Agreed, this one wasn't too hard - do you learn where do you use the hourglass if you miss that location?It's like Ranni's quest. I found it rather straightforward. Didn't need help for it.
I don't remember exactly. I remember that Ranni mention that her old body is in this divine tower. And there you understand you need an item to access it.Agreed, this one wasn't too hard - do you learn where do you use the hourglass if you miss that location?
I need to try that, just got Founding Rain of Stars today and messing around with Crystal Release. I'm mainly Faith/Incantation build but Intelligence so fun too.I think i like bastards stars over the wing of astel.
Yea it's slower, but flails can't be parried, the special can go through walls, and it can be free aimed rather easily
lol im only 2 levels above you but have played about 40 more hours.I'm level 127, 56 hrs played, and i still have only done 2 main bosses lol.....having too much fun doing other stuff and leveling my weapon up. Which reminds me.....where the hell is an easy somber smithing stone 6?
Of the many game design elements From Software will be eternally remembered for, the bosses of its Soulsborne games will surely be at the top of the list. Beyond just challenging monstrosities, each boss is an intricate, unique work of art (well, perhaps not you, Bed of Chaos). Some are puzzles, others are tests of endurance, and a few are even cinematic set pieces. A small handful are gatekeepers: practical exams that demand you demonstrate your combat learnings before being allowed to continue. These are among the fiercest, most challenging fights, and while they may feel punishing in the moment, they provide valuable lessons to carry with you for the rest of the experience. Margit the Fell Omen, Elden Ring's first major boss, is one of these gatekeepers, and he stands proudly alongside From Software's best early-game foes.
On the latest episode of IGN's Art of the Level on Elden Ring, we dive deep into the Margit the Fell Omen boss battle, breaking down how the boss fits neatly inside a certain type of FromSoft foes, but more importantly works as an expertly designed lesson in Elden Ring's many combat ideas. We explore how the Margit boss fight is a practical demonstration of how all of Elden Ring's fighting mechanics, design, and more come together to teach and guide you how to take on future battles. This is Art of the Level.
If you do try it keep in mind that spacing is important, more than other weapons in my experience.I need to try that, just got Founding Rain of Stars today and messing around with Crystal Release. I'm mainly Faith/Incantation build but Intelligence so fun too.
My first post!! Cheers everyone![]()
today i went to volcano manor and fought the boss. what a shit fight and voice acting is fucking silly. also i was hoping to do the dungeon but fuck that apparently. i done the invasions and then went to tanith and she said if i want to meet the boss. i dont know what i was meant to do to get into the dungeon. oh well.
after that i went through the rest of the mountaintop. got the rivers of blood katana and upgraded it straight away to +9. fought the giant and went up to speak to waifu. well that seems to have fucked a lot of stuff up. ended up in farum azula. roderika is gone from the hold. i got as far as just after the fatty and skinny boss fight. im at ansite of grace that was behind a key gate. i hate this area so am taking a break today. i might ignore it for a while and go do the snowgrounds area and maybe fight malenia. also havent been to mogwyn palace yet.
im now lvl 129 and my bloodhound fang/rivers of blood are both +9. my uchigatana, nagakiba, longbow, and shield are all now at +25!
Omg I'm sorry, I have tried those both.If you do try it keep in mind that spacing is important, more than other weapons in my experience.
also Grab adulas moonblade spell, good for large enemies as it can hit them multiple times
I thought this was interesting. I'm a strength build so I'll give this a try.
I'm level 127, 56 hrs played, and i still have only done 2 main bosses lol.....having too much fun doing other stuff and leveling my weapon up. Which reminds me.....where the hell is an easy somber smithing stone 6?
Is the boss at the end of that random village in the back end? I was tempted to go there next but have only done 1 or 2 of the invasions quests for the lady at the manor.FUCKKKKK if you kill the boss of Volcano Manor it cancels all the invasion quests you haven't done.
Now I can't invade Vargram to get his armor.
I hate this shit.
I don't know how's that possible considering I'm 50 hours ahead of you and 20 levels behind. You must've been farming the whole time.
Yeah, not literally the whole time but considering you're not past liurnia you must've been spending a lot of time in caelid. Anyway, whatever suits you best, it's your playtime.Farming? Yes......whole time? No
Still no lie date for optimizations patch, this is disgusting. FROM probably doesn't even know how to optimize the game.
