melee builds are also kind of screwed...you are still offered some weapons that scale with int or faith or arcane if you go with that build and what a melee option..but for the magically impaired a good third of the rewards of the game are useless
If you go STR you pretty much gotta go Greatshield to make it worthwhile.A third is generous, I feel. Pretty much every later-stage weapon you find has some aspect of int/arc or something on it making it useless if you dunked everything in Strength.
Weapon variety for melee kinda sucks.
Same with that tower in Caelid, and even some of those field dragon bosses in that area too. Just insane difficulty spikes compared to the rest of the region.Man what the hell is with the random difficulty of the catacomb in Radahn's arena, along the north wall? I was cruising through Caelid cleaning up things I skipped/missed and that one threw me for a loop.
Man im so fed up of the summoning in this, its shit. Im at fire giant, and in previous games that would be a prime spot. Nobody is putting signs down for support and if they do it dissapears in milliseconds as so many ppl waiting for helpers. Such a shame as the game is a fucking masterpiece but getting helpers and then helping others is one of my favourite things to do in these games and this one just doesnt cut it.
I guess its due to the game being so huge, and the rewards for co op being shit. Ppl either spread too thin or dont even bother. At 115 i put a sign down at Leyndell boss, and rarely get summoned even there. Im on Xbox i dont know if thats anything to do with it. 210 hours into this amazing experience and I'm getting tired of fighting bosses that are meant to be for 2 or 3 ppl alone and repeatedly getting smashed..
As the host you can also use a scriptstone, which will give you more white message hints and summon signs.I fully believe summoning is broken, I tested this a lot at the last boss, Melania and a few other place3s, both summoning and being a summon, there is no way people get summoned so quick whilst my sign will take ages to be summon, it doesn't make sense
So I decided I wanted to do the rest of the bosses/Platinum the game, but I think I may be locked out of some side quests (Fia's for example)
now at Mohgwyns Palace though, I think I should be OP here
My favorite song so far has been this one:Trying to beat Lord of Blood without summon. Thats some crazy shit. By far the best OST.
As for my fellow brothers who love exploring, try the Lord of Blood zone with blood crows, blood dogs, hyper beam skeleton and blood swordmans . Have fun.
good post dude , what was your character level?192 hours on the clock, an unforgettable journey, a Tarnished who used his own wits and Faith in the Erdtree to navigate these Lands Between top to bottom and uncovered many of its deepest secrets, no guides, no bullshit, wow, what a game. The is undoubtedly one of the best games ever made and I think my playtime might be the longest for any single player game ever even deducting maybe 35 hours helping a buddy/randoms in co-op as well as doing invasions. Is it the best FROM had ever put out? Well, that's highly subjective and I consider every one of their releases in the past decade a masterpiece, it's impossible to choose a favourite. Boy is it special though.
When FROM first announced they would be doing an open-world I saw a lot of naysayers. The whole time I kept saying "in FROM I trust, they can do no wrong, they have proven themselves time and time again". Indeed, they delivered big time while sticking to their core vision and design philosophy, never compromising to the mewling herd begging for an "easy mode". Funny thing is this is FROM's easiest game *by far*, I almost think it's TOO forgiving in how it allows challenge to be mitigated. Nevermind respecs, by the time I reached the end I had found 15 Larval Tears, talk about being overly generous, I'm sure there are ones I missed too lol.
From the very beginning I knew I'd play as a holy warrior equally adept at melee as he was casting incantations. I respec'd once early on to redistribute some points I'd wasted in Arcane and that was it, stuck with my chosen role through thick and thin, every weapon and armor piece used throughout the journey fitting the character I chose. Solo'd 98% of all the bosses including all the "hard" ones whether that be Malenia, Maliketh, Elden Beast, Godskin Duo, Lichdragon Fortissax, Gargoyles, Fire Giant etc etc. Many of these were done on my first attempt, the ones I *did* co-op were early on with me being impatient and wanting to move forward. I've helped many Tarnished fell these challenges along the way, jolly co-operation ftw.
I started NG+ last night, got 1 more trophy to plat. The question I asked myself fairly early on was how can FROM follow this up and what do I want to see from them next. Well, to be perfectly honest, I'd love for the next game to go back to their previous structure and - in a perfect world - it would be a sequel to either BB or Sekiro. BB is gothic Lovecraftian perfection, Sekiro might have my favourite combat of any game ever (and I've got the plats for both). More importantly, the "classic" FROM structure has it's own appeal and it's equally engaging. Give us one of these sequels, give us another new IP and *then* close out the gen with a nuclear bomb, an Elden Ring 2 or new open-world taking everything learned from this experience and honing it to a razor's edge.
