Mohg’s delays and roll catches are worse, imo. I just can’t get my head around that boss. Every time I’ve beaten him it’s been pure fluke.
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Mohg's pretty bad for that, but he won't dual wield fast combo and he's entirely optional so I can forgive that. It's an additional challenge rather than the first boss of real progression.Mohg’s delays and roll catches are worse, imo. I just can’t get my head around that boss. Every time I’ve beaten him it’s been pure fluke.
I feel you, I struggled a lot against Margit, definitely one of the hardest bosses in the game for me, in large part because at this point in the game your health bar is still quite small. You really have to git gud or play in a suicidal way until you somehow kill him before he kills you. On the bright side this is good training for later bosses. You have to learn to stay calm, quick to decide what to do, and precise in your actions. Which really mirrors fights in real life, speaking as someone who spars at the gym with others.Arrived at Margit the Fell...and well shit. Even with the sorcerer summoning, the wolves summoning and being over leveled for this specific boss (level 33), I'm struggling.
Welcome to Elden Ring, I guess.
I can't figure out what you mean, are you able to provide a picture or a location?What's up with those spectral signs that sometimes appear on the floor in circles? I've came across some, seems like they're hinting me at something but I have no clue what.
Yellow circles in specific dungeons? If so, you need to lure shadow enemies into them so they become vulnerable to your hits.What's up with those spectral signs that sometimes appear on the floor in circles? I've came across some, seems like they're hinting me at something but I have no clue what.
So true. They went all in on the whole "gatekeeper" idea with him. I struggled with Margit. It was unpleasant. I get the mentality and I get the design but damn he was a bitch for me. I waltzed through later bosses that gave everyone problems. Although Mogh was my hardest challenge. Came close to re-speccing for him. Margit could've been dialed back a little in my mind. Especially because you meet him again ... twice.Personally I think Margit is more difficult than he needs to be in a few ways. They want you to be encouraged to go exploring, I get that, but the attack delays are more extreme than anything else in the entire game. He's got combos that seem to catch you unless you were already away from him. I can more reliably dodge the most difficult bosses in the game than I can Margit.
Theres one near the sealed tunnel, in the middle of the lake, outside.I can't figure out what you mean, are you able to provide a picture or a location?
Ohhhhh you poor man/woman, you've been missing out. You know the scarab/dung beetle looking things that drop Ashes of War? They're those but invisible. You need to catch them with an as they come past. They stick to fixed routes, so wait for them to come back aroundTheres one near the sealed tunnel, in the middle of the lake, outside.
On the water you can see magic signs going in circles, looking like footsteps.
Maybe I need to change time of day to trigger something?
Margit is more difficult than the first two shard bearers. Granted, the game tells you it will be tough, but in terms of balance it's a hell of a wall. I had an easy time the first time I fought him because I explored everything I could find first and was over-leveled.So true. They went all in on the whole "gatekeeper" idea with him. I struggled with Margit. It was unpleasant. I get the mentality and I get the design but damn he was a bitch for me. I waltzed through later bosses that gave everyone problems. Although Mogh was my hardest challenge. Came close to re-speccing for him. Margit could've been dialed back a little in my mind. Especially because you meet him again ... twice.
Margit is an absolute bitch. Attack delays, infallible target tracking, instant counterattack when you get in for a quick hit in the midst of a seemingly infinite flurry of attacks, long-range attacks when you try to heal from afar. He has everything that makes almost anything with a unique name and a long healthbar so annoying in this game. He’s fucking cheap, no two ways around it. It’s gatekeeping of the cheapest kind, and he soured me on the whole game so early.Arrived at Margit the Fell...and well shit. Even with the sorcerer summoning, the wolves summoning and being over leveled for this specific boss (level 33), I'm struggling.
Welcome to Elden Ring, I guess.
My old go to was Hoarfrost Stomp, but I couldn't tell you what I do now. I probably just time a swingBest method I found for the invisible scarab/footprints was to charge an attack on Torrent in the path of the prints. It activates a hitbox the whole time the attack is charging and gives you a huge window to make contact. All you need is 1hp of damage.
Ohhhhh you poor man/woman, you've been missing out. You know the scarab/dung beetle looking things that drop Ashes of War? They're those but invisible. You need to catch them with an as they come past. They stick to fixed routes, so wait for them to come back around
Theres one near the sealed tunnel, in the middle of the lake, outside.
On the water you can see magic signs going in circles, looking like footsteps.
Maybe I need to change time of day to trigger something?
Wait in its path and attack as it approaches you. I always use a dagger.Thanks my man! Do I need to use a special item to see them and catch them?
