Here's a couple:
Q: I have looked around a few places but havent seen, how V.I.P. will work online. Will there be a downloads page where we can download someone else's V.I.P.? Where will we find these and how will we put ours online? Will we have to play a certain player online to be able to download his/her V.I.P.?
A: I answered this above, but here is a recap. You will be able to download other users V.I.P.s by going to the Leader boards and selecting the users player card that you want to download.
Q: Does the VI.P. record stats for both online and offline games? If so, would it then be possible for someone to play a bunch of games against the CPU using different strategies than they normally would, so as to fool their opponents who check out their V.I.P.? I hope not...
A: The initial Online V.I.P. is based off of your offline V.I.P. But once you start playing online games it becomes a pure online V.I.P. Here is an example: I get the game, play 20 games off line to figure out the Raiders new playbook. Now I think I am ready for some online play. I go online and create an account. The game will take my current V.I.P. and create a starting point to build on. From then on there will be two versions of my V.I.P. An Offline and an online, with the online being recorded and uploaded after every online game.
Q: For those of us who do not play online, please explain to us (in full detail if possible) how the V.I.P. will affect us in franchise mode. Thank you.
A: The V.I.P. wont really have an effect on you in franchise. It will actually be something that is in the background that is recording all of your on field actions.
Q: With the Coaches VIP 's in the game, would it be possible to take the classic 1999 jaguars, put Tom Coughlin VIP with it....and play them against present jaguars with Jack Del Rio VIP
A: While you can switch teams with coaches you cannot play a V.I.P vs. another V.I.P. with no human control. But, if you wanted to you could take Tom and put him on the 99 Jags and then play against him yourself.
Q: Will there be a way to take a PS2 VI.P. profile and download it on the Xbox and vice versa?
A: This is not possible.
chip douglas
Q: Will the use of a video memory card be able to be used like it was on 2k, on dreamcast, I think that was so cool, although I know you can hide your playcalling on the regular game by holding (A), It just added to the spectator mode of the game and the fact that your opponent cant see what set of plays you even choose. Will this be able to be used this year on the game system.
A: I am not sure I understand the question. Are you asking if you can use a Sega Dreamcast VMU with the current version of the game on PS2 or X-Box? If so, the answer is no. These are 3 totally different pieces of hardware and neither the PS2 or the X-Box support the VMU.
Q: While making a V.I.P. profile, will it make separate tendencies for saperate parts of the game??? for example:
i've run 70% running plays, and 30% passing plays. in the last 2 minutes of the game, I'm losing 24-14, and I start throwing bombs. will the VIP system record your tendencies for the last minutes of the half/game??? I dont want my profile running up the middle (like i usually do) while its down 7 points with 20 secs to go. Thank you.
A: Yes it will. I am glad someone asked this question. This is where you really need to work on your profile. Often Ive watched my own AI profile get beat in a close game when playing one of our animators. The problem was that my Profile did not know how to react to certain situations. Humans play a different game than the AI. One thing that the animator did was call a lot of Queens formations. This forced my V.I.P. to react how it had been taught and would package match with a Nickel and Dime package. The V.I.P. would then assume that he was going to throw deep and the animator would dink and dunk or run a draw. Needless to say I had to go back into the game and train my AI for the different situations that I had never encountered.
Q: Will the V.I.P. carry over from season to season throughout the course of my franchise or is it just on a year-to-year basis?
A: Since the V.I.P. does not effect your franchise, it will carry over from year to year, recording all of your on field actions as you play games.
Here's a couple:
Q: I have looked around a few places but havent seen, how V.I.P. will work online. Will there be a downloads page where we can download someone else's V.I.P.? Where will we find these and how will we put ours online? Will we have to play a certain player online to be able to download his/her V.I.P.?
A: I answered this above, but here is a recap. You will be able to download other users V.I.P.s by going to the Leader boards and selecting the users player card that you want to download.
Q: Does the VI.P. record stats for both online and offline games? If so, would it then be possible for someone to play a bunch of games against the CPU using different strategies than they normally would, so as to fool their opponents who check out their V.I.P.? I hope not...
A: The initial Online V.I.P. is based off of your offline V.I.P. But once you start playing online games it becomes a pure online V.I.P. Here is an example: I get the game, play 20 games off line to figure out the Raiders new playbook. Now I think I am ready for some online play. I go online and create an account. The game will take my current V.I.P. and create a starting point to build on. From then on there will be two versions of my V.I.P. An Offline and an online, with the online being recorded and uploaded after every online game.
Q: For those of us who do not play online, please explain to us (in full detail if possible) how the V.I.P. will affect us in franchise mode. Thank you.
A: The V.I.P. wont really have an effect on you in franchise. It will actually be something that is in the background that is recording all of your on field actions.
Q: With the Coaches VIP 's in the game, would it be possible to take the classic 1999 jaguars, put Tom Coughlin VIP with it....and play them against present jaguars with Jack Del Rio VIP
A: While you can switch teams with coaches you cannot play a V.I.P vs. another V.I.P. with no human control. But, if you wanted to you could take Tom and put him on the 99 Jags and then play against him yourself.
Q: Will there be a way to take a PS2 VI.P. profile and download it on the Xbox and vice versa?
A: This is not possible.
chip douglas
Q: Will the use of a video memory card be able to be used like it was on 2k, on dreamcast, I think that was so cool, although I know you can hide your playcalling on the regular game by holding (A), It just added to the spectator mode of the game and the fact that your opponent cant see what set of plays you even choose. Will this be able to be used this year on the game system.
A: I am not sure I understand the question. Are you asking if you can use a Sega Dreamcast VMU with the current version of the game on PS2 or X-Box? If so, the answer is no. These are 3 totally different pieces of hardware and neither the PS2 or the X-Box support the VMU.
Q: While making a V.I.P. profile, will it make separate tendencies for saperate parts of the game??? for example:
i've run 70% running plays, and 30% passing plays. in the last 2 minutes of the game, I'm losing 24-14, and I start throwing bombs. will the VIP system record your tendencies for the last minutes of the half/game??? I dont want my profile running up the middle (like i usually do) while its down 7 points with 20 secs to go. Thank you.
A: Yes it will. I am glad someone asked this question. This is where you really need to work on your profile. Often Ive watched my own AI profile get beat in a close game when playing one of our animators. The problem was that my Profile did not know how to react to certain situations. Humans play a different game than the AI. One thing that the animator did was call a lot of Queens formations. This forced my V.I.P. to react how it had been taught and would package match with a Nickel and Dime package. The V.I.P. would then assume that he was going to throw deep and the animator would dink and dunk or run a draw. Needless to say I had to go back into the game and train my AI for the different situations that I had never encountered.
Q: Will the V.I.P. carry over from season to season throughout the course of my franchise or is it just on a year-to-year basis?
A: Since the V.I.P. does not effect your franchise, it will carry over from year to year, recording all of your on field actions as you play games.