In the meantime I'll patiently await DLC and look forward to the secrets the community uncovers over the weeks, months and - dare I say - years to come. 2022 is set to be a landmark year for videogames but nothing that comes out will touch this as my GOTY, indeed it's an early GOTG contender. I know many of my fellow Tarnished feel the same, praise Miyazaki, praise FROM, praise the Erdtree, praise the Ring! To close out this post, an Elden List:
- fave areas: Stormveil, Lyndell, Volcano Manor, Caelid, Sofria River, Nokron
- weapons used: Broadsword, Morning Star, Cipher Pata, Blasphemous Blade, Halo Scythe
- fave ashes: Black Knife Tiche, Oleg, Mausoleum Soldiers, Ancestral Follower, Wolves
- most used spell: lightning spear
- fave NPC's: Alexander, Blaidde, Ranni, Ofnir, Boc
- most hated enemy: giant bears lol
- most souls dropped: 297K
- most souls lost: 108K
- fave moment: soloing Lich Dragon Fortissax, 1st attempt, all flasks used up, double KO
- fave bosses: Rykard, Malenia, Radahn, Hoarah Loux, Godrick, Fortissax, Ancestral Spirit
- fave cutscene: Godrick screaming, chopping off his own arm lol
My favorite song so far has been this one:
Thanks. Maybe around 165? Something like thatgood post dude , what was your character level?
Man the last time I played was March 8th. Had to take a hiatus since we lost we coworker to emergency surgery/recovery and then I had a stomach flu (probably from working crazy hours) and couldn't even look at screens without being nauseous.
If you had told me on March 7th I wouldn't play again for weeks I'd have laughed at you or cried.
Almost feel like starting from scratch.
Current character is level 45 and about 60 hours in. Exploring midway into Liurnia.
What say you GAF? Restart?
The game design pretty much allows you to stop and start whenever you want without really breaking immersion. I don't see why you'd need to restart, if you can recall what shardbearers you've beaten you're good to go.
Just watch out for rot doggies.I've been going full extinction level on those SuicideChickens™ and SleepyBoys™ at the beginning of the Mogwhyn Palace area. Listening to music or podcasts and going on a ridiculous slaughter sometimes hours at a time, I'm currently at level 376.
I hope to eventually have the bosses look at me in fear as I slowly approach them.
Yup, i got owned by this fucking dog. Seems like an easy patch. Hilarious bug though. Anyone that got near that dog probably got 1-shot death lol.
Yep, you will return there later, from a different entrance in the overworld.To those of you who completedin Liurnia - is it supposed to be kind of anticlimactic? Beat one bossAinsley River Welland a big malformed moth thing that was basically a sniper ... is that it? For now?Dragonkin of Nokstella
A got ambushed by a lobster and it got me. Went back to fight it again and it was gone. Are they random encounters?The lobsters are the most bullshit enemy i have encountered.
oh and the ancestor archer. ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!
To those of you who completedin Liurnia - is it supposed to be kind of anticlimactic? Beat one bossAinsley River Welland a big malformed moth thing that was basically a sniper ... is that it? For now?Dragonkin of Nokstella
You come back to this area a few times, look out to the horizon, you go to all you can see if you look hard enoughTo those of you who completedin Liurnia - is it supposed to be kind of anticlimactic? Beat one bossAinsley River Welland a big malformed moth thing that was basically a sniper ... is that it? For now?Dragonkin of Nokstella
Shouldn't be an issue, but to avoid any ban risks I'd start againSo....I pirated the game.
I was fairly sure that this game would not be for me since I couldnt get in Dark Souls or Sekiro. However I love this game and would like to support the devs by buying the game on steam. Anyone know if I can import my save game to the steam folder so that I can continue my character?
It's possible, though its not too hard to get, are you after an early weapon or dupe?Would anyone be so kind to drop me a weapon (Rivers of Blood) If that's even possible?
Congrats, Crucible Knights were the bane of my playthrough, still areMan it's super late and I'm exhausted and everything, but I just soloed theDidn't even use spirit ashes because of a shortcut fuckup I made before I entered the fight. It was only my 3rd try and let's just say I'm flying high right now.two crucible knights boss in Auriza Hero's Grave.
That whole dungeon was a test of patience. I'm glad I am done with it, but it was satisfying to see the 3 chariots all smash into each other and then 5 loot drops happen all at once.
you need an item to be reborn. so yeah there is a limit. i have only found 3 of them so far but there is about 20 i think.Just beat the 2nd boss, is there a limit to how many times I can be reborn?
It's limited by "Larval Tears" item. You use one each time you do a rebirth.Just beat the 2nd boss, is there a limit to how many times I can be reborn?
No, but it requires a special item each time. You get a few of them, around 8-12 per playthrough depending on how hard you look (Wiki lists 17 in total).Just beat the 2nd boss, is there a limit to how many times I can be reborn?
Hum... What did you fight here ? Depending what you did before you might want to revisit it.went to redmane castle. i wasn't expecting it to be so easyi was expecting something like stormveil castle.