Have you guys checked out
The Cardboard Swords yet? I was having a hard time this week trying to come up with a top ten albums for this year, but then I went to check out the Count Your Lucky Stars bandcamp and found a new album to add to the list.
Some other albums this year I have been stoked about are:
Hop Along - Painted Shut
mewithoutYou - Pale Horses
oso oso - Real Stories of True People Who Kind Of Looked Like Monsters
Spraynard - Mable
The World is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die - Harmlessness
Turnover - Peripheral Vision
So overall it hasn't been a bad year, but last year was just amazing! I mean we had good or great records from The Hotelier, Pianos Become the Teeth, La Dispute, Prawn, Empire! Empire!, Braid, Tigers Jaw, The Jazz June, Kittyhawk, Tiny Moving Parts and Gates!
Is there anything coming up in the next month? What else did you like from this year?
I wasn't that impressed with Annabel or Foxing upon the first few listens. Maybe I should give them another chance.