You can upload a cloud save. Just make sure auto-uploads are disabled, so you don't overwrite it.Can you duplicate a save on Xbox for this game. I am ready to go to Azul, but I know you change the world at that point and I want to get the madness ending too without NG+.
You're good mate, wings of astel worked for me but i never used it in co op or buffed. Good on the gif, i still haven't figured that out or cared tooOmg I'm sorry, I have tried those both.
I get confused with names. Currently in my experience and my friend's, Astel curved sword is bugged for us. If we do Golden Vow or Commander buff, the Weapon Art does not want to work, no damage. Is it the same for you?!
However that is not the case with Baby Rattle Bastard Flail in my experience.
I ended up testing Founding Rain and Crystal Release on Falling Star Beast, just made a GIF.. Iunno how to post proper
Sorry, cheers!
Raytracing FROM SOFTWARE?They’re gonna have to if they even want to have raytracing possible
I found a video that gives you some valuable advice.
Yea no, it was cryptic. It says "traverse the abyss". I took that as walk through the abyss, not fall into what looks like a bottomless pit inside a tower.Depends on each player I guess. I immediately understood for this ring.
I haven't reach the stuff with the invisible ennemy but I know that I read a note about it. So yes I might die once to them and then I will understand what I need to do. Because I've read note and description.
I read description of every weapons/armour/talisman/key item I get. It's part of the game for me and kind of necessary.
Some quest are too obscure I agree. Like the Millicent one I mentioned. Without meticulous exploration you don't get clues about her next location
Elden Ring (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S/One) still has plenty to do if you're crazy enough to reach max level.
Malenia is the hardest souls boss ever and anyone saying she is easy can suck my pee pee.
obviously just get good at parrying and dodging...Malenia is the hardest souls boss ever and anyone saying she is easy can suck my pee pee.
Ludwig and Orphan are like little babies compared to her.
Hey bros, so is anyone doing NG+? How's the difficulty? Was wondering if it would be best to do NG+ or just starting out as a new character.
Also... Favorite boss so far? For setting, design and mechanics, I would say mine is Rykard, but Malenia's a pretty cool fight too.
Malenia is the hardest souls boss ever and anyone saying she is easy can suck my pee pee.
Ludwig and Orphan are like little babies compared to her.
From a previous post of mine :Yea no, it was cryptic. It says "traverse the abyss". I took that as walk through the abyss, not fall into what looks like a bottomless pit inside a tower.
Maybe not your thing.
The Covenant of Artorias ring was pretty obvious for me. It's clearly stated that you can walk in the abyss with it and Ingward in new londo clearly says that the 4 Kings are down below the city, swallow by the abyss.
Then you cross the boss fog gate and it leads to a pitch black well... For me it was like "Time to put this ring !"
Malenia is the hardest souls boss ever and anyone saying she is easy can suck my pee pee.
Ludwig and Orphan are like little babies compared to her.
Is the boss at the end of that random village in the back end? I was tempted to go there next but have only done 1 or 2 of the invasions quests for the lady at the manor.
Well I missed the Rya quest because I didn’t meet her before the Volcano Manor mansion, so I can’t get one of the items needed for another quest that’s interconnected, ending up in missing two questsFUCKKKKK if you kill the boss of Volcano Manor it cancels all the invasion quests you haven't done.
Now I can't invade Vargram to get his armor.
I hate this shit.
Performance is not great, but definitely not an issue.Performance still sucks on ps5 guys. Still stuttering all the time. Is it safe to assume at this point that their never going to fix the framerate? I'm starting to lose hope.
heal incantations for massive damage and stun. One of the merchants sells a note that tells you about it. Works on small revenants as idea how to fight royal revenants...they are the only enemy i would never approach if possible in the game...them and big bears
Yes, but you have quite a bit of game left and you will end up replaying a ton of sections and will require you to keep your xbox offline. You can go to Azul and play through almost all of it. Defeating the final boss is what will trigger the capital burning.Can you duplicate a save on Xbox for this game. I am ready to go to Azul, but I know you change the world at that point and I want to get the madness ending too without NG+.
Yep. A Blasphemous Blade build with a mimic destroys her without too much difficulty. Me and my mimic put her into an endless spam of being knocked over and we beat her in 4 tries. It would have been 1, but that AOE scarlet rot attack got me.She is hard overall i agree and also one of the coolest boss btw, but you have to consider that not everyone play the same build, took the same path and were at same level when encountered Malenia. So the level of difficulty will obviously not be same to one to another.