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Epic Store Free Games


Can’t Git Gud
I don’t like that new publishers can just fuck with our old purchases, and I hate how Epic has forced their online bullshit into my Steam games.
All because Timmy wants to force cross play with a real online community, because if these games were segregated to Epic, they’d die quickly.

I’d love to buy Warhammer Inquisitor, but years later the publisher made it always online - and added a launcher to it. This is yet another reason why Steam’s user reviews matter more than anything else. I wouldn’t never known about this shit otherwise.
Exactly. this is bullshit.
When I've bought the game it wasn't even epics property. Now it is apparently?!
Saints row, Remedy... are not epic/tencent and it shows. Feels like we are loosing good teams to the dark side lol


Worms Revolution Gold on gog.

If you have Amazon Prime then a Dishonored 2 key for gog is also claimable, along with some SNK games (Metal Slug, KOF)



I don’t like that new publishers can just fuck with our old purchases, and I hate how Epic has forced their online bullshit into my Steam games.
All because Timmy wants to force cross play with a real online community, because if these games were segregated to Epic, they’d die quickly.

I’d love to buy Warhammer Inquisitor, but years later the publisher made it always online - and added a launcher to it. This is yet another reason why Steam’s user reviews matter more than anything else. I wouldn’t never known about this shit otherwise.

Fob off with that shit.

When I wanted to play games that I'd bought and I wasn't allowed to, guess who's software prevented me. Yes, Valve's. Fuck them too.


Can’t Git Gud
Hellpoint had some interesting ideas which one of them had been successful to my eyes.
Dark Souls 3? I don't even remember if it had something new to the table.
It doesn’t need anything new. It’s just good. Especially the ringed city dlc.


It doesn’t need anything new. It’s just good. Especially the ringed city dlc.
If I had to choose between the old fashion Souls gameplay and the main ability to turn into a rock or change bodies guess which I would choose.
Also, axe katana


To be completely transparent: Dark Souls 3 is a good game, I just prefect something different. The 1st Dark Souls will be always my favorite, yes, even than Elden Ring.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
The one thing that triggers me is pcmr accusers who try to tell me that I don't know how to use a pc. just shut up.

There is nothing difficult about using a pc. There is plenty of frustrating and needlessly annoying though. that is a difference
Keeps talking gibberish from his old XP experience,not having the slightest clue on what pc is today.

Which annoyances did you run into? I'm sure you could have improved your user errors if you sat down for five minutes and figure how to use windows properly.
I am not from xp era. I am from windows 95 era lol.
Which makes it even worse. The experience has improved vastly since Windows 95. You can't consider that pc gaming by todays standard.

(I'm sure you misunderstood my comment, but I just couldn't resist.)

But sorry, I can't take any person who says theyve been a pc gamer and put up nonsense some console peasant figured out as cons and toss the misinformation everywhere they can.

However, I do suspect a little that you stopped being a PC gamer post xp since you in 2022 cries about PC digital future.

Your tears are 19 years too late, from where steam was born as a store and physical boxes had a CD key and no disc in them.

I say there's a lot not adding up in your saying.


Can’t Git Gud
Keeps talking gibberish from his old XP experience,not having the slightest clue on what pc is today.

Which annoyances did you run into? I'm sure you could have improved your user errors if you sat down for five minutes and figure how to use windows properly.

Which makes it even worse. The experience has improved vastly since Windows 95. You can't consider that pc gaming by todays standard.

(I'm sure you misunderstood my comment, but I just couldn't resist.)

But sorry, I can't take any person who says theyve been a pc gamer and put up nonsense some console peasant figured out as cons and toss the misinformation everywhere they can.

However, I do suspect a little that you stopped being a PC gamer post xp since you in 2022 cries about PC digital future.

Your tears are 19 years too late, from where steam was born as a store and physical boxes had a CD key and no disc in them.