Because I've followed one, and at no given time I could see an opening to catch it![]()
Funny how widely different it is for everybody. I could fight him 10 times a day and not get bored.Margit is an absolute bitch. Attack delays, infallible target tracking, instant counterattack when you get in for a quick hit in the midst of a seemingly infinite flurry of attacks, long-range attacks when you try to heal from afar. He has everything that makes almost anything with a unique name and a long healthbar so annoying in this game. He’s fucking cheap, no two ways around it. It’s gatekeeping of the cheapest kind, and he soured me on the whole game so early.
No items needed, just some attack damage. I think the invisible ones must have 1HP.Thanks my man! Do I need to use a special item to see them and catch them?
Because I've followed one, and at no given time I could see an opening to catch it![]()
You’re probably finding stakes or Marika, which serve as temporary checkpoints rather than summoning pools. They have no arms.Why am I sometimes unable to interact with summoning statues? Any reason for this?
If you solely follow the yellow line you’ll get body checked. It just sends you to narrative bosses.Man, this game's world is a blast to explore. Time flies by when I'm playing this game.
Already level 50, still getting my ass kicked from time to time
How do I know what's the exact place to go in order to follow the main plot? Any indicator of it? It's the yellow line that comes out of the lost grace isn't it?
The short answer is yes.Man, this game's world is a blast to explore. Time flies by when I'm playing this game.
Already level 50, still getting my ass kicked from time to time
How do I know what's the exact place to go in order to follow the main plot? Any indicator of it? It's the yellow line that comes out of the lost grace isn't it?
Watch a weapon expert react to Elden Ring, and its many weapons! We got Matt Easton, an all-around weapon, HEMA and battle expert, to look at IGN's Game of the Year for 2022, Elden Ring and it's iconic weaponry.
From the Bloodhound Fang, to the Twinned Knight Swords and the Bloodhound Claws, Matt breaks down just how realistic these weapons are, how they're used and what they could be inspired by.
Matt Easton is a Historical European Martial Artist, Antique Arms Dealer, and owner of the fencing club Schola Gladiatoria.
00:00 - Intro
00:37 - Longsword
04:33 - Celebrant’s Sickle
06:05 - Bloodhound’s Fang
08:42 - Twinned Knight Swords
11:24 - Bloodhound Claws
14:09 - Final Thoughts
They unlock the same spells regardless of who you give them to. However, you can only give them to one NPC and then you're reliant on them and only them if you want to buy anything from that unlock.Have myself another question: Can I give scrolls to any npc, or does the content vary depending to whom I give them?
The world is big and the weapons will come but it might be a while if you’re playing dex. From memory, early game drops tend to favour bonk builds or quality at the least. I play dex and used longswords for my whole run. Good news is whetstones let you change the weapon scaling of non-unique weapons. In any case, Katanas are still one of best weapons in the game.Finally bought it and it’s great so far but I think I’m doing it wrong. I beat the first boss before the castle and I am slowly progressing through it but is it me or are there very few weapons? I ran around the world a bit and didn’t find much, other than bad guys that kill me pretty quick.
So far, I’m a samurai, pushing levels to dexterity but that is only really due to me running dex in previous souls games.
Any tips? Not looking for something overt, just a bit of a nudge to point me in the right way.
It’d be cool if this was de facto From Software thread. I’ve been playing Bloodborne and been itching to talk about it. Started up DS3 too but not sure if it’s something I’m going to stick with.I finally received my copy of Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades yesterday and started it. Is there an OT thread for it like this one?
Good tips. Now I need to ask. How do we caste spells?The world is big and the weapons will come but it might be a while if you’re playing dex. From memory, early game drops tend to favour bonk builds or quality at the least. I play dex and used longswords for my whole run. Good news is whetstones let you change the weapon scaling of non-unique weapons. In any case, Katanas are still one of best weapons in the game.
Black Knife Assassin is funny. At range, there is a loop where she will attempt to do jumping black knife projectile and hitting her during it will knock her down. Close up any skill that is 360 degrees will always trade in your favor. Sea of Magma skill on Magma Whip Candlestick and Thunderstorm skill on Stormhawk Axe are her kryptonite.Started a new character called Axelotl with the intention of using 2 axes. I don't like the L1s because each hit comes out separately, so I scrapped that one and started again.
Thought of a twinblade character, but realised my Black Flame guy already uses one. Played that for a little bit.
Started a dual dagger character (named Daggy, because I'm creative like that) to experiment with the 1.08 patch changes, and they're quite fun. The game gives you a unique one immediately, which makes it quite easy to start out. Had a look through the wiki... Black Knife is the obvious choice for a fun L2 that I haven't used.
I make my way to Leyndell with my bleed dagger and shield, thinking it shouldn't be too much trouble to take down the Black Knife Assassin with some ranged L2s for bleed cheese. Bleed never procs. Fine, high resistance, that's fine. I get Rot Breath, thinking that will be an even easier cheese for such an annoying fuck of an enemy. No proc there either. Wiki time. Immune to everything but frost. Fine, Ice Breath. Still a pain. Look for a cheese, try it, doesn't quite play out. This is getting annoying. Decide to slowly cheese frost procs and run aways. Get followed to round the back. BKA gets locked in an unintentional cheese spot (they get stuck in "Walk back to fighting area" instructions and let you kill them). Opportunity taken. Now I have my two daggers. Might build up a collection for this character and switch up tactics every now and again.
