It's a good system. At the very least, the ability to craft darts, arrows, bolts and bombs wherever you want gives a lot of freedom. At minimum, keep a full set of bone darts and crystal darts equipped. Bone darts for drawing aggro or hitting things at a distance (high up scarabs, etc) and crystal darts for inflicting frenzy on any holes (most catacombs enemies like imps and watchdogs, as well as giant golems). This isn't ever stated in game so that isn't a spoiler, but it's very useful to know.Okay what's the deal with crafting? I am level 80 and 68 hours in and I ve never crafted once!
I missing anything by not doing it?
Cracked/Ritual pot craftables are great, too. It's handy to keep simple fire bombs on hand, and you get upgraded versions as you progress. There's also see pots, which are especially useful on certain enemies you often see asleep near the flower you use to make them. Giant bears often sleep near St Trina's lillies.
One of the pot items is the oil pot, which is especially useful if you use fire at all.
Bow/crossbow utility should be obvious, instant ammo access including all sorts of status effects.
You eventually get access to a third reusable crafting container: perfumes. They can apply some unique buffs that might just save your life.
All in all, there's so many options for crafting and so many infinite resources to collect that you're throwing away useful tools if you don't try them. You've got nothing to lose. The few rare ingredients are described as such, and I think there's less than 10 really rare ones.