I say there's a lot not adding up in your saying.
You realize I use windows 11 right ? :D
There is nothing a user can do right or wrong on these modern systems. my 8yo nephew know how to use a computer. Am I supposed to tell him that "THE MIKE" from neogaf told using a pc requires some skill ?
You are not a real experienced pc user if you are really trying to tell me that it's a spotless experience.
No matter how many years I am using a pc, there is always something annoying. always. Not difficult. Not made annoying because lack of knowledge or my mistake. This is a fallacy. If something can be made worse because of "user error", then it is a fault of that platform.
If someone doesn't know to enable gsync and 144hz in nvcp nd palys his new monitor at 60hz... not his fault.
If someone doesn't know that the experience is better if you cap few fps below max hz with vrr... not his fault. It's badly designed.
If someone launches saints row 4 which he bought 10 years ago and it installs epic, crashes and his saves don't work.. not his fault.
if someone launches Callisto Protocl or elden ting day1 and it stutters... sure, it's because of his lack of knowledge.
if You buy a new monitor and resident evil refuses to launch because it autodecects hdr handshake with that monitor which didn't work on windows at the time... sure a lot of a hell I could do about that - nothing.
Sure, everyone knows hat resident evil 2 with RT patch is broken and will have a memory leak if you change options too many times. of course, it's my fault.
Or new witcher 3 patch - also has a memory leak if you fiddle around too much (which you are supposed to to on pc.... fiddle around with options)

You get my point. There is always something. small or big but it's rarely user error. It's not my fucking fault that I expect stuff to be a bit better after 25 years with this platform and spending thousands.
I know everything there is to know and I just don't feel the need to be assed around by other users or games that
If you seriously think using a pc in 2022 requires considerable amount of knowledge, I don't know what to tell you. You just need to know where pcgamingwiki is if you need any help.

Digital future on pc is a bit different than it is on consoles. On pc you have access to files, backups, cracks and so on (for he most part), You have access to key sites and it's not all dictated by 1 store like psn.
Sure, Steam is a main storefront but it's not monopoly in that sense.

edit: It's about me feeling like a fucking fool "haha we got him!!!" time and time again when I have to fix the smallest thing or .ini file or fun into problems.
It's not about being unable to do it. It's easy and mindless.
Imagine if you get a new car from dealership and few lug bolts are loose... but you know how to screw them back in tightly?! DONT YOU KNOW YOU FUCKING IDIOT ?!
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Mortal Shell would be known from hints on "wrapper" by now, even without leaker.

The wild speculation is for tomorrow's final game. Last year the final giveaway was Tomb Raider trilogy, so we don't know if they will try to top that, but it might be a "franchise" giveaway rather than a single game.

What reddit knows right now is what it will not be, so guesses like Kingdom Hearts, Sonic, or Mass Effect seem to be out.



Stop complaining about free games, it isn't a paid service like PSPlus or XBL Gold. It is legit free.

For what it's worth, though, if you have Amazon Prime, they're giving away Dishonored 2 keys for GoG.
Seriously, the state of some people.

Free is free.

Notice the "Free so cant complain, but ... wow" on my post

I'm just surprised that they've decided to finish with a 10 year old game

Thought that they would save something Death Strandin tier for last

But I'm not complaining


Gold Member
Teleportation in Dishonored and the DLC is a lot of fun. I had a similar feeling when teleporting in Death Loop. I really liked the first Dishonored. Lots of ways to go about the objective. It’s what I wanted from Death Loop, but without the looping.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Does anyone else have the Epic Store switch from Dark mode to blinding white everytime they click on something? I add Kerbel to the Cart then click the back button, click on shadow tactics and it just switches to blinding white mode. click on cart, back to dark mode, click purchase and back to blinding white.
The Epic store is a garbage program. Just garbage.


Does anyone else have the Epic Store switch from Dark mode to blinding white everytime they click on something? I add Kerbel to the Cart then click the back button, click on shadow tactics and it just switches to blinding white mode. click on cart, back to dark mode, click purchase and back to blinding white.
The Epic store is a garbage program. Just garbage.

Yeah, the background changes according to the game theme, if you like. So Aiko's Choice game logo has a white background so the whole store goes white.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
These 3 games this week look interesting.
Is Gamedec similar to The Ascent? a isometric cyberpunk game? I need to check this out eventually.
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