The latest patch seems to have created an interesting trade off between claws and daggers. Claws have more poise damage now, and daggers are faster. Luckily I have my character "Claw Blimey" to play with, and instead of being stuck with just one pair at a time I use multiple single claws. It gives you a lot more variety.
I think I've near exhausted every weapon type, and I'll have to switch it up and do something like 2 hand a damaging Great Shield if I want to keep it fresh. I've seen some real abuse done with a bleed shield and the charge forward L2.
Sorceries need to be attuned at a site of grace and cast with a glintstone staff. Incantations need to be attuned at a site of grace and cast with a sacred seal.Good tips. Now I need to ask. How do we caste spells?
When I had a brief stint at the purple website (before being banned of course) the best thread was their From/Souls community page. No politics or bullshit just people like us who are kind of nuts about these games.It’d be cool if this was de facto From Software thread. I’ve been playing Bloodborne and been itching to talk about it. Started up DS3 too but not sure if it’s something I’m going to stick with.
I’m up to Lady Maria on NG+ and I’ve decide this time around I’m gonna try beat her with just Blades of Mercy, no parry and no health vials.I’ve been playing Bloodborne and been itching to talk about it.
Maria without parries... why make it dificult on yourself? Ludwig has a summonable Valtr avatar to help you beat him. He is not that aggressive and most of his attacks are linear and have no homing properties.I’m up to Lady Maria on NG+ and I’ve decide this time around I’m gonna try beat her with just Blades of Mercy, no parry and no health vials.
Was getting ready to give up at Ludwig because that fight vexes me and is a major ball ache but since getting to Maria I’m getting excited to play the game again and god I love her OST.
I might try do the same for Orphan too actually.
Index Gundyr is so easy that an unarmed deprived can beat him with Black Firebomb burial gift. Ranged projectiles make short work of the shadow monsters. Tell me how well you fare against the Samurai Master to the left of the entrance to Firelink Shrine or Vordt of the Boreal Valley instead.DS3 log: I beat Iudex Gundyr after a few tries. He’s tough but he’s no Margit. Glad to see my Elden Ring playthrough is paying off here. So I explored some of the Wall of Lothric and that bone item that takes you back to the last bonfire saved my ass against that enemy that morphs like Gundyr. Fighting that with no Estus flasks left is a fool’s errand for a player like me.
If you speak of the golden shade, then there is much for you to do still in the capital (a root can take you to a higher level and further your journey). Otherwise, make contact with the thorns that protect the entrance to the Erdtree by the Elden Throne site of grace. I sincerely hope you are not thinking of Godrick The Grafted in Storveil Castle instead (in which case, the door going NorthWest into Liurnia would be easiest).I’m completely lost again lol.
I beat Godfrey and then went back to the round table and “that” happened. Now I have no idea where to go
You're speaking to someone whose favorite fight in ER is Malenia and fights her without summons, parry, bleed/frost or bloodhound step. I don't really know if I'm going to play DLC again after this so I wanna do it this way while I have the chance.Maria without parries... why make it dificult on yourself?
Yeah, I don't run a crossbow, otherwise I'll go into heavy load and look like a turtle rollingI originally beat Elemer with the Pulley Crossbow, so, no you do not need faith or intelligence for ranged options. However, it is worth noting that Elemer is easier at close range than at long range.
Ended doing no parry but needing blood vials xD nbd really cos I never parried first time around either. Blades of Mercy are fun weapons but I had to switch back to the pimp cane for Orphan’s second phase. I’m pretty satisfied with that. Just gonna do Queen Yharnam and get the other two endings before I move on.I’m up to Lady Maria on NG+ and I’ve decide this time around I’m gonna try beat her with just Blades of Mercy, no parry and no health vials.
Was getting ready to give up at Ludwig because that fight vexes me and is a major ball ache but since getting to Maria I’m getting excited to play the game again and god I love her OST.
I might try do the same for Orphan too actually.
Unfortunately they are just patch notes. I know, my heart skipped a beat too.I just turned on xbox and saw this, wtf?![]()
I just beat Vordt of the Boreal Valley. He’s manageable. To me the real challenge so far is not so much the enemies but the low amount of health/stamina and the small number of Estus flasks. Haven’t met any samurai though.Index Gundyr is so easy that an unarmed deprived can beat him with Black Firebomb burial gift. Ranged projectiles make short work of the shadow monsters. Tell me how well you fare against the Samurai Master to the left of the entrance to Firelink Shrine or Vordt of the Boreal Valley instead.